Eight-cylinder (V8) engine: specifications, features

Eight-cylinder (V8) engine: specifications, features
Eight-cylinder (V8) engine: specifications, features

The development of the automotive industry has never stood still. Parts have always been changed to more improved and improved ones. V8 engines came into the world thanks to other low-powered ones and took their place of honor in the automotive chain.

v8 engine
v8 engine

At the moment, these motors take pride of place in the model range offered by manufacturers, and are not going to leave this niche. The name V8 speaks for itself: it is the way the cylinders are arranged in the block.

The history of V-engines

The appearance of V8 engines was preceded by the fact that before them there were in-line engines that did not differ in high traction power. The first V8 engine was developed and designed in 1902 by the designer Levassard, who designed and developed engines for ships and ships. But already in 1905 the world saw the first Rolls-Royce internal combustion engines, which were installed on cars.

ZMZ v8 engines
ZMZ v8 engines

Further, this technology was picked up by such well-known manufacturers as Oldsmobile, GM, Chevrolet and Cadillac. This technology flooded the United States and literally became an entire era. European manufacturers have always tried to switch to more economical options,which made the V8 engine highly specialized.

bmw v8 engines
bmw v8 engines

In the USSR, starting from the 50s, modified and improved engines of this class began to be used on trucks, and later on cars. Even now in Russia, many representatives of domestic vehicles have a V8 configuration.

American V8

V8 engine technology gained a fairly wide popularity that lasted for a long time, from 1910 to the early nineties. These motors have become ideal for installation on muscle cars and ordinary cars that the average consumer has fallen in love with.

Of course, there were some improvements. In the mid-70s, GMC launched several lines of super-powerful V8 engines at once on several models that have become classics of the American automotive industry. At the same time, the legendary Ford, together with Shelby, releases two magnificent creations - the GT350 and GT500. These models to this day are considered among the best in the world, according to motorists and experts.

v8 diesel engine
v8 diesel engine

V8-engined cars such as the Chevrolet Camaro SS, Chevrolet Impala 67, Dodge Charger, Dodge Challenger, Buick Riviera, Pontiac GTO, Plymouth Barracuda and Oldsmobile Toronado have become widely known in the world. All these models are quite well known in the US and also in the CIS.

V8 comes from Germany

BMW V8 and Audi V8 engines have become prominent representatives of the production. Every guy has heard since childhood that these are classic German sports cars.productions that fascinated and amazed with their power. Another distinguishing characteristic was the sound of the V8 engine, which many still recognize today.

During the gangster 90s in the Russian Federation, many members of the gangs drove cars of these brands. They had advantages over the rest, thanks to their strong motor, on which they escaped from chases. The Audi V8 engine had a fairly long resource, approximately 700-800 thousand kilometers, so it fell in love with many motorists who still operate it.

Development of domestic eight-cylinder engine

Of course, all technologies came to the Soviet Union late. Almost all developed cars and engines were practically copied from foreign counterparts. So, the first GAZ V8 engine was installed on the 13th model, which many people know as the "Seagull".

This engine gained particular popularity thanks to two cars - GAZ-53 and ZIL-130. They were considered the most reliable and easy to maintain. Repairing their internal combustion engines was simple and did not cause inconvenience. Of course, over the years they have lost their former power and become ordinary, such that nothing surprises.

The modern domestic auto industry can only boast of a few engines. ZMZ V8 engines, which are installed on the Volga and Gazelle, are among them. They showed high technical characteristics and were recognized as one of the best engines that were produced in the post-Soviet space.

scania v8 engine
scania v8 engine

Technicalspecifications and features of V8

V8 (engine) - an internal combustion engine, which, by and large, is assembled from two four-row ones that were suspended on one crankshaft. In this case, the connecting rods, which were located opposite, were placed on one connecting rod neck of the crankshaft. In the V8 configuration (engine) is unbalanced in terms of inertia of the pistons and the top of the connecting rod in the pin mount. This is accompanied by a vibration that can be heard in the cabin.

To balance this force, two additional shafts are required, which will rotate 2 times faster than the crankshaft and at the same time in different directions. This technology is used on Ferrari or other high-speed internal combustion engines.

In the modern world, several cylinder angles are used relative to each other: 60, 90 and 180 degrees. Of course, the first one is the most common. On faster versions of cars and muscle cars, there is a 90-degree. And only the manufacturer "Subaru" distinguished itself: on sports car variants, the V8 engine model has a cylinder turning angle of 180 degrees.

v8 engine model
v8 engine model

Cargo V8 as an essential condition for power

At the beginning of the Second World War, when there was an urgent need to increase the power of trucks and increase their cross-country ability, it was decided to install V8 class engines on them. This made it possible to transport more ammunition, as well as to travel through areas where traction power was previously lacking.

engine gas v8
engine gas v8

In the 60s, all American trucks were equipped withsuch motors. In Europe, the Scania V8 engine deserved special popularity, which, according to its technical data, could pull up to 40 tons of cargo, and ease of maintenance and reliability earned it the love of truckers.

