Homemade swamps are the best solution for conquering off-road

Homemade swamps are the best solution for conquering off-road
Homemade swamps are the best solution for conquering off-road

Homemade swamps are far from a new invention, but quite successful. The use of such machines is widespread among residents of remote parts of the country. People were forced to resort to their creation by the fact that there is a large amount of wetland around them, and you have to move through it. In addition, homemade swamps are much more profitable financially. Since buying a factory-made unit already assembled and ready for operation is very, very expensive.

The nuances of a homemade car

A distinctive feature of creating such a machine will be that the master, firstly, will need a large number of a wide variety of parts that have been used before (moreover, the parts will be used from several types of vehicles). And secondly, of course, you need the ability to work with your hands, since the assembly process will require a large number of different skills. Homemade swamps are highly reliable. Handmade carwill be much more reliable than the one assembled at the factory.

Homemade swamps
Homemade swamps


Homemade swamps are most often assembled with an emphasis on a specific area. Since most often they are needed to move through a shallow swamp, they are equipped with wheels. Although there are units that have tracks or even have the shape of a boat.

But if you go back to the assembly of the standard model, it is best to take on homemade swamp vehicles on low-pressure tires. By the way, it is this part of the car that is considered the main and defining. The better the tires are, the more reliable, safer and better the whole structure will be.

It's also worth mentioning that it's best to get the cheapest tires to build a swamp buggy. Inexpensive base materials, as well as the simplest design of their fastening, will save the maximum amount of money.

Homemade swamps on low pressure tires
Homemade swamps on low pressure tires

Do-it-yourself tire harvesting

If you have all the necessary tools and old wheels, then it is quite possible to create these all-important parts yourself. Homemade tires for swamps are selected on an individual basis, since each machine is one of a kind if it is created independently. However, there are several options that are used most often:

  1. One of these options was tires from GAZ-66.
  2. The second option is tires from ZIL 131.

In order to create the necessary wheel for the swamp, you need to acquirenext to some tools. The named list includes:

  • hammer;
  • whetstone;
  • awl;
  • cutters;
  • knives.

In addition to this inventory, most likely, you will need another small but important tool, which is called "dralka" among jacks of all trades. Use it to quickly cope with the task of removing the top layer of rubber from the tire. Now consider the process in stages.

Homemade tires for swamps
Homemade tires for swamps

Tire preparation steps

The first step in the work will be the removal of the wire cord, its outer bundle. In order to carry out this operation, it is necessary to make a small hole. Next, you need to take the wire cutters and use them to bite any of the screws found. After this is done, the cut piece of wire is wrapped around the pliers and the entire bundle is pulled out. This completes the first stage.

Next is the sidewall cut. When doing this work, you need to understand that the distance from one cut to another should not be less than 8 cm. Also, you need to take into account that the slot is carried out from the cord to the tread, and at the same time its depth should reach the first layer.

General assembly information

Homemade swamps are highly unique, as they are most often made independently. However, there are some general recommendations, following which you can assemble a quality car with a 100% guarantee.

A very important detail for such a machine will be a homemade motor. swamp walkershould be equipped with the best option, as savings are not appropriate here.

Homemade swamp motor
Homemade swamp motor

If it is not possible to make this part with your own hands, since this requires a large number of skills and abilities, then you can purchase a ready-made one. The new engine from the Tula motorcycle is considered the best possible. The choice fell on this detail for two main reasons:

  1. The motor is equipped with a forced cooling system.
  2. This is the best use of available energy.

A part from IZH "Planet-4" can become a frame for a home-made car. After the IZH is completely disassembled, and only the necessary frame remains from it, you can begin to install parts such as a gas tank, seat and steering wheel on it. They are most often taken from the Voskhod-2M motorcycle.

It is very strange and at the same time it is convenient to solve the problem with brakes in such cars. The thing is, they just aren't there. Installing brakes is considered superfluous, since swamps have a small feature. Such cars stop almost immediately after the engine is turned off.
