Why do headlights sweat? What to do so that car headlights do not sweat?

Why do headlights sweat? What to do so that car headlights do not sweat?
Why do headlights sweat? What to do so that car headlights do not sweat?

Fogting headlights is a fairly common problem that drivers and owners of a wide variety of vehicles often face. At first glance, this defect does not seem so critical, and its elimination is often shelved. But all the insidiousness of this problem lies precisely in the fact that it manifests itself most clearly at the most inopportune moment. And this is fraught with very serious consequences:

  • Firstly, insufficient or incorrect illumination of the path can significantly affect safety;
  • secondly, due to the presence of moisture, lamps can fail, which is never the way;
  • finally, the presence of moisture in the car's power supply system can lead to a short circuit and failure of the main systems, assemblies and assemblies.

This article is devoted to questions about why the headlight sweats from the inside, what to do if such a defect is found and how to get rid of it.

Causes of condensation

Car optics can fog up from the inside for a variety of reasons.

sweaty headlights what to do
sweaty headlights what to do

It is clear that the main catalyst for the process is condensate, which settles on the inner surface of the ceiling lamps. Particles of water, mixing with heated air, turns into steam, which settles on the surface of the ceiling lamps in the form of condensate. But how does moisture and air get inside a seemingly sealed headlight? There are several paths she can take.

Moisture through check valve

The fact is that the interior of the optics is not completely sealed. Since any type of light source (incandescent, halogen or xenon) generates heat during operation, most modern automotive lighting units have a so-called non-return valve that allows air to expand when heated to the outside.

why the headlight is sweating from the inside what to do
why the headlight is sweating from the inside what to do

Therefore, answering such a common question: “If the headlight (Skoda Octavia A5) is sweating, what to do in this case?”, You can make a recommendation to check the presence of special caps for the check valve of the headlight cover. In addition, it will be useful to check the serviceability of the valve itself. Just do it with extreme caution.

Depressurization of joints and seams

Another answer to the question of why the headlights are sweating and what to do may be the depressurization of the butt joints at the points where the ceiling lamps are attached to the car body. The thing isthe fact that it is impossible to attach the lighting unit to the body of the body absolutely hermetically.

the headlight on the prior is sweating what to do
the headlight on the prior is sweating what to do

Special sealants are used to eliminate gaps. But they tend to collapse over time and lose their elasticity. As a result, water enters the headlight space, which is quite enough even for microscopic holes, crevices or scratches. Depressurization of fastening seams is especially common in Chinese-made cars and on Soviet “classic” models.

However, this defect is also characteristic of Russian cars of later modifications. For example, any car service employee to a complaint like “the headlight on Kalina is sweating, what should I do?” probably advise you to use a can of silicone-based sealant. Such a tool is easy to apply, dries quickly, and also provides fairly high levels of tightness and moisture permeability.

Cover light damage

Finally, the cause of the problem “the headlight is sweating from the inside, what to do” may be a crack or chip of the light block ceiling itself. Sometimes such cracks are so small that they cannot be detected without the use of special equipment.

headlight sweats on Solaris what to do
headlight sweats on Solaris what to do

Nevertheless, this is quite enough for moisture to seep into the headlight unit and, heating up from the lamp, settle on the inner surface of the ceiling in the form of condensate. In this case, the problem can be fixed in two ways:

  • glass repair with specialsealants and subsequent polishing;
  • replacing the headlight cover with a new one.

The first option is often available only if you have the necessary knowledge, skills, appropriate materials and equipment. The second method can be applied independently by almost any car owner. But whichever option is used, it will certainly require certain financial costs.

The headlights on the Renault Duster are sweating, what should I do?

For some makes and models of cars fogging headlights is almost a typical defect.

the headlight sweats from the inside what to do
the headlight sweats from the inside what to do

This is mainly due to the technological features of the assembly line. For example, quite often the tightness of headlights leaves much to be desired in cars that are assembled at Russian enterprises. And this applies not only to domestic car brands, but also to well-known brands that are famous for their quality throughout the world. The question of why this is happening should be addressed to the management of Russian enterprises, but the fact remains.

In this regard, it is necessary to mention one very significant nuance. If the headlights of the car start to fog up during the warranty period of the car, then its owner has every right to contact an authorized service center or an official dealer with a request to eliminate the defect free of charge. This is another answer to the question: “The headlight on the Priore is sweating, what should I do?” We repeat once again - this is true not only for domestic brands of vehicles. Often enoughsuch a defect can also be found on new popular models owned by foreign automakers. Thus, if the headlights are sweating on a new car, what to do in this case is understandable. Contact seller.

For the price and quality?

In fairness, it should be noted that fogging of optics is much more common in cars of budget brands and models offered in the middle price segment. If a question like “the headlight on the Solaris is sweating, what to do” is quite common in everyday conversations between motorists, then such questions can hardly be heard from the owners of Bentley or Mercedes cars of the executive class. This is explained by a number of reasons:

  • use of higher quality materials and components in the production of expensive models;
  • strict quality control and process compliance;
  • use of advanced technology and innovative design solutions.

However, this does not mean that inexpensive car models are all prone to fogging headlights.

what to do if the headlights on the car sweat
what to do if the headlights on the car sweat

Here, as they say, how lucky. But even if the car owner had to deal with problems of this kind, there are several ways to fix them.

What to do if the headlights on the car are sweating?

