Engine VAZ-2112: characteristics, photo

Engine VAZ-2112: characteristics, photo
Engine VAZ-2112: characteristics, photo

The reliable VAZ-2112 engine is mainly used in sedans, station wagons and hatchbacks of domestic production. They can have eight or six valves, be carbureted or directional point fuel supply. The ignition system uses a central distribution module or independent coils. Consider the characteristics and features of one of the most popular representatives of this series (1997 models).

Engine VAZ-2112
Engine VAZ-2112

Specs in brief

The VAZ-2112 engine has the following parameters:

  • Modification - gasoline four-stroke engine.
  • The location and number of cylinders are four elements placed in a row.
  • Power - multipoint injection.
  • Number of valves - 16 pieces.
  • Displacement (depending on configuration) – 1.48/1.59 L.
  • Horsepower is 93/89.
  • Compression - 10, 5/10, 3.
  • Maximum torque - 140/131 Nm.
  • Environmental standard - "Euro-3/4.


The domestic VAZ-2112 engine for 1.5 liters was manufactured according to a certain design scheme. Heequipped with a 16-valve mechanism, almost completely duplicates the 2110 model, in terms of the cylinder block it repeats the G8 version (21083). This can be verified by comparing the schematic and geometric parameters of the units.

The blocks are not interchangeable, they differ in the size of the cylinder head clamps. Parts on the 2110 series have oil passages to supply fluid to the underside of the assembly and piston cooling chamber.

Power unit VAZ-2112
Power unit VAZ-2112

Comparative parameters

The main differences between the VAZ-2112 and 21124 engines (similar characteristics of the 24th modification are given in brackets):

  • The working height of the cylinder block is 194.8 (197.1) mm.
  • Stroke - 71 (75, 6) mm.
  • Volume of unit - 1, 6 (1, 5) l.

Pistons also differ from each other. On both versions there are sockets for a guaranteed exit of the valve head. Nevertheless, in the variant under consideration, they are designed only for the regular operation of the timing; if the belt breaks, the risk of jamming of the valves and pistons becomes greater. Despite a slight reduction in power, model 21124 is repairable by replacing the belt without the need for a complete overhaul of the motor.


Versions of power units also differ in the way of injection. The VAZ-2112 engine consists of several basic elements, including an aluminum manifold and a receiver that connects both parts with a rubber corrugation. The 24th model has an intake made of plastic and a one-piece component.

At 1.6L unita working pressure regulator is provided, which is transferred from the fuel frame to the pump with the direct location of the catalyst near the cylinder head. Additionally, two oxygen indicators are provided, as well as a separate timing design that complies with Euro-3 standards with a simplified toothed belt design.

The ignition unit on the new VAZ-2112 engine is equipped with an injection distribution module, unlike modification 21124, which uses individual coils for each cylinder. These features also affect the arrangement of valve covers. The factory number of the motor is located under the air filter, it is not so easy to find it. In order to read the required information, it is necessary to release the air filter mount and tilt it slightly to the side.


The VAZ-2112 engine with 16 valves, with proper care, works almost flawlessly, since the basis is based on a modification of the German Porsche. A certain disadvantage of the design is the use of a toothed belt drive. The peculiarity of its operation is largely related to domestic realities, which require the use of high-quality parts that are not always available on our market.

The device of the VAZ-2112 engine
The device of the VAZ-2112 engine

An additional problem is the difficulty in servicing. Most users rely on their native "maybe", bringing the installation to maximum wear. In this regard, version 21124 looks more presentable, since it does not have the problem of bending valves by applying counterboring to piston heads.

Typical problemsand malfunctions

The following are typical types of faults for the power unit in question.

  • The engine temperature of the VAZ-2112 is gaining slowly. In this case, it is recommended to check the thermostat and the condition of the refrigerant.
  • Tuning the motor can be caused by a malfunction of the distribution module, high-voltage wiring, spark plugs.
  • Mute the drive while driving or during gear changes, which may indicate a clogged throttle mechanism or related sensors.
  • The idle speed of the VAZ-2112 engine shows unstable operation. This indicates a malfunction in the functioning of the control sensors and the throttle plate.
  • At start, the power unit does not start (there may be a problem in the power supply or ignition system).
  • There is a knock of hydraulic compensators. This is especially dangerous when the operation of connecting rods or main elements is destabilized, leading to a decrease in oil pressure in the power unit.
  • There is a violation in the engine traction, which is accompanied by vibrations. Experts advise to urgently diagnose the “engine”.
  • Insufficient oil pressure indicator. There may be several reasons, one of them is the untimely replacement of the working fluid. A possible outcome is the failure of the oil pump.
  • Inclusion of the indicator of insufficient oil level. It is necessary to stop driving until the causes of the malfunction are clarified.

