Cargo is The meaning of the word "cargo"

Cargo is The meaning of the word "cargo"
Cargo is The meaning of the word "cargo"

Starting to write the article, I expected to find a very specific definition of a very specific concept. But it was not there. There are at least four explanations for what the word cargo means. So…

Cargo is… a cult

cargo is
cargo is

Yes, yes, it is a cult. We've all experienced some form of imitation. Comedians on stage parody various stars, thus amusing the assembled audience. Or a person has found an idol for himself, and with might and main imitates him in demeanor, style of clothing and even taste preferences. And sometimes the child, imitating his parents, smokes around the corner or goes out with them every morning for a morning run. But the Cargo cult is a stupid and senseless imitation of one group of people by another group of people.

According to other explanations, the cult of the cargo (this phrase from English is translated as "worship of the cargo") can be otherwise called the religion of aircraft worshipers or the cult of Heavenly Gifts, and refers to a group of Melanesian religious movements. Its members believe that various kinds of goods brought by "white people" were received by the latter not honestly, and originally belonged to the Melanesian people. In this cult are commonrituals to increase the imported "objects", which (rituals, that is) are similar to the actions of "white people". Probably, it was this ancient misconception that served to give this word the following meaning (or perhaps not, this is not clear).

Freight transport

what does the word cargo mean
what does the word cargo mean

Another meaning of the word "cargo" is a certain commodity to be transported, usually for commercial purposes. This is how the concept is explained in English. This definition does not differ much from Russian - this is the company itself, which provides cargo delivery services. Moreover, it carries out not only delivery, but also customs clearance. The concept arose in the early nineties. Then customs clearance was not such a formidable phenomenon, and in such companies the price took into account only the weight of the goods, and the nature of the cargo was not taken into account. The whole process of transportation consisted of three stages: first, cargo companies were engaged in cargo, they collected it and transferred it to another company that was engaged in its transportation. Then the baton was passed on to a third company that de alt with customs clearance. This cleaning could earlier be "black", "gray" and "white". In the first case, in principle, the cargo was not registered at all, in the second case it was registered, but as a tourist's luggage, and in the third case everything went according to the rules and laws. Now, of course, most companies work on the principle of "white" customs clearance.

Cargo is pants

meaning of the word cargo
meaning of the word cargo

Cargo pantsoriginally developed for the military, but have become popular among travelers, people who love hiking, and just young people. These trousers are baggy and spacious. Thus, they are comfortable and absolutely do not restrict movement. In addition, cargo pants have a large number of straps and additional pockets, which makes them incredibly comfortable and useful. This type of clothing can be worn by both men and women - these are universal trousers, and in appearance they will quite appeal to many consumers.



And finally, the last definition. Cargo is a special retractable basket (or mesh) that is located in the kitchen and is built into the kitchen section. They are usually made from a metal rod, and there is a huge variety of such baskets: full and partial extension, one- and two-story, chrome-plated, enameled, painted and many others. It all depends on the manufacturer and his imagination and skills.

From a religious cult to a kitchen basket - an amazing variety of interpretations of a single concept. In principle, if you really try - the connection between them can be found. I hope that after reading this article, you have found exactly the definition you were looking for.