So, there are several ways to get rid of fogging in automotive optics, depending on the causes of condensation in the space of the lighting unit. Let's try to list the ways to fix the problem in descending orderthe most common causes of its occurrence.

Universal Recipe

First of all, it is necessary to mention the universal method, which is often offered as an answer to the questions “headlights are sweating, what to do”. We are talking about the so-called "dry heating" of car headlights. This method allows you to get rid of such a defect if it occurs once or from time to time. The algorithm of actions when using this method is as follows:

  • first you need to dismantle the ceiling of the light block;
  • after which you need to loosen the fastening of the light bulbs and take them out of the sockets a little;
  • turn on the dipped beam and let the lamps work a little, “warm up”;
  • turn off the optics and put the headlight cover back on.

As a rule, if you perform the described manipulations in the evening, then by morning there should be no condensation on the inner surface of the ceiling lamps. If it nevertheless formed, then further actions will have to be taken.

Checking the tightness of seams

The first step is to carefully inspect all the seams and attachment points for their tightness. In case of detection of areas with no such, cracks or chips, you need to use a special moisture-resistant sealant.

what to do if the car headlight sweats
what to do if the car headlight sweats

It is best to use a silicone-based mixture - it is more durable, has high characteristics of density, adaptability and moisture resistance. Such a sealant today can be easily found in any store.automotive parts. Quite often, such a fairly simple solution to the question, “headlights are sweating, what to do” allows you to very effectively get rid of the problem.

The situation is much more complicated when the joints and seams have microcracks that are invisible to the naked eye. It is almost impossible to detect them without special optical, electronic or laser equipment. In the case of the formation of microdefects, the answer to the question of what to do if the headlight of a car is sweating is practically the same. Go to a car service or a service station.

Fix headlight cracks

Water inside the light block can enter through cracks in the ceiling. These cracks are hard to find. But if the presence of a crack is obvious, then it is not at all necessary to change the entire ceiling. You can try to fix it yourself. There are two ways to do this:

  • Polishing. It is carried out using a "grinder" with a special soft nozzle. Due to the high speed of rotation, the edges of the crack are, as it were, “engaged” with each other, providing a sufficiently high tightness of the damaged area. True, there is no guarantee that vibration and shaking will not open the edges of the crack again.
  • The use of special formulations. Today, there are many varieties of sealants on the market for sealing cracks, chips and small holes. Such a composition has a transparent structure, sufficiently high optical properties and high moisture resistance. The sealant fills the voids in the damaged area, dries quickly and prevents penetrationmoisture, but does not refract light. Among the disadvantages of such compositions can be called the sticking of dust on it, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the headlights. In addition, the sealant itself has a relatively short life cycle.

The two most common answers to the question "if the headlights are sweating, what to do" are listed above. However, there are other methods to fix this problem.

Sealing the inner space

Often, moisture and dust inside the headlight does not penetrate from the outside, but from the inside. In these cases, to get rid of the condensate that causes fogging, it will be necessary to carry out a serious set of works to seal the optics from the inside. It is this method that is most often recommended as an answer to the question: “The headlight on the Prior is sweating.” What to do?"

It involves dismantling the lighting unit, disconnecting it from the car electrical circuit and sealing all technological holes, gaps and fasteners with special gaskets, seals and sealing compounds.

headlight skoda octavia a5 sweats what to do
headlight skoda octavia a5 sweats what to do

It is best to entrust such work to highly qualified specialists who have not only deep theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience, but also an arsenal of special equipment and tools. This is due, among other things, to the fact that each car model has its own unique design features. Therefore, it is rather problematic to carry out this process on your own. It is essential to have a thorough knowledge of the machineunderstand electrical engineering and optics.

The lights are sweating, what should I do? Folk remedies are the best helpers

Domestic motorists, faced with the problem of fogging headlights quite often, have invented their own, "folk remedies" to solve the problem. So, some car owners, answering the question: “If the headlight sweats from the inside, what should I do?”, They recommend pouring brake fluid into the light block. This method can indeed be effective, but only for a relatively short time. The fact is that the brake fluid has the ability to attract not only moisture, but dirt and dust. This means that if there are holes or cracks in the light block, then an absolutely opaque film will form on the inner surface of the lampshade, preventing the penetration of headlights. Therefore, using this method is extremely unsafe.

Another common tip about fog lights sweating is the recommendation to use special bags of silicone gel. This method is also suitable for ordinary car headlights.

fog lights sweat what to do
fog lights sweat what to do

However, the use of silica gel has a rather significant drawback. The fact is that such a composition, no matter what package it is in, has the property of increasing in volume when moisture is absorbed. If it enters the interior of the optics space regularly, then a swollen silicone gel bag can become a significant obstacle to the correct operation of the car's lighting system.

Mistedcar headlights are a serious enough problem, every car enthusiast knows this.

headlights sweat on a new car what to do
headlights sweat on a new car what to do

And this is due not only to the aesthetic perception of the appearance of the car, but also to the performance of its systems, assemblies and assemblies. In addition, the formation of condensate in the interior of the lighting unit directly affects traffic safety. We hope that some of the tips and nuances given in this article will help the car owner extend the uptime of his car and make any trip comfortable and safe. Regardless of its duration, weather conditions and the quality of the road surface.

So, we found out the main reasons why condensation appears on car headlights.
