Gear oil "Mobil ATF 220": description, characteristics

Gear oil "Mobil ATF 220": description, characteristics
Gear oil "Mobil ATF 220": description, characteristics

Transmission oil "Mobil ATF 220" combines high quality and versatility. There is no need to worry about the reliability and stability of operation, since the product is produced by the world-famous oil refinery ExxonMobil. The company guarantees the quality and stability of the performance of the lubricating transmission material.

Product Overview

"Mobil ATP 220" is an oily consistency made on a mineral base, in which the maximum degree of filtration of the source material was applied. The oil includes a large package of anti-wear additives. Also in the functional asset of the lubricating fluid there are anti-foaming components, detergents, antioxidants, anti-friction and some other additives that are necessary for the smooth operation of the protected components.

transmission fluid
transmission fluid

Gear grease removedload from structural elements by lubrication, protecting them from friction and subsequent wear. "Mobile ATF 220" is designed to ensure the smoothest and most even operation of the hydraulic booster and automatic transmission of the vehicle. The stable effect of these mechanisms directly depends on the correct choice of high-quality liquid.

The lubrication product is resistant to oxidation and aging processes. During operation, the liquid does not foam, maintaining even viscosity parameters necessary for the operation of the unit. Withstands sudden temperature fluctuations in the environment. Lubricant treats sealing materials carefully, preventing them from "coarse", and thereby cause fluid to leak out.

Benefits and Applications

"Mobil ATF 220" was developed for use in automatic transmission components. It is very often used in hydraulic power steering (GUR), as well as in some manual gearboxes of cars and trucks. Since the product is resistant to hydraulics, it is used in hydraulic systems for agricultural purposes, as well as in other devices requiring similar fluids.

Automatic transmission
Automatic transmission

In the automotive industry, the product is recommended for use by many eminent automakers in the world. These include Mercedes-Benz, General Motors, Ford, Volvo, a well-known truck manufacturer andbuses "MAN".

Transmission lubricant "Mobil ATF 220" withstands huge loads and ensures uninterrupted operation of any unit even in the most extreme conditions.

Product highlights and benefits:

  • maximum slip between moving and rotating parts;
  • absorption of operating noise;
  • shifting in an automatic car has a smooth transition;
  • resists negative sludge formation;
  • overheat protection;
  • low volatility.
  • branded packaging
    branded packaging

Technical info

Standard characteristics of "Mobil ATF 220" are as follows:

  • Viscosity at mechanical circulation with an operating temperature of 40 °C - 37 cSt;
  • same indicator, but at 100 °С - 7 cSt;
  • viscosity index – 153;
  • liquid ignition temperature threshold - 200 °С;
  • minus pour point - 44 °С;
  • density acquired at 15°C is 0.870 kg/l.

Transmission protection has a characteristic reddish tint.
