Russian-made forged wheels: reviews

Russian-made forged wheels: reviews
Russian-made forged wheels: reviews

A car rim is like shoes for a person. If it is relatively easy to make boots or shoes comfortable, stylish, convenient, and, most importantly, of high quality, then doing the same trick with car rims is not a trivial task.

What can happen if you make the wrong choice when buying a new pair of boots? Poor-quality shoes only threaten their owner with minor troubles, but low-quality car wheels can be quite expensive, the bill will go to human lives. In this article, you will find out what modern wheels are made of and what is the opinion of motorists about Russian-made forged wheels.

blanks (pancakes)
blanks (pancakes)

Production stage

Production begins with the receipt of aluminum "ingots" at factories where they will produce a technically perfect forged wheel. Arrived ingots are placed in a furnace with a temperature of 1000 degrees, where they add the necessary elements: magnesium, copper, manganese andother. The resulting cocktail is poured into containers, resulting in pillars, each 6 meters long.

disc formation
disc formation

To get blanks for Russian-made forged wheels, the posts are cut into equal parts. Finished blanks are sent to the stamping shop, where, under the influence of a giant press, the final product acquires the necessary qualities - strength and elasticity. With a force of 10,000 tons per square centimeter, the press forms original pancakes from blanks. Thanks to this action and the subsequent triple hardening, the forged wheel becomes stronger than steel. This is hard, painstaking manual work. At the next stage, the stamping molds are changed on the press and continue to form the appearance of the future wheel, the molds are changed several times. Only for the third time they receive a blank, from which the final product is cut - a forged disk.

forged wheel VSMPO
forged wheel VSMPO

Under the VSMPO brand

Russian-made VSMPO forged wheels are supplied to various countries. The wheels are used by automakers Nissan, Mazda, Honda and others. The contract concluded with Rolls-Royce until 2025 for the supply of titanium and light alloy products, including forged wheels, testifies to the global recognition of the quality of the products. Due to the workload of the plant with contracts with global automakers, the production of forged wheels for retail has been stopped since 2012. But the stock of manufactured products, which is accumulated in the warehouses of the enterprise, will be enough for some time. So they are still in stores. Reviewsmotorists about VSMPO products are presented below.

Positive comments:

  • Weight. Forged, which means - light, respectively, lower fuel consumption.
  • Lower price compared to imported counterparts.
  • Classic disc design.
  • Many shades of grey, white and black available, easy to match to a specific car.
  • Good selection of popular 14" and 15" diameters.
  • Good shock absorber, resistant to deformation.
  • Long life without visible damage.
  • The models are especially praised: Panther 17, Vega, Sigma 16, Vesta, Pallada.
  • Many emphasize the good handling and maneuverability of the car.

There are also negative experiences.

  • After buying a new set, you should check the discs on the stand. Sometimes unbalanced instances come across. The result will be a beating steering wheel. But such reviews are the exception rather than the rule.
  • The only drawback that is often pointed out is the price. Compared to casting, forged wheels are significantly more expensive, although cheaper than imported wheels.
forged slick
forged slick

Forged "shoes" SLIK

Russian-made SLIK forged wheels have been produced since 1992. The holding produces wheel disks by purchasing blanks (pancakes) from trusted domestic manufacturers. The rest of the work on hot stamping by pressing and subsequent processing is carried out at our own facilities. Forged wheels from SLIK are installed on sportscars of racing teams that participate in competitions of the AvtoVAZ series. The range of manufactured products includes more than 50 types. Consumers value products under the name SLIK.

According to reviews, Russian-made forged wheels have the following advantages:

  • Car enthusiasts speak particularly well of the wide range of wheels on display. For each model there is a full size range. Accordingly, you can choose the kit you like for any car.
  • Especially emphasize the low weight of the product. Weight varies from 4 to 9 kilograms depending on the type and model, and this is 25-30% lower than casting.
  • Excellent corrosion resistance and impact ductility.
  • Modern design is SLIK's forte. The wheels look modern and transform the car.
  • The price is several times lower than foreign analogues.
  • Lovers of sports wheels on low-profile tires emphasize excellent handling, modern looks and durability.
  • It is possible to order an individual set on the official website.
  • Frequently release new items.

Complaints in the reviews are as follows:

  • When buying on the official website, motorists complain about the long delivery.
  • When ordering individual parameters, the wait is delayed from a month to two.
  • Sometimes unbalanced kits are on sale.
  • Due to their popularity, they are often faked, you should be careful when choosing an option.
smk disks
smk disks

Products underSMK brand

Aircraft components manufacturer JSC "Stupinskaya MK" in the 90s of the last century expanded its range with a line for the production of forged wheels. Russian-made forged wheels SMK are also known under the M&K brand. Finished products are produced on the latest equipment using hot stamping. Technology helps to achieve high performance. Wheels are purchased by automakers from Japan, Germany, China. Products are delivered to the conveyors of Bentley and Aston Martin.

In the reviews, consumers notice the following:

  • Wheels under the SMK brand are "indestructible" and light.
  • There are no complaints about the strength and quality of the alloy, the discs correspond to the declared characteristics.
  • The geometry is fine, no complaints.
  • The only drawback noted is the coloring of the disc. Easily damaged at attachment points. After several years of operation, the disc loses its external gloss and attractiveness.
  • Consumers also have good things to say about the range of forged motorcycle wheels.
KRAMZ wheels
KRAMZ wheels

KRAMZ discs

Krasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant takes a firm place in the wheel market. Russian-made forged wheels KRAMZ are produced using their own unique technology. Over the years of production, a unified scheme for casting, forging, stamping blanks, thermal and mechanical processing of the product has been established. The forging technology makes it possible to achieve the strength and elasticity of the disk, which does not burst upon impact with an obstacle, but bends without splitting andcracks.

There are few online reviews of CDs, but the ones that do exist are mostly positive:

  • Fans of SUVs prefer KRAMZ wheels. There are only positive reviews on the forums, they appreciate high strength. The wheels really stand up to tough conditions.
  • Consumers speak about an affordable price, two times lower than imported analogues.
  • After three years of operation, they do not lose their external gloss, high-quality and durable painting.
disc mag altec
disc mag altec

Mag altek Wheels

It is worth noting the Russian-made forged wheels "Mag altek" from the city of Tula. The company supplies its products to tuning companies. For example, the well-known Marchesini studio buys these wheels. This tuning shop serves the MotoGP racing series.

Reviews about this manufacturer are as follows:

  • Consumers indicate that the company purchases blanks at KRAMZ, and this is an additional guarantee of quality.
  • It is especially appreciated that from each batch produced, several samples are examined, only after that the wheels go on sale.
  • Discs are strong, durable, paint resistant.
disc sawing
disc sawing


Positive reviews of Russian-made forged wheels among motorists indicate strength and reliability, and the minimum weight provides the declared characteristics. Russian domestic production technologies successfully compete in the market of forgeddrives.
