What is the 1ZZ engine and how does it work?

What is the 1ZZ engine and how does it work?
What is the 1ZZ engine and how does it work?

The 1ZZ engine first appeared in the late 90s. At that time, this unit was a completely new representative of the family of Japanese engines. At first, this engine was installed on the world famous Toyota Corolla. Together with this unit, the car was delivered to various countries of America and Europe, but in Russia such equipment was rather rare. Why hasn't the 1ZZ engine earned universal recognition? You will find out the answer to this question in our article.

engine 1zz
engine 1zz

Motor specification

This engine model was originally developed to replace the old "Toyota" line of units with more economical and powerful units. In fact, the novelty turned out to be quite successful - the first test specimens turned out to be quite powerful and at the same time emitted less harmful substances into the atmosphere. After some time, the 1ZZ engine began to be equipped on almost all Japanese cars of classes C and D. Nevertheless, it did not force out gasoline engines from the market, and they are still relevant for Russian and European buyers.

Why hasn't this unit become so popular?

Proceeding from this, the question arises: "So why is he stillnot forced out the "obsolete" gasoline engines from the market? It seems to be both powerful and environmentally friendly, it consumes less fuel … but what's the catch then?" The thing is that the 1ZZ engine is not subject to any repair. Because of this, many motorists called this power plant "disposable". In practice, it turns out the following: after 150-200 thousand kilometers this motor stops its movement forever. it is not in great demand at all.

engine repair 1zz
engine repair 1zz

When developing the design of the power plant, the manufacturer made only one repair size of the crankshaft. For comparison: engines of the ZMZ family (which are installed on modern Volga and Gazelles) are equipped with a crankshaft with 4 repair sizes. That is, after reaching a mileage of 200 thousand kilometers, the owner sends it for boring, and the car drives again. With a new Japanese motor, such a trick will not work. 1ZZ engine repair is more fantasy than reality.

But that's not all the surprises of the eco-friendly novelty. Another significant drawback that the 1ZZ engine has is the poor quality of the piston ring alloy (oddly enough for Japan). Because of this, their resource was significantly reduced. Moreover, the oil in such an engine was consumed in an unlimited amount (more than 500 milligrams / 1000 kilometers). To correctengineers decided the situation only in 2002, when a new series of modified 1ZZ motors was released.

1zz engine
1zz engine

The previous disadvantages were eliminated, including the increase in the number of oil drain channels and improved crankcase gas outlets. But one thing remained unchanged - this motor was still "disposable", and after 200 thousand kilometers it was simply thrown out.
