Hot wax for a car - what is it?

Hot wax for a car - what is it?
Hot wax for a car - what is it?

Regular car body polishing and waxing is one of the most effective and best ways to keep your car looking its best for a very long time. In addition, after polishing, a thin protective layer is formed on the paintwork, which saves the vehicle from the harmful effects of water, flying stones and road dust.

hot wax for car
hot wax for car

One of the best ways to protect your car from these influences is hot car wax. Owner reviews also note that this substance not only prevents the formation of microcracks, but also makes the appearance of the body more shiny and attractive. What is this tool, we will consider in our today's article.


To begin with, we note that almost all protective compounds (including car wax) are polishes with different protective properties. For new cars that are 3 years old or less, carmakers say it's best to use these types of polishes, not abrasives.funds. The main difference of the wax is the absence of any coarse particles that could damage the thin layer of varnish on the body surface.

What is in this product?

Most often, hot car wax contains silicone substances. True, some manufacturers do not add this element to their products, fearing that such a polish will quickly lose its protective functions. But, as practice shows, both products can protect the paintwork of the body for 6 to 12 months.

What does it protect against?

Hot wax for a car is a very reliable tool, after processing the body with which your car will be cleaned from such factors as:

1. Ultraviolet rays.

2. Acid rain.

3. Hard water.

4. Poor quality detergents.

hot wax for car
hot wax for car

And, of course, this polish does an excellent job with road dust, sand, small stones and other road surface elements.

By nature, hot car wax is a fat-like substance that can be either synthetic or natural. This tool melts at a temperature of 40 to 90 degrees Celsius. Most often, eminent manufacturers add carnauba wax to their products. This is the highest quality type of wax, which has excellent protective characteristics. Carnaub is almost completely transparent, hard and has a high melting point, and therefore lasts longer.adheres to paintwork.

Print types

Car waxing (waxing) can be of two types:

  • Hot.
  • Cold.
car wax
car wax

The first method is used most often in difficult road conditions. In this case, hot wax for the car is applied evenly, in a single thin layer over the entire area of the car. As a result, the car is protected for a long time from corrosion and other abrasive effects on the surface of the body and metal.

Cold processing is used only to isolate and remove paintwork defects. Such wax is applied by simply rubbing it into the surface of the machine with any rag.

Yes, hot wax for cars is a rather complicated and expensive process, which may not be available to every car owner. In this regard, many service stations use ordinary paraffin instead of this substance. And when cold working, polishes are used that already contain a small part of the wax.

It should also be noted that the most high-quality tool for applying to a car body is a polish containing a carnaub element. This substance is a wax of exclusively natural origin, and it is collected from trees growing only in Brazil. But at the same time, one should not forget that its quantity is not enough for all the cars that are currently in operation in the world. Therefore, it will obviously not be cheap.

Making the right choice between shine and protection

If you just want to shine the bodycar, you can use polishes containing silicone particles. But the gloss of a paintwork and its protection are two different concepts. Therefore, do not trust those manufacturers who promise both gloss and high-quality protection of the paintwork of the car for a long time. According to its properties, silicone not only does not protect the car from dust and stones, but is also able to break the wax layer previously applied to the vehicle. In the end, one thing will turn out: either the car will just shine, or the paintwork will simply be covered with an invisible layer of protection.

car waxing
car waxing

Where can I get my car waxed?

You can apply this product to the paintwork both on your own and in a professional workshop. In the first case, you will need to purchase a bottle of polish and stock up on a few dry rags for bodywork. It is worth noting that this process is not at all complicated and does not require any professional skills. The main thing before this is to thoroughly rinse the car and let it dry.

By the way, car wax is not so expensive. The average price for one bottle is about 500-800 rubles. In this case, one container will be enough for you for several applications. Roughly speaking, this bottle can be used for about 1 year.

hot wax for car reviews
hot wax for car reviews

So, we found out what hot wax for a car is and what function and protection it provides for car paintwork.
