Reservation film on glass

Reservation film on glass
Reservation film on glass

Man always wants to secure his life. In parallel with the development of civilization, new methods and approaches arose, they changed, improved and combined. Some of them have sunk into oblivion due to their flaws. But now we can confidently say that those who offer the best result with the least investment win.

General information

armor film
armor film

If we talk about buildings or cars, then the weakest point in terms of security is glass. So, glass cannot protect against penetration inside, when it is destroyed, a large number of small fragments with sharp edges occur, and this often leads to accidents. There is a fairly wide range of possible actions here. Here, for example, you can put gratings on the glass. But then you have to admire the "striped" world. True, if someone sets himself the goal of penetrating a room or a car, then this approach will not save. In addition, the gratings will not protect against a shot and the impact of an explosive device. Also, in the event of a fire, they will prevent you from getting out of the room. Therefore, armoring window films are gaining more and more popularity, which, with the same characteristics, are devoid of significant drawbacks.

Whatis this?

protective film for glass
protective film for glass

What are the positive aspects of armor film? Initially, the strengthening of the glass should be noted. Protective armor films hold the fragments on themselves during destruction. In addition, they also provide sound insulation and fire resistance. It should be especially noted that the armoring film is used to protect not glass, but human life and safety. Also, thanks to this combination, the original optical transparency is preserved. The use of such a construction is an unexpected obstacle for attackers, which unbalances them and dissuades them from the success of the case. Indeed, in order to destroy glass, it is necessary to deliver an extremely powerful blow. So, the most widely presented assortment can withstand the explosion of two kilograms of TNT at a distance of five meters. To break through such protection, it is necessary to hit extremely hard and over a very small area, which is quite problematic. To overcome such an obstacle as a protective film on glass, you need to make a lot of effort and time.

About indicators

armor film for car
armor film for car

Let's talk a little about the characteristics. As an indicator of efficiency, we can turn to the practice of banks - they have long since switched from protective grilles to films. This choice was made due to high performance and comfort level. You can successfully use this development not only in houses, apartments or offices, there is also an armored film on a car,which does its job well. It reduces the lethal force of the explosion, fragments and bullets. And even after a long load (for example, a burst from a machine gun) and penetration in one place, it will at least deviate the trajectory and worsen the result of aimed shooting.

Other useful properties

protective armor films
protective armor films

And now let's pay attention to this aspect, about which few people even guess. Thus, the film can help prevent… illegal receipt of information through a vibroacoustic channel or a radio channel. What is the mechanism of action in this case? When an armored film is installed, the magnitude of glass vibration, which is caused by sound (acoustic) waves, drops significantly. This will create additional problems when searching for an audio signal in the received laser radiation. Something similar can be said about bugs. Due to the fact that the room will be in a metallized film, the part of the radio emission that will pass through the glass (which is considered the easiest way) will be significantly reduced.

Not to mention fire resistance. So, for him, the presence of oxygen is critical. At a temperature of 700 degrees Celsius, an ordinary window can withstand about a minute and a half. After that, it will begin to collapse and let outside air into the room. As a result, the strength of the fire and the speed of its spread will increase. Whereas the armored film at the same temperature, according to the standards, must withstand eight minutes of negative influence, althoughIn practice, it is noted that it (individual developments) can successfully resist fire for half an hour. This resistance is due to the fact that the materials used to make it are not flammable.

Is this all?

window armor films
window armor films

Does the list of benefits end there? No. A useful property of armored film is that it reduces the likelihood of injury when glass doors are installed. This avoids trouble if, for example, children play extremely actively. Also, armored film provides opportunities for unprecedented architectural solutions such as a transparent ceiling. After all, it calmly withstands the influence of snow and even hail. In addition, even in an extremely dangerous situation, broken glass will not shatter into many fragments. As additions, it can also be used on various elements of household items such as ordinary tables with a glass top. Application relative to the car will significantly reduce the risk of damage or theft.


For the best result, it is better to use the services of professionals - manufacturers of armored film. Why? Let's consider the answer to this question on the example of a car. As a rule, the film that is applied to such equipment has one amazing feature: it acts as a reliable protection only from one side. What does this mean in practice? According to the idea, if someone shoots at the driver of the car, he will not be able to injure him thanks tothe presence of protection. And if the person who is in the cabin decides to open fire in response, then the bullets fired by him will pass through glass and film with virtually no problems. This is possible due to the specifics in the construction of a protective structure. This is also possible for other security reasons, so that in case of locked doors and the need to urgently leave the car, a person can do this, and the armoring film in this case should not interfere.
