Auto-licensing for coolant temperature sensors on Opel Astra h

Auto-licensing for coolant temperature sensors on Opel Astra h
Auto-licensing for coolant temperature sensors on Opel Astra h

Overheating of the engine during the trip inevitably leads to increased fuel consumption and loss of funds from the driver's wallet. Timely change, close monitoring of the operation of the coolant temperature sensor at the Opel Astra h, systematic repair and replacement will help to avoid unpleasant incidents with the device, and extend the life of the motor.

Appropriateness of use

The importance of the correct operation of the coolant temperature sensor
The importance of the correct operation of the coolant temperature sensor

The original factory sensor changes its performance over time. After the development of a certain resource embedded in it by the manufacturer, its operating range shifts to the “right”. As a result, the car determines the "underheating" of the engine and tries to compensate for this by additional injection of the fuel mixture.

In extreme cases, a similar situation can be suspected bythe presence of a characteristic gasoline smell and black-gray color of exhaust gases. If the rest of the auto systems are checked (it holds pressure, the nozzles do not flow), then the turn inevitably comes to the coolant temperature sensor. Most often, problems manifest themselves in the cold period. In summer, the defect is not so conspicuous.

With the help of the Opel Astra h coolant temperature sensor, the driver receives data on the state of the internal combustion engine. The operation of the engine is accompanied by an increase in its temperature. Without additional forced cooling, the components would wear out very quickly, and it would be unprofitable to use a car. The fluid absorbs some of the heat, lowering engine temperature for a comfortable and safe ride.

Information from the Opel Astra h coolant temperature sensor is sent to the ECU, signaling the motorist about the state of the main mechanism in the car. This information plays a decisive role in transport management. The ECU, having received information, helps to determine the appropriate operating mode for the engine.

On the influence of the temperature sensor on the ECU

Coolant temperature sensor "Opel Astra h"
Coolant temperature sensor "Opel Astra h"

Thanks to the introduction of such a useful device by engineers, the system is capable of performing the following functions:

  1. Rational functioning of the motor. This happens due to the fact that the ECU helps to set the correct ignition timing or delay. The approach provides economical fuel consumption.
  2. The use of the sensor allows you to enrich gasoline on cars with fuel injection. Optimal parametersICE operation is achieved when the device signals a cold engine. The impulse transmitted to the injectors is increased, due to which oscillations are excluded during the operation of the power unit.
  3. Due to the presence of the Opel Astra h engine coolant temperature sensor, the motorist controls the actions of the crankshaft, increasing idle speed.

It's hard for a beginner to figure out where the sensor is right off the bat.

About sensor problems

Information will be displayed on the dashboard
Information will be displayed on the dashboard

The device cannot be seen on the dashboard. The detector itself is located at the bottom of the radiator. To find its indicators, you need to insert the key into the ignition switch. Press the Setting key on the turned on radio tape recorder, holding it until a signal appears. After that, you must press the BC button and the information will be displayed on the dashboard. Pressing this button again will open access to the service menu. Why is it sometimes necessary to replace the coolant temperature sensor on the Opel Astra and how to do it better? The reasons may be as follows:

  • One of the reasons is faulty electrics. This may be a sudden voltage surge in the on-board network or corrosion of the contacts. Timely diagnostics should be carried out in car services.
  • Domestic antifreeze or bad antifreeze provoke such difficulties. The instrument is being corroded or covered with crystalline deposits.
  • Poor-quality assembly of the item, purchase of counterfeit goods.
  • Antifreeze leaks through threadedfixture connection.

How can a car owner understand that there is a problem with the meter?

Some obvious signs of breakdowns

About the influence of the temperature sensor on the computer
About the influence of the temperature sensor on the computer

Among the main signs of malfunctions are errors issued by the BC, disagreements in indicators and the real picture, failures in air conditioning - spontaneous irregular activation of the ventilation system. Gradually, the driver notices that fuel consumption is not at all pleasing.

Sometimes this is a multiple increase in fuel consumption. Starting a cold engine becomes increasingly difficult. The operation of a warm engine is no different. Many Astra owners noted increased fan operation. Diagnostics with a multimeter will help you accurately determine the defect in the Opel Astra h coolant temperature sensor and take action.

Repair Features

Replacing the Opel Astra h coolant temperature sensor is easy
Replacing the Opel Astra h coolant temperature sensor is easy

It is not difficult to replace the coolant temperature sensor on the Opel Astra h:

  • To work, you need a key on "21". It is necessary to disconnect the "-" battery terminals.
  • The system needs to drain the coolant.
  • The block from the sensor must be disconnected.
  • You should loosen the device with a wrench.
  • The device is to be unscrewed from the hole in the radiator tank. The figured copper ring is recommended to be replaced whenever the device is dismantled.
  • The unit must be left to rest until the temperature reaches the ambient temperatureenvironment. In a situation of deviation from the norms of resistance, it will have to be replaced. For self-checking, you can lower the sensor into hot water and measure the resistance. Temperature parameters should be controlled with a thermometer. With t equal to minus 20, the resistance should be from 14 to 17 kOhm.
  • The detector is screwed in, tightened with a torque of 12 Nm. The wiring harness block is reattached and antifreeze is poured in. When installing with a screwdriver, we remove the plastic ear and insert the antennae on the sensor body into it. You will have to make an effort - the attachment loop is quite solid.

It is better to carry out the replacement on a warm engine. Aluminum expands faster than brass probe inserts, making it easier to unscrew. It should be remembered that the sensor has a conical thread. Therefore, the use of a sealant is not necessary. Since when twisting, "self-compacting" occurs. When screwing in, be careful not to overdo it and wedge the seat.

Changing the measuring structure with your own hands is fraught with other actions, it is best to turn to professionals. This saves money and eliminates the additional cost of correcting errors made during self-repair.
