Sign "Main road": direction and area of effect

Sign "Main road": direction and area of effect
Sign "Main road": direction and area of effect

In today's article we will discuss the sign "Main Road" (2.1), which is associated with many questions for both beginners and motorists with a decent driving experience. As a rule, the most difficult thing for them is to figure out exactly how this sign works in places where the road changes its direction, and also to determine where its zone of action ends. We will consider these and some other topics related to the mentioned sign in more detail.

main road sign
main road sign

Which section of the road is indicated by the sign 2.1

The sign "Main Road" is one of those that indicate priority. It is installed on the road, which has an advantage over the carriageway crossing it. And they do this, as a rule, in places where the intersection is not regulated, or there is an entrance from such a section of the road to the intersection.

In other words, the described sign determines the order of crossing through an unregulatedintersection (by the way, a traffic light and a traffic controller cancel this sign). Under it, a sign (8.13) can additionally be installed, indicating in which direction the main road goes, and this must be taken into account by the driver in order to set the order of crossing the intersection.

What does the main road sign look like

The road you must give way to is indicated by a yellow diamond-shaped sign with a white frame. The sign "Main Road" has such a shape for a reason, it has no analogue, so the sign is easy to detect at any section of the intersection, even from the back. And this will help the driver to correctly determine the order of passage through a difficult section of the road.

For greater safety, experienced drivers advise, when approaching an intersection, slow down and carefully examine its right corner. If there is no sign, look at the left corner, which is closer to the driver, and then at the one further away. This will help you accurately orient yourself and understand whether you should give way.

zone of action of the sign main road
zone of action of the sign main road

How can you determine which road is the main one if the sign is not installed

In each settlement, the “Main Road” sign, the photo of which you can see in this article, is installed in front of intersections. But let's also clarify how you can determine the main road if this sign is not there?

In such cases, both the road surface and the location of adjacent roads will help you out. The status of the main one will be received only by the one where there is a hard coating in relation toto unpaved, or one to which exits from nearby territories adjoin.

By the way, keep in mind that even if there is a pavement on a secondary road, in the area adjacent to the intersection, it still does not become equal in value to the one that crosses it.

sign main road changes direction
sign main road changes direction

The location of the sign

The road sign "Main Road" is placed taking into account the distance to the place where it starts. That is, this sign can be installed immediately before the intersection, which will be subject to this restriction.

Before all intersections, the described priority sign is repeated. This precaution is necessary due to the peculiarities of the operation of the signs “Give way” (2.4), “Intersection …” (2.3.1) or “Adjunction of a secondary road” (2.3.2 - 2.3.7), which are installed before leaving the adjacent side streets. All of the listed signs do not inform that the crossed road is the main one, but only require you to give way to the passage with or without a mandatory stop. In order to complete the information, sign 2.1 is duplicated.

By the way, instead of the once again repeated sign "Main road", one of the varieties of the sign "Adjunction to the main road" is sometimes used. But taking into account the fact that it is not installed right in front of the intersection, but at a distance from it, this is quite difficult to do in urban conditions. Therefore, this combination is used more often not in settlements, but behind them.

road sign main road
road sign main road

Area of action of the sign "Mainroad"

In populated areas, by the way, this sign needs to be duplicated in front of each intersection, also because in fact it does not have any coverage area, except for the installation site, because it suggests priorities only at the intersection where it is located.

If the sign is installed at the beginning of the road (namely, behind the intersection), then its effect is extended for the entire section of the road. And where the road ceases to be the main one, a sign 2.2 is installed, saying this. By the way, remember that this sign does not immediately turn the road into a secondary one, it makes it clear that there is an intersection of equivalent roads in front of you.

How the Main Road Changes Direction sign works

If there is no sign under the sign, it means that the priority road is going straight. In cases of a change in its direction, an additional sign is set.

main road direction sign
main road direction sign

As experienced drivers confirm, it is most difficult to plan your actions at those intersections where the direction changes along the main road. Such a section of roads combines problems of two types: the intersection of equivalent and unequal intersections. And the main mistake of motorists in such cases is that they take into account only those signs that they see, without thinking about other corners of this intersection (we already talked about this above).

Imagine the case when you are at a junction with a redirecting priority road. Both you and the driver, standing, for example, on the right in front of the intersection, see oneand the same "Main Road" sign, which gives an advantage in traffic! And this is discovered, as a rule, only later, after the accident! So what is the right thing to do in such conditions?

Driver's action algorithm in case of changes in the direction of the priority road at the intersection

  • Being at such an intersection, remember to think about all its sides and be sure to take into account the sign 8.13, which will show the direction of the main road.
  • You can mentally place this sign on the center of the intersection, and then the wide line will show the main road, and the two narrow lines will show the secondary ones.
  • Temporarily deleting the minor ones from your consciousness, you must remember the main section. Then both you and the driver on the other half of the main road must act according to the right-hand obstruction rule.
  • Naturally, the one who has no such interference will move first.
  • And only after the cars leave the main section, the traffic on the secondary roads starts moving in the same way.

Note that in this way a difficult intersection can be divided into two halves that are symmetrical and easy to pass.

Sign breaking

Remember also that if the driver violates the requirements of a road sign, namely, if the car is not given preferential traffic at the intersection, such actions are qualified in accordance with Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and are punishable by a fine of 1000 rubles. And in the case of driving where it was prohibited without stopping, the driver is punished under Art.12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation with a warning, or he is fined in the amount of 500 rubles

Get yourself a table of traffic police fines, which will give you the opportunity to navigate the degree of punishment for any violations of the rules.

sign main road photo
sign main road photo

Advice to those who enter the intersection on the road considered the main one

And finally, I would like to impress those who drove to the intersection, passing the sign "Main road": please note that drivers who are at this moment on a secondary road do not remember the rules of the road!

Don't forget this for a minute and don't try to cross the intersection right away. First stop and make sure that you are inferior, and only after realizing this, continue moving. Only such an attitude towards the road will make your path safe, and you will successfully and without incident get to where you were in a hurry.
