Why do car windows sweat? Sweating windows in the car - what to do?

Why do car windows sweat? Sweating windows in the car - what to do?
Why do car windows sweat? Sweating windows in the car - what to do?

The driver's safety directly depends on how well he sees the road. Poor visibility often causes sudden accidents. Every car owner should know the answer to the question of why the windows in the car sweat. By identifying the source of the problem, even an inexperienced car enthusiast can easily solve it.

Why do car windows sweat in winter

Autumn-winter period is the time when motorists are forced to constantly struggle with fogging windows. Condensation is a natural process given the difference that persists between outside and interior temperatures.

why do car windows sweat
why do car windows sweat

Why do the windows in the car sweat if the driver carries several passengers? Clothes and shoes in the cold season become sources of moisture. The intensity of condensation formation directly depends on how many people are in the car. Street dirt is concentrated on the rug, then it slowlyevaporation.

The situation is aggravated by the presence among the passengers of a person in a state of intoxication, a hangover. The ability of alcohol to absorb moisture has been proven by numerous studies. Not surprisingly, the vapors exhaled by drunken people lead to instant fogging.

If the seal is broken

During the operation of the vehicle, glass seals are damaged. Indistinguishable cracks form, holes paving the way for moist air. Other explanations for why the windows in the car sweat are the seepage of air flows through the dashboard, antenna output areas, wires. These zones are characterized by optimal conditions for moisture retention.

why do car windows sweat
why do car windows sweat

It's easy to make sure that the problem lies precisely in the violation of sealing. You need to pay attention to the condition of the upholstery on a rainy day. Wetting indicates worn door and glass seals.

Other possible causes

If the driver cannot understand why the windows in the car are sweating, excluding the above reasons, it is worth examining the cabin filter. The problem may lie in its malfunction, which prevents the absorption of dust, moisture.

sweating windows in the car what to do
sweating windows in the car what to do

Even the lucky owners of a climate-controlled car sometimes have to deal with fogging. In this case, the drain hole may be to blame, which you just need to get rid of the blockage.

Prevention measures

Useful habit for a tired driverunderstand why the windows in the car are sweating - shaking clothes, shoes before diving into the salon. All passengers must do the same. If drunk people or people who are worried about a hangover are in the car, rear seats should be allocated for them. This will reduce the rate at which condensation forms on the windshield, but will not completely eliminate it.

It is also worth taking some measures to keep the rugs dry. A popular recipe is to lay down newspapers that will absorb excess moisture, preventing condensation from appearing. Such gaskets must be changed regularly, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Also, you can not keep inside the matter with which the glass is cleaned, it is better to put it in the trunk. The question of why the windows in the car sweat is much less common due to this.

what to do about fogging windows
what to do about fogging windows

Effective methods of struggle

Ventilation of the cabin is a way to eliminate fogging, which is effective only in the warm season. There are better remedies.

  1. Serviceable air conditioner. The device provides continuous circulation of air streams. This ensures a stable moisture output.
  2. Heating. If you adjust the deflectors on the windows, this will lead to the disappearance of moisture. The mistake is made by inexperienced drivers who set the maximum level of operation of the stove. Such actions lead to excessive formation of steam, heating should be carried out slowly.
  3. Anti-fog. By identifying the possible reasons for sweatingwindows, eliminating breakage, leakage, you can resort to a special tool. It is important to remember that it does not work if condensation has already formed. Anti-foggers are available in the form of liquids, sprays, wipes. When buying, you need to study the recommendations for weather conditions, which differ for different products.
  4. Special films. Their application does not prevent the liquid from entering the windows, however, it significantly complicates its concentration.

Glass washing

It is interesting that it is car owners who rarely care about cleaning windows, who most often wonder what to do with fogging windows. Cleanliness is an effective contribution to combating this problem, as the surface becomes less susceptible to condensation. An additional advantage is the absence of night glare that occurs on dirty windows when meeting other vehicles.

What not to do

Some drivers remain loyal to folk remedies against moisture, unaware of the dangers of such an approach to solving the problem that makes the windows in the car sweat. What should not be done is to use s alt placed in a rag cloth. If you regularly treat windows with such a device, s alt water will turn into a factor that can provoke corrosion. In addition, the formation of white streaks is inevitable in areas where the heat of the stove is directed to the glass.

possible reasons why windows sweat
possible reasons why windows sweat

Another wrong folk recipe is glycerin. The secret of its effectiveness in removing condensate lies infat content, which characterizes window surfaces after processing. Due to this, moisture is deprived of conditions for accumulation. Unfortunately, at the same time, the glass is overgrown with a glycerin film, which prevents a full view. This trouble is especially disturbing at night, given the numerous divorces. Plus - it's easy to get your hands and clothes dirty when in contact with the window.

If the driver constantly sweats the windows in the car, what should I do to solve the problem forever? Owners of a vehicle that is not equipped with a heated glass option can install it. This exit implies significant costs, but the result fully justifies them.
