Bridgestone Dueler Sport tires

Bridgestone Dueler Sport tires
Bridgestone Dueler Sport tires

Any car owner knows perfectly well that the quality of car tires plays a big role not only in safety, but also in driving comfort. As for crossovers and SUVs, these indicators in this case are very important. Consider the model of automobile tires Bridgestone Dueler Sport. This model has been designed and tested for use under increased loads. In order to get detailed information about such tires, it is worth considering the characteristics provided by the manufacturer and comparing them with the reviews of real car owners. This method allows you to get reliable and complete information about this car rubber.

Purpose and functions

The manufacturer strives to produce such a rubber model that must meet all the requirements and standards, in this case for cars with increased power - SUVs and crossovers. Such cars have the most torque, unlike ordinary passenger cars.

Bridgestone Dueler Sport
Bridgestone Dueler Sport

Using car tiresBridgestone Dueler Sport is also possible on "cars", but it should be borne in mind that their capabilities cannot be realized on such cars. This means that you will simply overpay for those functions that you cannot use. And the specifics of such rubber can create uncomfortable sensations when driving a car over bumps.

Initially, Bridgestone Dueler Sport tires were used only in the summer, but at the moment they can be used as all-season tires. This feature came about due to the special structure of the tread, which was designed for trouble-free off-road driving.

Specific tread structure

The main criterion set by the manufacturer is the production of rubber, which allows not only a comfortable ride, but also save fuel. For these purposes, the Bridgestone Dueler Sport tread with a special pattern was also developed. In the middle there is a continuous strip with small notches on both sides. Its main function is to maintain directional stability while driving on the road, as well as to combat deviations that occur when minor obstacles occur. Additional functions are carried out by the strips located on the right and left. They improve traction and are able to shorten the braking distance in cases of emergency braking.

Bridgestone Dueler Sport Tires
Bridgestone Dueler Sport Tires

Strengthening the side parts with separate blocks made it possible to make the Bridgestone Dueler Sport tires manageable when cornering, as well as protectfrom cuts and punctures that can result from careless parking along curbs.

The tread pattern was developed by specialized computer programs, and later passed live testing in extreme conditions, where it performed its functions to the maximum.

Slat structure

Tread blocks separate the sipes, which also have important functions. They allow water to be diverted, so even during heavy rain, a car with Bridgestone Dueler Sport tires will have maximum control. In off-road conditions where loose sand and loose clay are present, the chance of the vehicle getting stuck will be minimal.

Bridgestone Logo
Bridgestone Logo

Opinions of car owners

Drivers' reviews of this tire model are quite contradictory. As a result, a selection of the main positive qualities and features of the Bridgestone Dueler Sport was carried out, in which a large number of drivers using this model agree. These include:

  • Confident and reliable grip with the surface, excellent handling on the paved track.
  • High degree of resistance to damage of various kinds.
  • Slip resistant when driving in the rain.
  • Smart tread design.
  • High strength sidewalls.
