Installation of refrigeration equipment on the Gazelle. Refrigerator: instruction

Installation of refrigeration equipment on the Gazelle. Refrigerator: instruction
Installation of refrigeration equipment on the Gazelle. Refrigerator: instruction

Installation of refrigeration equipment on the Gazelle is advisable if perishable products are transported over long distances or if the door needs to be opened frequently, which increases the temperature inside the car. Many entrepreneurs use this model throughout the country. Below is a brief overview of the Gazelle with a refrigerator and how to mount it.

auto gazelle refrigerator
auto gazelle refrigerator

Technical indicators

The machine in question is great for use if it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime - from +5 to -21 degrees. Auto "Gazelle" (refrigerator) is produced on several chassis, which allows you to choose a vehicle for specific requests and requirements.

Refrigerated van is a sandwich panel, which are mounted in a single structure. Its inner part is insulated with heat-insulating materials, such as polystyrene plates, and sheathed with sheets of food grade stainless steel. The outer part of the booth is finished with sheet metal coated withcorrosion.

installation of refrigeration equipment on a gazelle
installation of refrigeration equipment on a gazelle

There are two versions of the van, depending on the required temperature indicators. Modifications differ in wall thickness: 500 and 100 mm, respectively. The first option allows you to keep the products chilled at a temperature of 0-5 degrees. The second design makes it possible to reduce the performance in the working chamber to -20 °C.

Main parameters

Installation of refrigeration equipment on the Gazelle involves a preliminary accounting of the carrying capacity and temperature fluctuations within the required limits. Depending on the main base, the carrying capacity and dimensions of the car are:

GAZ-3302 Valdai “Gazelle Next”
Length (m) 3, 0 3, 6 3, 0
Width (m) 2, 0 2, 3 2, 0
Height (m) 1, 9 2, 0 1, 8
Capacity (t) 1, 0 3, 5 1, 5

It is quite possible to order such a "Gazelle" (refrigerator van) according to an individual project. There are models equipped with several chambers inside, which are maintained at different temperatures.

refrigerator repair
refrigerator repair

Preparation for installation

Most often, installation and repair of refrigerators are carried out by specialists. However, the installation of refrigeration equipment on the Gazelle can be done by hand with certain skills and tools.

Before starting the installation process, you will need to purchase the following items:

  • compressor unit;
  • automated control unit for refrigeration systems;
  • blocks for indoor evaporator and outdoor condenser;
  • electric wiring;
  • connectors and refrigerant pipes.

In addition, you need to stock up on sealant, fittings, material that will mask the fastening covers, a tool for drilling holes and clamping fixing parts.

Main work

First of all, install the compressor. On the power unit, you will need to fix a special bracket. The device is aligned with the belt drive so that nothing interferes with the pulley. Then low and high pressure hoses are mounted on the compressor. They are crimped with fittings, the excess parts are cut off. After that, the pulley is connected to the compressor and motor. The maximum play should be within 6 mm.

Next, the evaporator and condenser are attached through pre-drilled holes where the refrigerant pipes will pass. It is recommended to make rigid bookmarks at the attachment point, which will avoid damage to the van from vibrations. The evaporator is placed inside the booth, and the condenser, respectively,outside. Compressor hoses are connected, all clamps are thoroughly tightened.

installation of a refrigerator on a gazelle
installation of a refrigerator on a gazelle

Final stage

Installing a refrigerator on a Gazelle involves laying wiring. It is placed through the same holes as the hoses from the compressor. Here it is worth considering the connection of wires of the same color to each other and their subsequent tightening together, which will avoid sagging and loosening. The wiring is then fixed at 3-4 points inside the van.

To connect the control panel, the wires are led out through the technical hole under the instrument panel. Next, the wiring is connected by color. The node is mounted on the amplifier behind the glove box. The controller is conveniently located near the rear-view mirror. Finally, you need to connect the positive cable to the battery, fill the system with refrigerant and check its operation.

Types of refrigerators

Refrigeration equipment is characterized depending on the type of compressor system. The refrigerator is installed on the Gazelle with the following types of drive:

  • direct transmission;
  • offline drive;
  • multi-temperature version.

The first option is usually used on cars with small dimensions. It is driven directly from the operation of the power unit. Autonomous structures are equipped with Gazelles with trailers and large-sized models. The unit is powered by a diesel engine designed solely to provide energy to the van.

Installationrefrigeration equipment for "Gazelle" of the third type is suitable for all modifications. The main condition is the presence of a partition in the body. Multi-temperature designs provide maintenance of the set temperature in each separate section. The price of new refrigerators ranges from 90-200 thousand rubles, depending on the category of the device and its manufacturer.

gazelle van refrigerator
gazelle van refrigerator


In conclusion, it can be noted that the Gazelle with refrigeration equipment is one of the most popular cars among business executives and entrepreneurs. An additional plus is that several types of equipment can be installed on cars with different chassis. And the cost of the units is quite acceptable.

In addition, the installation and repair of refrigerators can really be done by hand. A wide range of modifications allows you to choose the best option for almost any request and wishes. The car in question can be used to keep food both chilled and completely frozen. More advanced variations allow you to adjust the temperature in the van by section.
