Reverse traffic on the road

Reverse traffic on the road
Reverse traffic on the road

Few people know that in the rules of the road there is such a thing as a "road with reverse traffic." Not all Russian car owners have experienced such a phenomenon in practice. And all because today reverse traffic is constantly present only on the roads of Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, it does not hurt any driver to become more familiar with this concept and how things work on roads with reverse traffic. For more and more often, local authorities begin to think about what a good thing this is. The main idea here is that when used properly, reversing traffic on the road can significantly reduce the time it usually takes to stand in traffic jams.

reverse movement
reverse movement

Roads with this type of traffic differ from ordinary roads in the presence of special reverse lanes. These are carriageways, the direction of movement along which, in the eventneed can be reversed. In this case, everything depends on the degree of congestion of the road in one direction or another. The reverse traffic is regulated by special traffic lights, which are installed directly above the lane itself.

To distinguish this lane from all others, it should be remembered that most roads with reverse traffic have only one or two reverse lanes located in the center of the carriageway. In addition, such lanes are always marked with a special marking, which is a broken double line. The length of the solid part of this line is three times longer than the interval between strokes.

reverse movement is
reverse movement is

In addition, it is important to know that there are currently no special road signs to indicate that there is a reverse movement on the road. There is a sign that indicates a road of this type, but which lanes this very movement is carried out on can be judged solely by the markings. Reversing traffic lights do not designate lanes and are necessary only to regulate the traffic order. This kind of movement is allowed when the green signal is on above the corresponding lane of the road, and it is prohibited when the red signal is on.

reversing traffic sign
reversing traffic sign

As an example of the use of reverse traffic, consider a fairly standard situation for any large city, when on Friday evening most cars move out of the city, and on Sunday evening mostVehicles move, on the contrary, to the center of the metropolis. In the first case, the lane with reverse traffic will work in the direction "from the city", and in the second - "to the city". In addition, the familiar problem of traffic jams during "rush hours" can be considered an example. In the morning, traffic jams are often directed towards the center, and vice versa in the evening. For such roads, reverse traffic is the real salvation, because it is here that it "takes root" best, increasing the road capacity by several times and reducing the likelihood of many kilometers of traffic jams. A very useful invention!