Scheme and device

Below is the general scheme of the consideredengine and explanation.

The design of the VAZ-2112 motor
The design of the VAZ-2112 motor
  1. Crankcase pan.
  2. Crankshaft front oil seal.
  3. Crankshaft.
  4. Pulley.
  5. Oil pump.
  6. Generator drive.
  7. Toothed belt.
  8. Front Timing Cover.
  9. Refrigerant pump pulley.
  10. Idler roller.
  11. Camshaft gear.
  12. Rear Timing Cover.
  13. Camshaft oil seal.
  14. Discharge roller.
  15. Hydraulic pusher.
  16. Valve spring.
  17. Guide bushing.
  18. Exhaust valve.
  19. Receiver mechanism.
  20. Camshaft bearing lock.
  21. Correction tube.
  22. Cylinder head cover.
  23. Plastic hatch.
  24. Spark plug.
  25. Intake camshaft.
  26. Inlet valve.
  27. cylinder head.
  28. Control clutch.
  29. Fuel rail.
  30. Ventilation hose.
  31. Nozzle.
  32. Collector.
  33. Flywheel.
  34. Rear oil seal retainer.
  35. Gland.
  36. Cylinder block.
  37. Dipstick for checking the oil level.

Also includes piston, connecting rod, main bearing hatch and cap.

Basic elements

The cylinders of the VAZ-2112 engine (injector) are bored directly in the block. The regular size of parts in diameter is 82 mm, during repairs it can increase by 0.4 or 0.8 mm. The category of the element is marked on the lower cavity of the node in Latin letters.

Connecting rods of the VAZ-2112 engine
Connecting rods of the VAZ-2112 engine

The crankshaft is made of ductile iron, equipped with five crankpins. In addition, the design includes eight counterweights, cast together with the shaft. On the reverse side of the block there is a flywheel, which is fixed by six bolts. The part is distinguished by increased resistance to wear and durability, so the installation of analogues from its predecessors is excluded.

Steel connecting rods are divided into classes depending on weight. Elements are marked on the cover using paint or letters. Cylinder numbering must be on the same side of the connecting rod and cap.

Piston assembly

This part of the power unit is made of aluminum, the working skirt is longitudinally conical with an oval cross section. The pistons have four recesses under the valves, which protect them from bending. For each motor model, parts should be selected by weight, not allowing more than five grams to exceed each other. The part is equipped with two upper compression rings and one oil scraper analogue at the bottom.

Engine parts VAZ-2112
Engine parts VAZ-2112

The piston pins are made of steel and have a tubular section. From falling out, the elements are fixed with a pair of locking spring rings. By diameter, they are divided into three groups, the finger on the bottom is marked, while it must be of the same class as the piston.

Cylinder head, camshaft and valves

The engine support of the VAZ-2112 in the cylinder head is made of aluminum alloy. It is centered on the node between a pair of bushings and secured with ten screws. On top of the cylinder headclamps for camshafts are provided.

Camshafts - cast type, cast iron, each has eight cams and five bearings. The part is driven into rotation by a toothed belt from the crankshaft. It has a width of 25.4 mm, which is significantly larger than its predecessors. This is due to the large loads on the gas distribution mechanism assembly. Under the camshaft pulley there is a support and tension roller.

Valves for the VAZ-2112 engine
Valves for the VAZ-2112 engine

The valves are made of steel, the area of the inlet element is larger than the outlet counterpart. They are arranged in a V-shape in two rows. The parts drive cam hydraulic tappets, which are very demanding on the quality and purity of the oil. In the case of mechanical implants, the work is accompanied by increased noise, and the working life of the elements is also significantly reduced.


This process for the considered power unit is carried out in a combined way. Under pressure, the connecting rod mechanism, hydraulic pushers, camshaft and bearings are lubricated. Cylinder walls, piston rings and pins are treated by spraying, the rest of the components are serviced by gravity.
