GM 5W30 Dexos2 oil: reviews, specifications. How to distinguish fake GM 5W30 Dexos2 oil?

GM 5W30 Dexos2 oil: reviews, specifications. How to distinguish fake GM 5W30 Dexos2 oil?
GM 5W30 Dexos2 oil: reviews, specifications. How to distinguish fake GM 5W30 Dexos2 oil?

Every driver knows that it is necessary to choose the right motor fluid. After all, how the car engine will work directly depends on it. Given that there are a large number of options available on the sales market, it sometimes becomes quite difficult to find the right one that suits a particular vehicle.

This article details quality GM 5W30 fluid. Learn the pros and cons of oil, its characteristics.

General information

Any driver should know what motor fluid is needed for. However, few people really understand that you need to prefer the highest quality options. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out the selection as responsibly as possible.

Now you can buy completely different types. Some of them are made both at the factory and at home by "smart" craftsmen. Such artisanal substances have long beenappear on the domestic market. That is why you need to pay attention: in order to acquire high-quality and powerful oil, you must definitely look closely at both the details and the usual characteristics. Because if you come across a counterfeit or any illegal substance, there is a big risk of harming your car.

GM 5W30 engine oil is a synthetic fluid that meets European standards as closely as possible. When it is created, all the necessary technologies are taken into account and successful solutions are applied. The manufacturer practically does not use either phosphorus or sulfur. This allows you to increase the long service life of vehicle components.

Some drivers question the quality of General Motors oil. But others, on the contrary, single out the world name of the manufacturer and note the many advantages of the liquid (more on this below). According to the company, its motor oil fully complies with global quality requirements.

The described substance GM 5W30 can be used in certain brands of cars. We are talking about Cadillac, Chevrolet, SUVs, Buick, sports cars, Opel, Pontiac, Alfeon. Moreover, consumers note that the liquid is suitable for Renault, Fiat, Volkswagen, BMW and so on. Due to this, this oil can be called the most famous. If we consider the types of engines, then the liquid is quite suitable for both diesel and gasoline power units.

Even with Russian roads, GM 5W30 oil can remain in its original state for a long time. That isit can be said that it protects and flushes the engine of any car for a long time.

gm 5w30
gm 5w30

Save money

The manufacturer announces that by purchasing this motor fluid, the driver will be able to save his money. This is due, at a minimum, to the fact that oil, although an expensive material, completely protects engine components. In addition, high-quality GM 5W30 fluid (characteristics are described below) can extend the life of vehicle parts. After all, the better the oil, the longer the period of operation of each component of the engine. The fluid allows you to increase the time between scheduled maintenance. In addition, the driver saves some money on the purchase of special exhaust gas filters.

These figures are indeed real. Consumers confirm significant cost savings after the stable use of the described oil. This nuance is another reason for the popularity of the liquid on the market.

Main Specifications

You can see 5W-30 in the title. This indicates what type of viscosity the fluid belongs to. The substance is considered energy-saving. There are 9.6 mg of alkali in the motor fluid. Due to the special composition, this oil is capable of special results. It shows excellent lubricating characteristics. This guarantees a long and trouble-free working period for all engine components. If we take an average temperature of 20 ° C, then the approximate density of the GM 5W30 liquid (read the reviews below) was853 kg per cubic meter. The viscosity index is 146 units. When the ambient temperature drops to -36 ° C, the oil freezes. This suggests that in such weather it is unlikely that it will be possible to start a car. The viscosity of the liquid when the engine is running at +100 °C is 11.2 mm2 per second. If we talk about +40 °С, then this mark rises and is equal to 66 mm2/sec. Oil can ignite if the temperature rises to +222 ° C. That is why the risk of such a danger is almost minimal, since the engine does not heat up to such a high mark.

oil gm 5w30 dexos2 how to distinguish a fake
oil gm 5w30 dexos2 how to distinguish a fake

Additional Features

The main property of engine oil is its ability to resist the ingress of air, the manufacturer believes. Accordingly, due to the use of a certain latest technology, the described liquid is not capable of foaming and bubbling. Also, it is often used not as a motor, but as a hydraulic one. Oil is able to guarantee a powerful and smooth start of the machine. If we talk about the oxidation of any components, then it should be noted that the liquid prevents this process.

However, like any motor oil, GM 5W30 (the reviews of most motorists are laudatory) has its drawbacks. One of these can be called the implementation of friction (or overheating). Unfortunately, even a high quality oil is not able to protect against such consequences. And they, as you know, most often lead to engine breakdowns. And we are talking about both old motors, soand modern.

When the process of overheating occurs, hydrogen is formed. For some time, be that as it may, it gets into the metal components of the power device. This is devastating for him. Wear can occur from breaking metal parts too quickly. This often results in additional repairs.

Positive consumer feedback

Those who fill in the described oil for the first time notice that the engine is much quieter, the car has become sharper when driving on the road. Almost no one has any claims to work.

