Motorcycle "Java": tuning. "Java 350": ways to improve

Motorcycle "Java": tuning. "Java 350": ways to improve
Motorcycle "Java": tuning. "Java 350": ways to improve

One of the best ways to upgrade a motorcycle is tuning. Java 350 is no exception. Some owners want to give the technique sporty characteristics, others choose a more practical approach. As a result, the bike becomes faster, lighter and more agile. Consider the nodes that are most often restyled.

java tuning
java tuning

Sport modification

The performance parameters of the Czech motorcycle are still relevant today, but the design leaves much to be desired. How to carry out sports tuning? Java in this matter is most easily upgraded by installing parts from Kawasaki or Yamaha racing bikes. Fenders are suitable from the first model, and the second option is a good donor of brakes, front fork, shock absorbers, swingarm and wheels.

The pendulum element for mounting in the socket of the motorcycle in question should be narrowed by replacing standard bearings with needle pivot elements from the Volga. The changes made give the technique better handling, stability and maneuverability. The body kit can be done independently or in a specialized workshop. When working from home,be careful, and also stock up on fiberglass or plastic.


Many motorcyclists consider the overly light frontal part to be the main disadvantages of Java. In this regard, achieving an overall reduction in mass, a counterweight is installed in front. Mounting disc brakes, alloy wheels, a more wear-resistant chain is still sports tuning. "Java 350" at the same time acquires the characteristics characteristic of cross-country motorcycles, namely:

  • increase speed;
  • fast acceleration;
  • improved handling;
  • security;
  • beautiful exterior and comfortable.

Sport restyling is the most common type of modernization in relation to the Czech motorcycle, due to its technical features.

java tuning photo
java tuning photo

Engine tuning ("Java 350")

First of all, motorcycle owners try to improve the speed parameters of the car. It is worth noting that the installation of a five-speed gearbox does not always give the expected result. Its installation is justified only in the case of modernization of the motor and chassis.

Forcing the power unit provides an increase in the maximum speed during acceleration. However, here there are several nuances. Such an alteration of the motor involves increased fuel consumption and heating of the working parts involved in the launch process. In addition, the boring of cylinders helps to reduce the thickness of their walls. This leads to increased heat transfer, reduced compression and possiblewedging.

Java motorcycle, which can be tuned in several ways, in case of cylinder boring, must be equipped with additional liquid or forced cooling in terms of shirts and heads of the upgraded unit. You also need to adjust the carburetor. You can reduce fuel consumption and vibration by installing an electronic "VAZ" ignition.

motorcycle java tuning
motorcycle java tuning

What else could be improved?

Some owners are improving the exhaust system of the Java motorcycle. Tuning, the photo of which is presented below, is carried out by installing forward flows from mufflers of VAZ cars. The tube leading to the motor is cut off fifty millimeters from the muffler itself, and the outer part is bent at a certain angle. To connect to the elbow, the pipe is cut and securely mounted. Body clamps are first welded into the forward flow, and a footrest is installed on the bike.

Additional aggressiveness and presentability to the two-wheeled unit is added by a tachometer taken from a VAZ-2106 car. It is connected identically to the connection diagram in the car. To install a new starter on Java, you will need to replace the flywheel, install an additional body mount and a reinforced battery.

A good innovation would be to change the backlight of the motorcycle. You can pick up LEDs in a common color scheme with the unit or play in contrast. The lighting of the rims, exhaust pipe, engine and other main components of the device will look original.

java engine tuning
java engine tuning

"Java": DIY tuning

Using an example, let's look at how to make a forward flow for a motorcycle yourself. It will give originality, as well as make the sound of the motor more growling. To work you will need:

  • 0.8mm thick steel sheet;
  • standard exhaust pipes from 638 engine modifications;
  • metal scissors;
  • "Bulgarian";
  • hammer;
  • welding unit.

The dimensions of the new element are calculated in such a way that the tapered rear part is located against the shock absorber clamps. This advice is relevant if the pendulum has not been replaced and the frame has been lengthened. The forward flow silencer is made of a metal sheet in a conical shape. The working parts of the new part go into cylindrical tanks filled with mineral wool.

Improving the power unit of a motorcycle is appropriate to carry out independently if you have experience working on various machines. Upgrading will require dismantling and complete disassembly of the motor. In addition, it is necessary to replace the worn parts of the gearbox and gearbox, otherwise there will be no practical sense from the alteration. After that, you can start boring the cylinders, having previously polished the intake, exhaust and purge valves.

java tuning do it yourself
java tuning do it yourself


To improve the performance of their two-wheeled "iron horse" and give it a second life, many owners use tuning. "Java 350" is quite a decent motorcycle, but up to modern models in design andit doesn't fit the parameters. Modernization allows you to make fundamental changes in the design, resulting in a car whose owner will be the envy of everyone around.

It is quite possible to rework equipment with your own hands. Properly performed restyling will not only transform the motorcycle, but also make it a unique bike. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary materials, theoretical knowledge and patience.
