How to remove stickers from car glass?

How to remove stickers from car glass?
How to remove stickers from car glass?

Often when buying a car from hand, the future owner is faced with the problem of removing the stickers that were applied by the previous owner. This may be the emblem of a musical group, advertising information, and so on. But the problem is further complicated by the fact that the glue literally eats into the surface of the glass over time. In today's article, we will talk about how to quickly remove the sticker from the glass in several ways.


Probably, each of us tried to peel off the film by touching its edge with a fingernail. This is the safest option. But often the sticker dries up so much that you can literally remove it with a layer of paintwork or glass.

how to remove stickers from glass
how to remove stickers from glass

Of course, no one wants to spoil the appearance of the car. Some owners resort to the blade method. It can be a piece of a dangerous razor or a clerical knife. But why not use this method? The fact is that a sharp bladeleaves severe scratches. Moreover, they occur not only on the body, but also on the glass (which has a much greater hardness).

Disposable razor

Before removing the sticker from the glass, it must be soaked in a strong substance. "Dry" will not do anything. The razor will only leave small scratches and make the dismantling of the element even more time consuming. The method itself is less dangerous than the blade. After all, the razor does not have such bright protrusions. And in case of strong pressure, it will not damage the glass. But the trouble is that the blade becomes dull quickly. If you have to remove the sticker from the glass (we will consider how to do this later) of large sizes, this method will not work. In addition, you need to consider the thickness of the sticker. If it is very thick, the razor will become dull after the first use. Therefore, it is advisable to use this method only for small areas.

Water and vinyl

There is an opinion that the sticker can be washed off with water.

how to remove sticker from car window
how to remove sticker from car window

But vinyl products have a very tenacious adhesive that is resistant to heat and frost. And pouring boiling water over it is very dangerous - you can get a crack. Therefore, this method will not work for us either.

Hair dryer

This is the safest way to remove stickers from car windows. Under the action of hot air, the adhesive changes its properties. As a result, the vinyl part can be easily removed by prying it with your finger. For the best effect, it is recommended to use a building hair dryer. But in the absence of such, homemade is also suitable (it will just take us more time). How to remove stickers from glass?Everything is extremely simple. First you need to warm the surface for about five minutes. Try to finish all edges of the sticker. Keep a small distance so as not to overheat the glass itself. If it is tinted on the reverse side, take breaks. Since the film can simply melt. After the glue has become hot, gently pry off the edge of the part with a fingernail or plastic scraper.

how to remove decal from car window
how to remove decal from car window

Please note that vinyl surfaces may shrink over years of use. The sticker is covered with small cracks. It is very difficult to see them visually. But when peeling off, part of the part can be cut off. Therefore, we remove it very carefully, without sharp jerks and bends. If the sticker is difficult to go, we take a hair dryer in our hands and heat up the remains of the connecting material along the way.

If there is no hair dryer

If you don't have one, you can use a lamp. The more power it has, the better. But it is worth remembering that a powerful lamp (more than 200 watts) can melt the inside of the glass in case of tinting. Therefore, as in the case of a hair dryer, we keep our distance. How to remove a sticker from a car window? Dismantling it is similar. First we take the edge, and then without jerking we remove the element from the surface.


Often, after removing the sticker, shagreen leather remains on the surface. In no case do not remove it with a blade or other improvised means. In order to wash off the glue, you need to use a solvent. Antisilicone is excellent for these purposes. It contains white spirit and other additives,which instantly dissolve the old glue. The tool is much more effective than vodka or gasoline. "Antisilicon" should be applied to a soft cloth and wipe the glass area. Please note that this is a potent agent - it is important to use rubber gloves and a respirator when working. As for the removal of glue from the paintwork, it is worth noting one point. The tool can also remove a layer of paint if it was not previously applied at the factory. Therefore, we first find out if this surface of the body was painted before you. On the factory paintwork, "anti-silicone" works without consequences.

how to quickly remove the sticker from the glass
how to quickly remove the sticker from the glass

Alternatively, you can use nail polish remover. It contains acetone and other potent substances. The tool perfectly removes traces of old glue. The liquid should be applied to a soft cloth and rubbed around the area to be treated.


At the end of the work, it is desirable to make a light polishing. And in the case of glass, treat it with an alcohol-based cleaner. Then you can proceed to full operation. What is it for? The fact is that after removing the stickers, shadows remain on the surface. The vinyl surface absorbs all the impact of UV rays, while the rest of the paintwork is exposed to negative factors.

how to remove decal from car window
how to remove decal from car window

As a result, the area under the removed sticker is more whole and brighter than the rest of the body. Of course, such a difference greatly spoils the appearance of the car. The same thing happens with glass. Therefore, for maximuma smooth transition, it is recommended to use a polish. It doesn't have to be abrasive. For polishing, use a clean rag or felt wheel. In the latter case, you need to use an angle grinder. But remember that the higher the speed, the higher the heating. Do not press hard on the surface. It is better to polish it in several strokes.

Other methods

There are a few more ways to remove stickers from glass:

Use wallpaper remover. It is better to apply on a rag and wait until the product is completely saturated. Using a rubber or plastic spatula (it is important that it has no sharp edges), remove the element

how to remove sticker from glass
how to remove sticker from glass

How to remove a sticker from a car window? You can try using WD-40. Next, you need to wait until the tool starts to act, and proceed to dismantle the film. Also, this tool can be combined with a hair dryer - pre-soak the sticker, and then heat it to high temperatures. Residual glue is removed with vinegar


So, we figured out how easy it is to remove the sticker from the glass. Of course, the best way is to use specialized tools for this. One of these is the Cleanextreme Aufkleber sticker remover. This tool can be bought for 1 thousand rubles. It is sold in the form of a spray. The drug perfectly removes the adhesive layer. Thus, the sticker can be removed in one go, without loss and re-processing.
