Do-it-yourself soundproofing wheel arches

Do-it-yourself soundproofing wheel arches
Do-it-yourself soundproofing wheel arches

The constant rumble and noise of a car's suspension can turn any trip into a real test.

wheel arch soundproofing
wheel arch soundproofing

All these noises contribute to driver fatigue, increasing the risk of falling asleep at the wheel and losing alertness on the road. In this regard, many motorists produce additional soundproofing of the body, since the effect of the regular one is sometimes completely absent. And today we will look at how the wheel arches are soundproofed with our own hands.

Why arches?

wheel arch soundproofing
wheel arch soundproofing

Wheel arches are exactly the treacherous place in the car where the most noise occurs. Judge for yourself, because while driving, the noise of the wheels inside is constantly heard, and sometimes even various creaking and tapping of the suspension elements. In practice, it turns out that the soundproofing of the wheel arches together with the trunk reduces the noise level by about thirtyforty percent.

Preparing tools

In the course of soundproofing the car, we will need to have the following set of tools:

  1. Construction hair dryer. Its presence is mandatory, since the power from a regular home will not be enough. The best option is to rent it in the store for one day, as its cost is too high for such work.
  2. Press roller. We will need this element for rolling soundproofing material. It makes no sense to rent it - it's better to buy it right away, especially since it costs no more than 300 rubles.
  3. Scissors for cutting material.
  4. Solvent. It can be either gasoline or ethyl alcohol. Alternatively, you can use white spirit. It will be a more effective degreaser.

How is wheel arch soundproofing from the inside?

The first stage of work is the processing of arches from the inside of the machine. The whole essence of the work is as follows. First, the surface is cleaned of dirt, degreased (with a piece of cloth previously soaked in alcohol or gasoline), then the entire surface is treated with sound-absorbing material.

soundproofing front wheel arches
soundproofing front wheel arches

Bimast is best. After that, the next layer of material is glued - "Accent". Thanks to this, the noise of the arches can be significantly reduced and the sounds coming from the outside to the inside of the cabin can be delayed.

How is the outer wheel arch soundproofed?

You can use another method. Soundproofing archesin this way is very effective, so it is gaining more and more popularity. How does it all happen? First, the fender liner is removed from the car, after which all the metal is cleaned of the factory anti-corrosion coating. Removing it is not so easy, so here you can use coarse sandpaper. Further, as in the previous case, we treat the surface with gasoline or alcohol and paste over the surface with soundproofing. How further is the soundproofing of the wheel arches from the outside? We use only the highest quality materials for our work. It is best to paste over the arches with a vibration damper. This is Bimast Bomb material.

sound insulation of wheel arches outside materials
sound insulation of wheel arches outside materials

By the way, in this case, not only the arch itself is pasted over, but also the fender liner from the outside. So you will achieve the maximum result from the work performed. Optionally, you can additionally treat the surface with a special foil splenitis. In stores, it is sold under the name "IzolonTape". The thickness of this material should be about eight millimeters. This is the maximum thickness of IzolonTape.


When it comes to external soundproofing of arches, the issue of corrosion is an acute issue here. Since the wheel arches are constantly exposed to external factors (in summer, mud and water come out from under the tread, and in winter - snow), the metal is preliminarily treated with thick mastic before applying the vibration damper.

Liquid soundproofing

There is another way to reduce the noise of the arches. He's certainly not that the previous two, but still consider it. Such soundproofing consists in applying special noise-absorbing liquid products and compounds (like cannon fat and mastic). The main advantage of this method is that this composition perfectly absorbs some of the noise and dampens all external vibrations.

do-it-yourself wheel arch soundproofing
do-it-yourself wheel arch soundproofing

Maximum soundproofing of arches

You can not stop there and insulate the arches even more. The essence of this method is as follows. If lockers (plastic fenders) are not provided in the design of your car, you need to purchase them. Outside, the metal is cleaned of dirt, degreased and a layer of factory anticorrosive is removed. Next, the Noise Liquidator composition is applied to a clean surface. Aside from the noise, it's excellent at resisting corrosion, so you don't need to apply mastic over it.

do-it-yourself wheel arch soundproofing
do-it-yourself wheel arch soundproofing

Fenders bought in the store should be carefully glued with a powerful vibration damper. It is desirable that this material covers the surface of the lockers by 100%. True, only the inner part of the fender liner needs to be treated with a vibration damper, that is, the one that will be in contact with the arches, and not the one that goes “face” onto the wheels. For even greater effect, we treat the surface of the vibration damper with Splen. Then you can safely install the fender liner in place. Since the lockers are now with soundproofing material, standard caps are unlikely to hold them well in the arches (due to the greater mass of plastic). That's whyFor reliability, we use self-tapping screws. Before screwing them into place, you should dip the screws in an anti-corrosion compound so that later rust does not occur at the joints. You can also treat drilled holes with anticorrosive or primer, but this is not necessary. Thus, we have achieved the maximum effect of the work and reduced the noise level of the arches by almost half.


So, we found out how the sound insulation of the front and rear wheel arches is made with our own hands. Here we have described several ways of soundproofing - processing arches from the outside and inside. Which one to choose is up to you, but for greater effectiveness, it is better to use both methods.