Of course, today the V8 is installed on cars with a carrying capacity of up to 10 tons, since it makes no sense to put on a higher one from an economic point of view. So, on modern roads you can meet the following representatives of the auto industry with an installed V8 engine: GAZ, MAZ, KAMAZ, MAN, DAF, Foton, FAW and others. The most popular truck configuration is the 4.2 liter V8 engine.

Maintenance of V-8s

The engine of any car must be serviced regularly in order to function properly and for a long time. What is included in this process? Let's take a closer look:

  1. Change oil and filter elements.
  2. Flushing the fuel system and repairing the injection pump.
  3. Replacing spark plugs and glow plugs.
  4. Valve adjustment.
  5. Replacing the valve cover gasket and pan.
  6. Ignition adjustment.
  7. In-line replacement of parts that failed.

Maintenance of the V8 engine for each car has its own terms, but you should not postpone them, because untimely replacement or repair can lead to various consequences, including the complete replacement of the piston group or engine assembly.

General concepts of repairing 8-cylinder engines

Each motor has its own resource of use, and when it is exhausted,have to repair it. Repair of such engines should be carried out at special stations, since only they have the equipment that will allow this to be done. Everyone can have a tool, but not special equipment.

There are several types of V8 repairs: in-line, scheduled and overhaul. The first two are always planned, because it is already clear that the parts inside the power unit fail, but the last one can turn up unexpectedly.

Head head repair

One of the types of repair operations, which is carried out mainly with the wear of the main power unit - the cylinder block. Consider the main operations and spare parts using the ZMZ V8 engine as an example:

  1. Of course, the first step is to dismantle the entire cylinder head. To do this, disconnect everything that is adjacent to it. More detailed instructions can be found for each manufacturer's model separately.
  2. Disassembling the cylinder head.
  3. Inspection and measurement of parts that were seized. Determinations of suitability for further use.
  4. Cutter, polishing, grinding and assembly preparation.
  5. Direct assembly process.
  6. Installation on the car and connection.

It is worth remembering that these operations must be carried out in a car service, since many of them cannot be done at home. ZMZ V8 engines are quite easy to repair, compared to trucks, in which there are many nuances.

List of the main parts that fail in the cylinder head:

  1. Intake and exhaust valves.
  2. Seats and valve seals.
  3. Camshafts in some cases.
  4. Valve tappets.

Valve springs and cylinder head housings almost never break.

Cylinder Block Repair

Powertrain repair is one of the most complex in the entire car. It contains the largest number of nodes, without which the functioning of the car is impossible. So, consider the general technological process of repairing this part:

  1. The most time-consuming and safest is the dismantling of the cylinder block. It is worth disconnecting all the nodes associated with it, as well as disassembling some of the auxiliary ones. Depending on the type of V8 and vehicle, the process can take 8-16 hours.
  2. Disassembly of the power unit is carried out on a special stand, which allows you to wrap it around the axis by 360 degrees.
  3. Diagnosis of disassembled parts. Inspection and measurements. They mainly measure the thickness of the crankshaft journals and the size of the piston channel.
  4. Selection of spare parts is carried out by a specialist in a store or a spare parts manager based on the primary data of the motor, as well as measurements.
  5. The next step in the repair is grinding the crankshaft on a special machine. The cylinder block is bored with a honing machine.
  6. Washing of parts is done after each operation. Before assembly, all parts are thoroughly cleaned of chips, dirt and other foreign particles.
  7. The assembly process can take from 16 to 48 hours, depending on the engine version.
  8. At the end of allmanipulations are tested, first on a special stand, and then on a car.

The main spare parts that are used in the repair of the cylinder block:

  1. Piston kit or sleeve kit. May be purchased together or separately.
  2. Internal and connecting rod bearings.
  3. Gasket kit.
  4. Oil pump.
  5. Glands to/shaft.
  6. Drive gears.

It is worth noting that the repair of a V8 type power unit is quite expensive. In some cases, even very much. Many engine rebuilders recommend getting your car serviced on time as it is much cheaper than a major overhaul.

Tuning "eight"

By and large, no one invented special tuning for these motors. Of course, in the 70s and 80s, they tried to redo something on muscle cars to add power, but it didn’t work. Modern engineers have made the only refinement - the installation of a turbocharger, which added traction.

As the developer of the Dodge Challenger confessed: "why improve something that is already perfect?". No manufacturer, especially old American "beasts", believes that it is necessary to tune the engines of their production, since everything that can be already installed and adjusted to maximum power.

V8 diesel engines

V8 diesel engines have replaced uneconomical gasoline engines. Bright representatives in the CIS space is YaMZ-238. Over the years he has proven hisreliability. It is installed mainly on MAZ vehicles and some agricultural machinery. Quite easy to repair, and the abundance of spare parts allows you to choose the best option for purchase.

audi v8 engine
audi v8 engine

The V8 diesel engine has more power than the gasoline engine, so most car manufacturers have switched to using it. Also a big plus is lower fuel consumption, and the resource of use is increased by 40%.

The most important achievement in the development of engines of this type is the invention of electronic fuel distribution with deactivated cylinders. It was first used on the Dodge Challenger. Now many well-known automakers use this technology at the G8.
