Several ways to save fuel on your car

Several ways to save fuel on your car
Several ways to save fuel on your car

According to statistics, now every fourth Russian or every second family has a car. The cost of a car always eats up a significant part of the salary. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to save fuel on a car. Use the tips below. And very soon you will notice that you have become much less frequent at the gas station.

Monitor the condition of the machine

Check the air filter regularly. If it is dirty, it restricts the air supply to the engine and increases fuel consumption. How can this be checked? Hold the filter near a bright lamp. If the light passes, then everything is fine. If not, it's time to replace it.

Oil selection

People who know how to save fuel on a car have long known the fact that fuel consumption is affected by the quality and consistency of the oil. The engine of the car runs on a mixture of gasoline and air. When this mixture burns, it fires the engine pistons and otherdetails. When they move, there is resistance. The stronger it is, the more energy is required, and hence the fuel.

Engine oil provides lubrication to all parts of the engine, but it comes in different viscosities. The smaller it is, the easier parts move and less fuel is consumed. And vice versa. However, when choosing engine oil, you need to take into account other parameters (season, warranty conditions, age of the car, etc.).

how to save fuel in your car
how to save fuel in your car

Tire pressure

Before you go somewhere, be sure to check your tire pressure. It also affects fuel consumption. Permissible deviation from the norm in the region of 0.3 bar.

Riding speed

Drivers who know how to save fuel in a car don't speed. After all, it has long been a known fact: the higher it is, the more revolutions the engine spins. And this requires additional fuel consumption.

Driving style

One more piece of advice - press the gas pedal thoughtfully. If you start or brake abruptly, too much gasoline will go to the engine cylinders. Do not shift into higher gears at low speeds. On the other hand, if the tachometer needle exceeds 2500-3000 rpm, then the gear must be switched.

Try not to get stuck in traffic jams. After all, it is during rush hour that drivers are forced to slow down a lot and start frequently.

Let's give one more piece of advice that will help you drive and save. When approaching a traffic light, brake in advance so that the car goes at a minimum speed until the signal switches togreen. Why should it be done? Because to move a stationary car, it will take much more energy (fuel) than if it was driving at minimum speed.

how to save fuel
how to save fuel

Optional equipment

A working air conditioner is another enemy of fuel economy. Gasoline consumption increases by 5-20%. Some will object: “Well, how can it be without air conditioning, especially in summer? It's going to be hot. Yes, it will, but you can get to the gas station when there is practically no fuel left in the tank. By the way, any additionally included equipment affects the consumption of gasoline (stove, foglights, car radio, etc.).


How to save fuel consumption? Give up tuning for a while. For example, wide rims increase aerodynamic drag. And this, in turn, increases gas mileage.

Vehicle weight

When planning your car purchase, look for smaller options. The less the car weighs, the less energy is required to accelerate it. If you already have a car, make sure that there is nothing superfluous and heavy in the trunk.

Type of gasoline

Those who know how to save fuel on a VAZ will confirm that gasoline consumption is much less when driving old cars. It is understandable - the owners are not very sorry to refuel them with cheap fuel. New cars are more demanding on fuel quality, and the higher the octane number, the better.

how to save fuel in your carmagnet
how to save fuel in your carmagnet

Open windows

Try to drive with the windows closed, as air currents entering the car create additional resistance. As a result, the engine needs additional fuel.

Engine size and horsepower

Well, everything is simple here: the higher these indicators, the more voracious your iron horse becomes.

Type of gearbox

Many novice motorists ask: "How to save fuel on the machine?" No way. It is better that you have a mechanic. It consumes 10-15% less fuel than automatics.

Gas equipment

This is one of the most radical means to reduce fuel costs. So feel free to install it. Of course, gas runs out a little faster than gasoline, but it also costs half as much.

The only negative is the reduction in trunk capacity (the cylinder takes up almost half the space). Also, after a few weeks of operation on gas, the car becomes slower. It picks up speed much harder and takes longer to accelerate.

how to save diesel fuel
how to save diesel fuel

For long trips, use the Carpool scheme

Its essence lies in the fact that during long trips with relatives, friends or neighbors, the cost of gasoline is shared by everyone. By the way, you can use this scheme by driving your colleagues to work.

Insulate your engine for the winter

The longer the car warms up, the more fuel it spends. Therefore, those motorists who know how to save fuel consumption,be sure to insulate the engines with blankets, felt, darnit, etc.

