Engine 405 ("Gazelle"): specifications

Engine 405 ("Gazelle"): specifications
Engine 405 ("Gazelle"): specifications

The 405 engine belongs to the ZMZ family, which is produced by Zavolzhsky Motor Plant JSC. These engines have become gasoline legends of the domestic auto industry, since they were installed not only on the GAZ car, but also on some Fiat models, and this is already an indicator that they were recognized by well-known global automotive manufacturers.

engine 405
engine 405


After it was decided at the plant to abandon the use of the 402 engine on the Gazelle, the designers were instructed to develop a new generation of gasoline engines that would become more efficient and more powerful. So the ZMZ-405 engine was born. Now Gazelle and Volga are equipped with it.

The 405 engine received an injection injection system, which made it possible to more efficiently consume and distribute fuel throughout the system. The design was different from its predecessor, since it was decided to install a 16-valve cylinder head.

General information

This engine is a modified engineinjector injection system carburetor ZMZ-406. In the modern world, the 405 Euro-3 engine is used. This made it possible to reach a new level of sales, since the engine was allowed to be installed on foreign-made cars. Fiat cars were the first to experience this. The manufacturer was satisfied, which allowed ZMZ OJSC to conclude a new contract for the supply of engines and spare parts for them.

engine 405 gazelle
engine 405 gazelle

There is also an engine 405 ("Gazelle"), which is installed only on trucks and passenger cars. The model has catalog number 405.020. This motor will tune more to the development of traction power than speed performance.


Engine 405 ("Gazelle", "Sable") specifications has the following:

  • Volume - 2, 484 liters.
  • Power - 115-140 hp s.
  • Piston diameter - 95, 5.
  • Piston stroke – 86.
  • Number of valves - 16 (4 for each cylinder).
  • Number of cylinders – 4.
  • Weight - 184 kg.
  • Environmental standards - Euro 0-4.
  • Average fuel consumption - 9.5 l / 100 km (urban - 11 l, highway - 8 l).
ZMZ 405 engine
ZMZ 405 engine

One of the design features of the 405 engine is that it is perfectly adapted for use in any climate and can withstand temperatures from -40 to +40. At the same time, the liquid cooling system copes with all loads, and the motor does not overheat.


As elsewhere, passenger cars are serviced every 12,000 km on the manufacturer's recommendation. The main operations include changing the oil and oil filter. But the 405 engine, in order to increase the service life, should be serviced every 10,000-11,000 km on gasoline. But if gas-balloon equipment is installed, then this will have to be done every 8500-10,000 km.

Engine 405 ("Gazelle") is recommended to be serviced every 8-9 thousand km, since the engine is running in intensive mode. In this case, the oil loses its properties faster and the chemical composition changes.

It is worth noting that every 15,000 km, the valves should be adjusted and shims of the appropriate size should be installed. You should also monitor the condition of the gas distribution mechanism. Untimely replacement of the belt and roller can lead to breakage and deformation (bending) of the valves, which will entail not only expensive repairs, but also the replacement of the cylinder head.

Another item to keep an eye on is the valve cover gasket. It is recommended to replace it every 20,000 km. We think that it is not worth reminding about replacing the air filter after 25 thousand km, since every motorist knows this himself.

injector engine 405
injector engine 405


Repairing a 405 engine is pretty easy. Its design is simple and replacement of spare parts is easy. The problem can be created by the cylinder block and crankshaft, which need to be bored.

Let's write down the main manipulations that should be carried out during the overhaul of the 405thmotor:

  1. Disassembly.
  2. Diagnosis of the state of power units and parts. Determination of necessary operations and spare parts.
  3. Procurement of all necessary parts and spare parts.
  4. Turn and fit the crankshaft to the size of the new liners.
  5. Cylinder block bore-honing.
  6. Replacing parts in the cylinder head, grinding planes and crimping for cracks.
  7. Washing all parts.
  8. Initial assembly and identification of additional parts and materials.
  9. Final assembly.

Often, when installing the crankshaft, it should be balanced, for this a new clutch is bought, since it makes no sense to perform this operation on the old one.

Since the 405 engine is equipped with hydraulic lifters, they should be changed when repairing the cylinder head.


Many motorists wanted to take advantage of the tuning opportunity. Thus, the engine 405 has been modified. Consider what can be done to modernize:

  1. Replacing the cylinder head. Of course, it will be hard to find one, but JP has developed a similar tuning head that can be installed instead of the standard one.
  2. Injector (engine 405). A complete replacement of the injection system will increase a little power, but at the same time fuel consumption will be within 15 l / 100km, and not every owner will like it.
  3. Replacing the exhaust manifold and exhaust system. Of course, it is possible to replace the entire system, but it is worth making an accurate calculation for this improvement.
  4. Piston boring. A long process and not always effective. Increasing the piston size from 95.5 to 98mm will add 20%.
  5. engine 405 euro 3
    engine 405 euro 3

All these improvements reduce engine life by 30%, which, accordingly, will lead to a quick overhaul. Professional racers advise to carry out such operations in a tuning studio, where specialists will make all the calculations and improve the performance of the motor without damage to the condition and loss of resource.
