Korean car brands: an overview

Korean car brands: an overview
Korean car brands: an overview

It's no secret to any car enthusiast that Korean industry is one of the world's leading. In the list of the best companies, this state has been ranked fifth for several years, behind China, America, Japan and Germany. Surprisingly, unlike other countries, there are very few car companies in Korea. But even despite this, here you can find hatchbacks, crossovers, and sedans for every taste. The Korean car brands listed below are distributed all over the world:

  • Hyundai;
  • KIA;
  • SsangYoung;
  • Daewoo;
  • Renault-Samsung Motors.

Historical facts of the Korean auto industry

After World War II, South Korea's economy collapsed. Only twenty years later, the government of the state focused not on the production of social products, but on the creation of automobile corporations.

At first, Korean car brands were assembled in the meager garages thatthere were only a couple of pieces, from spare parts of American equipment that had become unusable.

The leader of the automotive industry is Hyundai Motor Company. Initially, this company was the property of the Ford concern. Models of trucks and cars under this American brand were produced here. When it was necessary to make a decision on the minimum use of foreign parts, the Korean government stopped cooperation with Ford.

Some Korean car brands whose badges carry hidden symbols have come a long way. An example would be KIA Motors. For a long time since the formation of the company, it was under someone's financial wing (Mazda, Fiat, Peugeot). Some time after separation from outside corporations, a merger with Hyundai takes place. This allows the creators to equip the car with new technologies. Since 2000 and to this day, KIA has been a leader among safe cars.

Korean car brands
Korean car brands

Due to the strong tension in the financial and economic sphere of South Korea, the large and world-famous Daewoo company is collapsing. It still exists thanks to the fact that a small branch of the General Motors concern has been preserved.

The Korean car brand SsangYoung Motor Company has been producing cars for the army for a long time, but today it specializes in buses and special equipment. The release of passenger versions was made only in the 80s. Due to the crisis, about 70% of the rights to the company now belong to Mahindra.

Korean car brands thoughwere famous all over the world, but suffered a fall due to the difficult economic situation. Only Hyundai was able to not only avoid strong "blows", but also firmly gain a foothold in the automotive market.

Hyundai car brand and logo

The undisputed leader of the auto industry in South Korea is Hyundai. Annual production reaches 2 million models. Until 2011, it ranked 4th in the world, now it is in fifth.

The logo placed on the hood was not invented by chance and carries a deep symbolic meaning. This is not only the first letter of the company name. The sign represents two people holding hands, which is fully consistent with the company's motto of strong friendship and the right partnership.

korean car brands list
korean car brands list

Korean car brands - Kia and Daewoo

KIA got the seventh position in the world and the second place in South Korea. The assortment provided to customers is very interesting, because it includes absolutely all classes of modern cars. The logo was made to be easy to recognize and remember. The oval, in which the word KIA is enclosed, represents the whole world, which symbolizes the distribution of products on the territory of all countries of the Earth.

korean brand car icons
korean brand car icons

Daewoo-Motors is a company that has changed more than one owner. In its country of production, it takes 3rd place. Owned by General Motors. Daewoo cars are produced under such well-known brands as Chevrolet, Opel, Buick and others.

There is no exact meaning of the company logo. She is interpretedin different ways: according to one version, the badge depicts a lotus, according to another, a seashell. The name, which translates literally as "Great Universe", fits well with both the first version and the second.

Daewoo car logo
Daewoo car logo

Korean car brands SsangYong and Renault-Samsung Motors

SsangYong Motor Company is a South Korean company ranked 4th in the country in terms of production. Produces SUVs and crossovers. Vehicles are assembled in countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

The meaning of the icon is translated as "Two dragons", which symbolizes good luck. Representatives of the company talked about the ancient legend about two dragons and the Heavenly Garden, in honor of which the logo appeared.

ssangyong car logo
ssangyong car logo

Renault-Samsung Motors has effectively ceased to exist. It was founded in 1994 as a result of close cooperation between the Samsung Group and Nissan. Due to a severe crisis, the first representative leaves the project. A difficult time for Renault begins. The situation stabilizes after it was included in the list of subsidiaries of the French concern Renault Group in 2000. The Korean brand practically does not go beyond the borders of its homeland and is better known there. However, some models are still produced for the external market, but under the brands Nissan and Renault.
