Restoration of keys with a chip for a car

Restoration of keys with a chip for a car
Restoration of keys with a chip for a car

If the chipped car key is lost, the car owner must, without wasting time, contact a company that specializes in restoring car keys and clearing the vehicle's memory. The memory of a lost engine starter must be cleared, as the procedure prevents third parties from stealing the car if they have an old key in their hands.

It may happen that you do not have a single duplicate. This is not drama. For the production of a new set, it is better to contact a private company, because the cost of such a service from a private master and an authorized dealer differs significantly.

How a modern chipped key works

Chip key reliable protection
Chip key reliable protection

New series vehicles have long been equipped with sophisticated opening and locking devices, far removed from simple mechanical tools. In the cars of the latest generations, they are a node stuffed with high-tech electronics and are an indispensable component of the anti-theft system.

The microchip contained in the starter records a unique code. This is what the transponder reads when the ignition is switched on. When the chip or code is knocked down for any reason, the engine cannot be started. The sewn-in information must exactly match the registered data of the immobilizer.

This technology provides protection against direct physical duplication. In case of loss or replacement, a complete recoding must be carried out. Key recovery cannot be done without special equipment and strict adherence to technology.

Production method

A simple method of recovering car keys that does not require the driver to directly intervene in the process technology is also the most expensive. The driver who wishes to duplicate the key must present the vehicle and documents for it. Production according to documents alone is not possible. Chip work without providing a vehicle or an immobilizer unit is not performed. Without physical access to the machine, a specialist repairman will not be able to help.

Steps of work

Chip car key
Chip car key

It's quite simple:

  1. After an employee of the repair shop fills out an application for the restoration of the keys, he leaves for the location of the vehicle.
  2. Next, all documentation is checked.
  3. To access the inside of the lock, the interior is opened.
  4. After the lock is released and access appears inside, the key is cut. This is due to the fact that the selection ofan existing lock is cheaper for the car owner's pocket.
  5. When the physical copy is made, the transponder is made.
  6. In some configurations, the absence of an immobilizer also allows you to make a key that matches the lock.
  7. If all sets are lost, the master has the right to offer the most affordable and simple chip key. It won't have buttons. The engine starts normally, but the doors open only the old fashioned way.

What information is required?

chipped key recovery
chipped key recovery

To make a key, we need information in accordance with the list:

  • Vehicle make and model.
  • country and year of issue.
  • VIN.
  • Additional details may vary by workshop.

After that, the final cost will be announced, which includes the cost of manufacturing chips, as well as options that can be ordered additionally. This is:

  • prevention and repair of the security system;
  • flashing the control unit on the engine;
  • cleaning the system of old data;
  • duplicate spare chip.

The price of the work is determined by three components: the brand of car, the complexity of the work, the type of key. In a number of models, the service of turning an ordinary key is expected in case of emergency opening of doors without the involvement of specialists.
