Carburetor K 135: device and adjustment

Carburetor K 135: device and adjustment
Carburetor K 135: device and adjustment

Eight-cylinder gasoline engines ZMZ 53 (they are often called GAZ 53, although this is incorrect) were used on a huge number of different vehicles: GAZ trucks, PAZ and KAVZ buses. Several versions of the engine continue to be produced today.

Power system

All ZMZ 53 engines were equipped with a power supply system with a carburetor. In addition to this device, the system included a fuel pump, a tank or system of tanks for storing fuel, filters and pipelines for connecting system nodes. Below we will consider the general arrangement of the main node of the power system - the vertical carburetor K 135.

General Description

This model came in 1985 to replace the K 126 model. The appearance of the new device was associated with the modernization of the ZMZ engine family. The body of the new carburetor has not changed, in fact, only the flow sections of the jets have changed.

carburetor k 135
carburetor k 135

Added EGR valve vacuum pipe fitting to body.

Features of the upgraded engine

K 135 carburetor (like K 126) has two chambers, each ofwhich provides a working mixture of 4 cylinders. On older versions of the engines, there was an intake manifold with crossing channels at different levels. The first chamber fed cylinders 1, 4, 6 and 7, the second - 5, 2, 3 and 8. The carburetor compartments worked in accordance with the order of flashes in the engine parts. Collector of the old type in the photo below.

carburetor to 135 adjustment
carburetor to 135 adjustment

On the upgraded motor, the manifold was simplified, and each chamber became responsible for the cylinders of its block. This decision reduced the cost of the collector. But uneven pressure pulsations arose in the chambers of the K 135 carburetor. Due to such pulsations, there is a spread in the characteristics of the mixture in different cylinders and at different moments of engine operation. The new manifold can be seen in the photo.

carburetor gas 53 to 135
carburetor gas 53 to 135

But thanks to the new jets, it was still possible to improve the toxicity standards of GAZ 53 engines. The K 135 carburetor ensured the preparation of leaner working mixtures, which slightly smoothed out the heterogeneity of the mixture. A new manifold and carburetor, together with new cylinder heads with increased compression ratio and screwed intake ports, have improved the fuel efficiency of the engines by 6-7%. At the same time, the requirements for the octane number of gasoline have not changed.

Shared device

The K 135 carburetor circuit is quite simple. In fact, it consists of two independent units assembled in one housing and united by a common float chamber. Accordingly, there are two dosing systems. They include the main diffuser, inthe narrowing of which is the fuel sprayer. Below is a mixing chamber, the mixture outlet from which is controlled by a gas damper.

The dampers have a common axis, which ensures almost the same amount of air passing through the carburetor chambers. The axis of the dampers is connected by rods with the accelerator pedal of the car.

The metering system provides fuel in proportion to the supply air. The key element of the system is the narrow channel diffuser. When air passes through it, a reduced pressure is created, depending on the speed of the passing flow. Due to this phenomenon, fuel is taken through the main fuel jet from the float chamber. Access to these jets is possible without disassembling the carburetor and is through screw plugs in the body of the float chamber.

The fuel level is automatically adjusted by the needle valve and associated float. On older models of carburetors, there was a control window in the chamber wall. To maintain mixture composition, the K 135 carburetor is equipped with an air-braked fuel compensation system.

carburetor repair k 135
carburetor repair k 135

At low speeds, the air flow is low and there is a lack of vacuum in the metering unit. An idle system is used to ensure engine operation in this mode.

For the most complete realization of engine power and dynamic acceleration, the K 135 carburetor is equipped with an economizer and an accelerator pump. Of the additional systems, it is worth noting the starting device and the speed limitermotor.


This element of the car is quite simple in design and does not require much attention if used correctly. Adjusting the K 135 carburetor includes adjusting the starter, monitoring the fuel level in the chamber and adjusting the idle system.

When adjusting the starter, it is necessary to close the air damper, which will move the gas damper to the starting position through the rod. The gap between the gas damper and the chamber wall should be within 1.2 mm. Adjusting the device consists in setting this parameter and is performed using the adjusting bar in the damper drive. Easy starting of a cold engine is only possible with the specified clearance.

Another important step in adjusting the K 135 carburetor is setting the fuel level in the float chamber. To do this, measure the distance between the float and the plane of the cover. It should be 40 mm. Measurement is carried out on the removed cover in an inverted state. The distance is adjusted by bending the valve needle drive tongue. At the same time, it should not have damage and dents. The final control of the fuel level is made on the installed carburetor.


Disassembly and repair of the K 135 carburetor is carried out in case of damage to parts or severe contamination of the device. However, washing and cleaning should not be abused. After all, there is a risk of clogging the channels inside the carburetor with dirt and breaking the worn-in connections.

One of the most frequent operations is flushing the float chamber. At the same time, it is easy to cleanreceding deposits. Dirt that has adhered tightly to the walls should not be cleaned. Deposits in the chamber are a consequence of the poor condition of the fuel filtration system. Therefore, cleaning should be combined with the replacement and cleaning of filters.

carburetor diagram for 135
carburetor diagram for 135

When disassembling the carburetor, you should pay attention to the condition of the jets, if necessary, they should be washed. The condition of the floats is checked (they are of two types - brass and plastic), the axes of the dampers, the accelerator pump. All damaged parts should be replaced with new ones.

Separately control the condition of the surfaces of the mating parts of the body. If necessary, grind them on the surface plate.

After completion of work, they reassemble, adjust and install the carburetor on the engine.
