VAZ-2114, starter relay: device, diagram and principle of operation

VAZ-2114, starter relay: device, diagram and principle of operation
VAZ-2114, starter relay: device, diagram and principle of operation

Car starter is a device designed to start the engine by rotating its crankshaft. Its design is based on a conventional electric DC motor, which is controlled by the driver from inside the car.

The starter does not have a permanent connection to the crankshaft of the power unit. They interact for only a few seconds at startup thanks to a special relay. We will talk about it in this article using the example of the Samara of the fourteenth model. We will try to figure out what the VAZ-2114 starter relay is, where this device is located, how it works. We will also consider its main malfunctions and the procedure for replacing it.

VAZ 2114 starter relay
VAZ 2114 starter relay

Where is the starter relay on the VAZ-2114

Let's start with the location of the device. On the "fourteenth" it is located on top of the body of the starting device. In fact, these two nodes are combined into one, although they are completely different devices. From the front they are closed by a common cover, under which there is a mechanism connecting them.

Some drivers tend to think that on the VAZ-2114 the starter relay is a separate element,which serves to protect the electrical circuit of the starting device. In fact, everything is not so. Indeed, individual car owners, incl. and "fourteenth", install an additional breaker in the starter circuit. But it has nothing to do with the device we are considering.

Starter relay design

VAZ-2114 starter relay consists of:

  • body;
  • anchors;
  • two windings (retracting and holding);
  • return spring;
  • contacts ("pyatakov").
  • Solenoid starter relay VAZ 2114 price
    Solenoid starter relay VAZ 2114 price

Different versions of the VAZ-2114 can be equipped with different starter circuit breakers. Some of them are collapsible, others are not. The former, in case of their malfunction, can be tried to be repaired, and the latter can only be replaced.

Why "retractor"

The trigger relay is often called a retractor. This is due to the principle of its work. As on other cars, on the VAZ-2114, the starter relay performs the function of connecting the starting device to the electrical circuit and connecting its armature to the crankshaft. It happens in the following way. When no current is supplied to the windings of the device, its armature, under the action of a return spring, remains in the advanced position. The same spring, through a special fork, holds the Bendix gear, preventing it from engaging with the crankshaft flywheel ring.

Turning the key in the ignition, we apply current to the winding of the device. Under the influence of an electromagnetic field, the armature is fed back (retractedinto the housing), closing the starter power contacts. The bendix gear also shifts, engaging with the flywheel. At the same moment, the retracting winding is turned off, and the holding winding comes into play. The force from the starter shaft is transmitted through the gear to the flywheel, causing the crankshaft to rotate until we no longer hold the key in the ignition in the start position.

Where is the starter relay on the VAZ 2114
Where is the starter relay on the VAZ 2114

Signs of a faulty retractor relay

To understand that the starter relay on the VAZ-2114 is out of order, you can use the following signs:

  • when you turn the key in the ignition, you don't hear a characteristic click;
  • there is a click, but the starter does not turn;
  • when the key is returned to the neutral position, the starter does not turn off.

Why does the starter relay fail

The retractor may fail due to:

  • violation of wiring integrity;
  • breakage (burnout) of the windings;
  • burning (oxidation) of contacts;
  • weakening the return spring.

Check the solenoid relay yourself

Before judging a malfunction of the starter relay, it must be checked. It is recommended to start with wiring. To check, we need a multimeter, turned on in voltmeter mode, and an assistant. We connect the positive probe of the device to the positive terminal of the opening device, the negative one - to ground. Next, we ask the assistant to turn on the ignition and start the starter. We take the readings of the voltmeter. If the device shows a voltage of 12 Vand more - everything is in order with the battery and wiring. If it is lower, the battery may be low.