Many consumers, before switching to this oil, read about it on forums where experienced drivers discuss quality fluids. Often, buyers do not pay attention to negative reviews in the networks and still purchase the motor substance. And they all notice that the car drives much better, no one changes the oil ahead of time, as there is no need for this.

Some drivers consider the cost of this liquid small. Also, people advise before switching to another oil, namely the one described, be sure to completely flush the engine. Otherwise, after the replacement, any negative consequences may occur, which sometimes lead to a huge waste of money.

In general, all consumers are satisfied with the purchase, except for a very small percentage. It is best to purchase a truly original liquid from an official supplier, in the quality of which you can be 100% sure. If the consumer takes a fake, then nothing good will happen. All car owners recommend GM oilDexos2 5w30. How to distinguish a fake from an authentic liquid will be described below.

gm 5w30 specifications
gm 5w30 specifications

Negative consumer reviews

Some buyers do not notice the difference in engine performance with this oil and other types, the price of which is an order of magnitude lower. It is unlikely that anyone likes to overpay for the same results. However, this can be argued by the peculiarity of the engine.

Some consumers write that the car with this oil does not start at -40 ° C. This is a significant drawback, because if you urgently need to arrive somewhere, you will have to fill in the additive. This action can be very damaging. However, it should be noted that the manufacturer indicated in the characteristics: at temperatures below -35 ° C, the liquid freezes. Therefore, you need to immediately assess the likelihood of force majeure before buying. Otherwise, the money can be called wasted.

Many people notice that when the oil is drained, it becomes dark in color, a precipitate appears. Moreover, buyers who noticed this claim that the article made it clear that the liquid is not a fake. GM 5W30 leads to clogging of pipes in certain drivers.

Conclusions based on all reviews

From consumer reviews, it becomes clear that the oil is quite popular and widespread. Even with the fact that there are negative statements on the Web, the products are in demand, and this already speaks of its quality. The majority of drivers, having tried the oil at least once, no longer use other fluids. Moreover, in some cases it is the maximumcost effective and save money. Not all motor fluids can boast the same characteristics and properties as oil from a global manufacturer.

But there are enough dissatisfied with this liquid. Basically, the negative is directed towards the high cost. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the average price is 2 thousand rubles for five liters in a canister. Since fake GM 5W30 oil is quite popular, consumers often encounter counterfeit products.

gm dexos2 5w30 how to distinguish a fake
gm dexos2 5w30 how to distinguish a fake

What to look for when buying?

In order not to buy a fake, you should pay attention to the canister. You also need to check the lid for tightness of the closure to be sure of the contents. There are also craftsmen who simply replace the oil with other similar liquids. Naturally, there is no need to talk about the quality of the latter.

Often, a fake is detected in no time, if you know what the original packaging looks like. All differences are described below.

Seams and plastics

Many people are interested in buying such motor fluid as GM 5W30 Dexos2 oil. “How to distinguish a fake?” is one of the topical questions. This can be done by paying attention to how the seams are made and what quality the plastic is.

In the original canister, all connecting elements are not visible, there are clear and convex shapes, prints and holograms are applied. The container itself is made of fairly thick plastic.

In the fake version, the material is so soft that it can deform even from a simple press. Andplastic does not return to its original form. If you take the canister to the light, you can see how much liquid is in the container. Holograms are fuzzy or absent. The seams are noticeable, rough. Notches can be found on the bottom.

oil gm 5w30 how to distinguish a fake
oil gm 5w30 how to distinguish a fake

Batch Series

For long-term operation of the car, the main thing is to purchase high-quality and original GM 5W30 Dexos2 oil. How to distinguish a fake by a batch series? For a long time, drivers who themselves are able to detect underground oil know that the “Chinese” are pretty bad with arithmetic. The original serial number consists of seven digits - they include the batch, date of preparation and expiration date. Fake oil may have a serial number of five or even eight numbers. This immediately indicates its poor quality.


We continue to choose only high-quality GM 5W30 oil. How to distinguish a fake by the color of the container? The canister from the original manufacturer is gray, without streaks, there are no transitions in shades. If these features are still present, then you can immediately understand that this is a fake. Also, all canisters from the manufacturer are smooth. In a fake, the surface of the container is rough, which gives a certain color effect.

gm dexos2 5w30 fake
gm dexos2 5w30 fake


There is a hologram in the right corner on the left side of the original container. If it is located elsewhere or is completely absent, it means that GM Dexos2 5W30 oil is a fake. If suddenly the seller decides to convince the buyer, they say, this is a factorywrong, don't believe it. The hologram is affixed by a conveyor, which is not able to constantly apply it to different places of the canister.

Extra details

There should be nothing on the back of the container. She is smooth and clean. The manufacturer does not write or print anything on it. On fakes, it is often in this place that an incomprehensible line is pierced in yellow or orange. Unfortunately, even professionals cannot determine what it means.

fake oil gm 5w30
fake oil gm 5w30

Inscription PLYSU

If at the bottom of the canister at the top left, the consumer notices the inscription PLYSU instead of the hologram hourglass, then you can immediately choose another store to make a purchase. She clearly says that the oil is a fake. The inscription itself was printed in thick type.
