Power take-off is an important detail

Power take-off is an important detail
Power take-off is an important detail

To drive the loading and unloading units of vehicles, it is necessary to use additional power sources of power take-off. One or more types of devices transmit the working force from the engine to the actuators. Here you need a power take-off (PTO).

Power take-off
Power take-off

Choosing PTO

The choice of PTO depends on the type of additional equipment and the intended tasks. Optimum operation, quality, easier installation, lower total cost of the box with installation work are taken into account. Depending on the field of application, various types of drive mechanisms are connected to the PTO, which transmit force to the working unit that requires power. The technical requirements of the additional equipment determine which unit is the most appropriate. Since the interaction of the PTO with the power unit and transmission is critical, the power take-off must be structurally coordinated with the engine and gearbox.

  • Use of increased pressure in the systemreduces the size of the applied pipelines and hydraulic pumps, which saves space and reduces weight.
  • Direct connection of the hydraulic pump to the box reduces the cost of installation.
  • A larger PTO ratio allows for lower crankshaft speed, which reduces noise and fuel consumption.

Dependent type power take-off

Clutch-dependent PTOs are installed on manual transmissions. They can only be used when the engine is idling. They are easy to install and light weight. The selection box driven by the intermediate shaft of the manual transmission is attached to the rear of the gearbox housing. Speed with power output is determined by engine speed and gearbox ratio. The clutch-dependent power take-off can be activated by the pneumatic system when the engine is idling. Clutch-dependent power take-off is suitable if the special vehicle is equipped with a manual transmission, and there is no need to select it on the go.

Benefits of dependent system

  • Dependent PTOs weigh less than independent PTOs.
  • No wasted engine power because hydraulic oil is not pumped continuously through the system as is the case with PTO regardless of clutch.
  • The structure is simple and robust, the maintenance required is minimal and low installation costs can be achieved. The inability to engage the power take-off when moving the vehicle can be considered a safety advantage.

Models of dependent PTOs for domestic cars

  • KAMAZ power take-off mounted to the upper hatch of the gearbox: MP02, MP03, MP08, MP27, MP55.
  • To the right side hatch of the gearbox: MP01, MP05, MP07, MP15, MP21, MP22, MP29, MP41, MP50, MP57, MP73, MP74.
  • To the left side hatch of the gearbox: MP39.
  • To the rear end of the gearbox: MP23, MP28, MP47, MP48.
  • To the top hatch of the transfer case: MP24, MP32.
  • GAZ power take-off mounted to the right side hatch of the gearbox: MP01, MP05, MP07, MP15, MP29, MP41, MP73, MP74, MP82.
GAZ 53 power take-off
GAZ 53 power take-off

For old model GAZ-53

GAZ-53 became the most massive truck in the USSR. Special equipment was also produced on its chassis, in particular fuel trucks. To operate the pump, a GAZ-53 power take-off box is installed on the fuel truck, screwed to the right side hatch of the 4-speed gearbox. Rotation is transmitted to the pump through the cardan. Switching on is mechanical. Modification 53b-4202010-08 is connected with slots, and 53b-4202010-09 is connected with flanges. The maximum transmitted power is very small: 9.42 kW.

GAZ power take-off
GAZ power take-off

Independent type power take-off

Independent power take-off from the clutch can be mounted on a car with a power unit and transmission of any type. You can turn it on when moving and on stationary equipment. An independent PTO is also suitable for switching it on from outside the vehicle. For vehicles requiring continuous access to the power take-off, fullclutch independence is the only solution.

For manual transmission: the power take-off is driven by the engine flywheel and is mounted between the engine and manual transmission. Only the power unit controls the speed and power. The power take-offs have an electro-pneumatic/hydraulic engagement system made with a friction clutch.

For automatic transmission: PTO is mounted in front on top of the gearbox. It is driven by the engine flywheel through a torque converter, which, with the help of a strong drive gear, transmits the drive force to the power take-off. Therefore, the PTO is not affected by the converter speed. The power take-off is activated by the electrical and hydraulic systems, including while driving.

Clutch independent

The box is installed on the engine. It is activated by the engine camshaft drive. This means that when the engine is running, the PTO operates regardless of whether the vehicle is moving or stationary. Activation of the hydraulic drive is carried out by a safety valve installed on the hydraulic pump.

Models of independent PTOs

  • KAMAZ KOM, mounted to the right side hatch of the gearbox: MP121-4202010, MP119-4202010, MP123-4202010.
  • To the left side hatch of the gearbox: MP114-4202010.
  • To the rear end of the gearbox: MP105-4206010.
MAZ power take-off
MAZ power take-off

Installation of MAZ boxes

On the manual transmission, the MAZ power take-off is mounted on the left or right. The location affects the direction of the operating shaft,therefore, on the location of the pump of the hydraulic installation. With the help of rubber pads, metal and paronite gaskets, the distance between the gears is adjusted. At the first test run of the installed power box, the torque should be low. Gear teeth should be worn in.
