What is a CAN bus and what is it for?

What is a CAN bus and what is it for?
What is a CAN bus and what is it for?

At the moment, almost every modern car is equipped with on-board computers, ABS, EBD systems, power windows and many other electronic devices. Now such equipment can control not only mechanical, but also pneumatic, as well as hydraulic systems of the machine. And even the engine cannot do without electronics. It has a special device - CAN-bus. It is about him that we will talk today.

Can bus
Can bus

History of occurrence

The concept of CAN-bus first appeared in the 80s of the last century. Then the well-known German company Bosch, together with Intel, developed a new digital device for data transmission, which was called the Controller Area Network.

What can she do?

This bus can interconnect all sensors, blocks and controllers that are in the car. CAN can connect with immobilizer, SRS system, ESP, electronic control unitengine, gearbox and even airbags. In addition, the tire is in contact with sensors for suspension, central locking and climate control. All these mechanisms are connected in duplex mode with a data transfer rate of up to 1 Mbps.

Can bus description
Can bus description

CAN-bus: description and features of the device

For all its functionality, this mechanism consists of only two wires and one chip. Previously, dozens of plugs were used to connect the CAN bus to all sensors. And if in the 80s only one signal was transmitted on each wire, now this value reaches hundreds.

The modern CAN bus is also different in that it has the function of connecting to a mobile phone. An electronic key fob that acts as an ignition key can also be connected to this device and receive information from the engine control unit.

It is important that this tool can predetermine malfunctions in the functioning of the equipment of the machine and in some cases eliminate them. It is practically immune to interference and has good contact isolation. The CAN bus has a very complicated operation algorithm. Data that is transmitted through it in bits is instantly converted into frames. A 2-wire turn pair serves as an information conductor. There are also fiber optic products, but they are less efficient in operation, so they are not as common as the first options. The least common is the CAN bus, which transmits information via a radio channel or infrared rays.

Functionality and performance

To improve the performance of this device, manufacturers often shorten the length of their wires. If the total bus length is less than 10 meters, the information transfer rate will increase to 2 megabits per second. Typically, at this speed, the mechanism transmits data from 64 electronic sensors and controllers. If more devices are connected to the bus, several circuits are created for receiving and transmitting information.

Can bus
Can bus

If the CAN-bus continues to develop, perhaps soon it will be installed on absolutely all cars and trucks, including domestic ones.