This is not always effective or safe. But everything changed with the advent of special car blankets. They are made up of flame retardant materials that retain heat for a long period of time. Thanks to them, the engine cools down longer, which is very useful in cases where you have arrived somewhere for a short while.

Use heating

In winter, car owners often have to warm up the engine. After all, if the car has stood in the cold for a long time, it will then be difficult to start it. Yes, and this will affect the condition of the engine very negatively.

The more often we warm up, the more fuel is consumed. Of course, the car blanket mentioned above is good, but there is a better option - special heating. There are many models on the market now. Most of them work from the network, but there are also advanced standalone options. They are more expensive, but we advise you to buy them.

how to save fuel on diesel
how to save fuel on diesel

Monitor prices

Do you want to know how to save fuel on your car? The answer is simple: watch the prices. Every person has habits. In the context of this situation, this is a visit to the same gas stations. And this is not always beneficial for finances. Find out the prices at other gas stations and choose the one with the best value for money.

Fill up with bonuses

Now there are many marketing tricks at gas stations. One of them is bonus programs. When you refuel for a large amount, thena bonus card is issued as a reward. From subsequent purchases of fuel, bonuses are awarded to it.

To make it clear, let's give an example. You refueled 30 liters of gasoline for 900 rubles. On the bonus card you were credited with 30 points, which, in fact, are equal to 30 rubles. Once you have accumulated 900 points, you can exchange them for 30 liters of fuel. So use your bonus card and don't think about how to save fuel on UAZ or any other car.

how to save fuel on a car
how to save fuel on a car

Neodymium magnet

At the moment, many beginners and experienced car owners are worried about one question: "How to save fuel on a car with a magnet and will it really help?" Let's figure it out.

This magnet is attached to the fuel line. According to the assurances of the sellers, when diesel or gasoline passes through the magnetic field created by the device, the fuel molecules are ordered and dispersed. This enhances flammability, and the power unit consumes it 10-30% less. Let's find out what the experts think about this.

A few years ago, the German public organization ADAC independently tested these magnets. It turned out that gasoline consumption did not decrease even by a fraction of a percent. The researchers explained: this mechanism cannot work in principle, because the calorific value is directly dependent on carbon and hydrogen atoms, and not on what order of movement is set by the magnetic field. That is, the composition of the fuel does not change, which means that it will not burn better. Motor characteristicswill change only when the composition of the fuel in the cylinders changes.

The fuel itself cannot burn, so it is mixed with an oxidizing agent (oxygen) in strictly defined proportions. This process takes place in an internal combustion engine. A mixture with a ratio of 1 kg of gasoline vapor to 15 kg of air is considered normal. Only in this case, good fuel efficiency and high power of the unit are ensured. With a decrease in oxygen, this mixture is enriched with gasoline and burns out in the cylinders much faster, which increases the vehicle's power by 15-20%. But in this case, fuel consumption becomes greater, which means that there is no question of any fuel efficiency. To achieve it, it is necessary to increase the flow of air into the combustible mixture. This will reduce fuel consumption to a minimum with a power loss of only 8-10%. From the foregoing, it follows that the magnet is not able to have any effect on the fuel.

In general, forget about this advertised and completely ineffective way to save gas and use other tips from this article.

how to save fuel on a vaz
how to save fuel on a vaz

Pay for fuel with a plastic card

Unfortunately, this method does not work everywhere, but we will tell you about it anyway. The point is the following. Now almost every person has a bank account with a card linked to it. Not credit, but ordinary - debit. You need to find out which gas stations in your city cooperate with the bank where you have an account. When paying with this card, you get either discounts or bonuses.

Just in case, you can get a second card - a credit card. Just make sure she has a grace period (100 days). During this period, you can borrow from the bank without any interest. And you don't have to worry about how to save diesel or gasoline if the money on the main card runs out. You can always use a spare - credit.

Fuel at night

If you are wondering how to save fuel on diesel, then try to stop at a gas station at night. Some of them offer a 5% discount for diesel from 23:00 to 07:00. It also applies to regular gasoline. But this promotion is not available at all gas stations, so be sure to check the information on the spot.

Final tip

Now you know how to save fuel on your car. Finally, let's give advice that most readers may find silly. To save on gas, do not drive at all or only if necessary. The less you drive, the less you spend. For example, some go to the store for bread, which is only two hundred meters away. It will be much more economical and he althier if you cover this distance on foot.
