What is the capacity of the excavator per hour and per shift? Calculation of the operating performance of the excavator

What is the capacity of the excavator per hour and per shift? Calculation of the operating performance of the excavator
What is the capacity of the excavator per hour and per shift? Calculation of the operating performance of the excavator

Special equipment can be of various types, but among them excavators stand out the most, as they are used most often. You can find them in specialized stores in a huge variety, but you can also order them for rent for a day or several days, so that they complete their task and go to the place. This will save you money by not buying a whole machine for a one-time use. However, before renting an excavator, you will need to think about how exactly you will use it, in what conditions, and also what goals you set for it. And with this in mind, you should study the performance of the excavator, since this is its most important parameter, which will allow you to understand how long you need to take it, and also whether you should think about a more powerful model. What is productivity? And what kinds of this parameter exist?

Excavator work

excavator performance
excavator performance

So, in order to have a conversation about what the performance of an excavator is, you need to have an idea of what exactly it can do onconstruction or work site. As you understand, its main function is the development of soil, that is, digging up the earth and storing it next to the resulting pit. But this is far from the only task - for example, an excavator can also load both soil and other materials into the back of a dump truck. Thus, he can perform a variety of tasks on the site, but it should be understood that they all use the same tools, and also imply approximately the same actions. Accordingly, the performance of this type of special equipment can be calculated without any problems. To do this, you just need to understand which variables are key, after which the simplest equations are compiled that allow you to instantly calculate the performance of the excavator.

Main variables

operating performance of the excavator
operating performance of the excavator

So, what do you need to consider in order to accurately calculate the performance of an excavator? Naturally, you must understand that there are several types of performance that will have their own formula, in which other variables may participate, so there is no universal set. But almost everywhere you can find an indicator of capacity or bucket volume, which is the most important when performing the calculation. Well, the rest of the variables can be the number of cycles of repetitive actions per unit of time, various coefficients, if they are taken into account, for example, the soil loosening coefficient, and even the time spent on unloading, turningbucket and so on. In general, you will need to take into account a lot of parameters so that any, even the operating performance of an excavator, which is the most sought-after type of data, can be calculated as accurately as possible.

Theoretical performance

excavator performance calculation
excavator performance calculation

It's no secret that the operational performance of an excavator is the most important type, as it is as close as possible to real calculations. But we will talk about it later, since it can be attributed to practical types. And for starters, it’s better to pay attention to theory, namely to theoretical performance, which is also called constructive. With its help, you can calculate the amount of work that the excavator can do in an hour without interruption. To do this, the total capacity of the bucket is multiplied by the number of cycles performed by the machine, as well as by 60 to find out the result. It will be expressed in cubic meters per hour. This is exactly how the performance of an excavator is calculated on paper, but everyone knows very well that ideal conditions do not exist, so there are other formulas for a more practical approach

Technical productivity

excavator output per hour
excavator output per hour

The calculation of the performance of an excavator, which is called technical, is different in that here the conditions in which the special equipment works are taken into account. This means that the volume of the bucket, the coefficient of its filling, as well as the number of cycles are multiplied with each other, taking into account the conditionsactivity in a particular location, divided by the coefficient of soil loosening. Naturally, all this is also multiplied by sixty to get the result in cubic meters per hour, which is a standard measure of the performance of specific excavators. But this does not take into account a very important parameter - these are the inevitable downtime that occur in the process of work. There are no conditions in which the excavator could work without the slightest interruption and hitch. That is why you need to calculate the operating performance of the excavator per hour, as it is the closest to reality.

Operational performance

excavator performance per shift
excavator performance per shift

Most often, the operating performance of an excavator per shift is calculated, since within an hour it can be quite difficult to take into account all possible downtime and hitches. But, of course, for this, you first need to make calculations for one hour, in order to then calculate the average indicator for the shift. And in this case, you will have to work hard, since the formula for this type of performance is the most complex. But it seems so only at first glance, because in fact this formula completely repeats the previous one, only supplementing it with one more variable - the utilization rate of the machine for a specific time, it is he who determines all the downtime and hitches. As a result, as in the previous cases, the productivity of the excavator m3 per hour is obtained, which is then very convenient to use for transferring to shifts - naturally, independing on their duration.

Normative productivity

excavator capacity m3 per hour
excavator capacity m3 per hour

This type of performance almost completely corresponds to operational performance, but is only presented in the form of standards, that is, values that certain types of excavators must comply with. That is, this value is the amount of work that a particular machine must perform in a certain period of time, taking into account all operating conditions.

Cycle duration

The value of the duration of the cycle has been mentioned above more than once, but what does it represent? So, a cycle is the sum of four duration indicators that you definitely need to consider. The time for digging, turning for unloading, the unloading process itself, as well as turning back for digging - the sum of these values \u200b\u200band form the duration of one cycle.