Starter relay VAZ 2114 where is it
Starter relay VAZ 2114 where is it

Now let's check the status of the contact "pyataks". Disconnect the wire coming from the ignition switch from the relay. Using a large screwdriver, we close the output of the device connected to the battery and the terminal connecting it to the starter. Thus, we supply voltage directly to the starter. The starting device worked - the problem is definitely in the relay. It remains to decide whether to repair it or change it.

Repair or replacement

As already mentioned, the relays on the "fourteenth" can be non-separable and collapsible. In the first case, there is nothing to guess - you need to buy a new device. If it is collapsible, you can try to repair it. However, self-repair can be justified only in the event of burning or oxidation of the contact "pyataks". It is not advisable to rewind the windings or change the internal parts of the device yourself.

VAZ-2114 starter solenoid relay: price

How much does it cost to buy a new relay? Believe me, it's cheaper than repairing it. The cost of a standard domestic device is about 700 rubles. You can also buy an imported VAZ-2114 starter retractor. The price for foreign analogues starts from 800 rubles.

Starter relay VAZ 2114 price
Starter relay VAZ 2114 price

Change yourself or go to a car service?

As for the repair work, then you have to choose. With sufficient experience in handling hand tools and a pairhours of free time it is quite possible to manage yourself. If you are reluctant to mess with this, contact a car service. There, in a maximum of an hour, they will install a new VAZ-2114 starter relay without any problems. The price for such work is about 800 rubles. Expensive? Then roll up your sleeves!

Tools and facilities

Replacing the starter solenoid relay VAZ-2114 involves the use of the following tools:

  • key on 8;
  • key at 10;
  • key at 13;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • flathead screwdriver.
  • Replacing the starter relay VAZ 2114
    Replacing the starter relay VAZ 2114

Change the solenoid relay

Replacing the VAZ-2114 starter relay is done in this order:

  1. First of all, we dismantle the starter. To do this, using a 10 key, unscrew the clip on the negative terminal of the battery and remove it. The starter can be removed in two ways: from the bottom of the car (from the inspection hole) and from the engine compartment. Each method is good in its own way. Let's consider the second one. It does not require the removal of engine protection and the presence of a viewing hole.
  2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, dismantle the air filter housing and air duct.
  3. Using a 13 key, unscrew the nuts on the relay terminals. Disconnect wires from them. Disconnect the red wire (plastic connector) from the relay.
  4. Using the same tool, we unscrew the nuts securing the starter to the gearbox housing. There may be two or three of them, depending on the modification of the car.
  5. Carefully remove the starter from the mounting studs and remove it from the engine compartment.
  6. Disconnect the wire from the relay tostarter.
  7. Using a slotted screwdriver, unscrew the two screws on the front cover of the starter. Instead of screws, two 8-bolts can act as fasteners. In this case, we use the appropriate key to unscrew them.
  8. When the screws (bolts) are unscrewed, remove the relay from the starter cover. At the same time, its anchor with a return spring can remain in the cover in a state of engagement with the starter fork. We move the anchor from side to side, disengage it and remove it.
  9. Install a new device in place of the broken relay. Checking the condition of engagement with the fork.
  10. Connect the starter wire to the relay.
  11. We screw in two screws (bolts) securing the relay to the starter.
  12. Install the starter in reverse order.
  13. Connect the wiring to it and the relay.
  14. Checking the performance of the launcher.
  15. Replacing the solenoid starter relay VAZ 2114
    Replacing the solenoid starter relay VAZ 2114

Some useful tips

In order for the retractor to last as long as possible, heed these tips:

  1. If the battery is low, the starter turns slowly and its speed is not enough to start the engine, stop trying to start the car. So you will not only bring the battery into a state of deep discharge, but also disable the starter relay.
  2. When starting the engine, do not operate the starter for more than 15 seconds. This will lead to an overload in its circuit, due to which the relay contacts may burn, its windings and starter windings will burn out.
  3. Choosing the solenoidfor a replacement, do not buy cheap products. It is better to give preference to parts from well-known manufacturers, and buy them only in specialized stores.
