How to increase the density of the electrolyte in the battery?

How to increase the density of the electrolyte in the battery?
How to increase the density of the electrolyte in the battery?

Sometimes even after one day of inactivity, the car refuses to start. It turns out that even in such a short time, the density of the electrolyte in the battery can drop to an extreme mark. Of course, this does not happen every day, but there is still a risk of being late for work or an important meeting. Therefore, every week you need to monitor the condition of the battery and, if necessary, charge it. But what to do if even this process does not help to restore the previous characteristics of the battery? Let's look into this matter.

low density of the electrolyte in the battery
low density of the electrolyte in the battery

Why does this happen?

When even after a long charge the car still does not start, this indicates that the density of the electrolyte in the battery has decreased to the extreme point. In this case, there is no need to rush anywhere, becauseThe process of restoring this part is very long. And there is a low density of the electrolyte in the battery due to its frequent recharges. Such actions often lead to the evaporation of the solution and the boiling of this part. Therefore, if the battery level remains at a minimum after a 20-hour charge, then the density of the electrolyte in the battery is significantly reduced.

How to get out of this situation?

In order to restore the previous density of the battery, you should add fresh electrolyte to it. Thanks to such a liquid, the problematic part will immediately raise its consistency.

Recovery instructions

Below you can see the process by which the low density of the electrolyte in the battery will be increased.

First of all, measure the problem part with a hydrometer. If the density reading is lower than 1.20, know that the battery needs your attention. The process of "rescuing" the battery is carried out by adding electrolyte with a density of 1.28. To begin with, we do this with one can. To increase the density, pump out as much of the old solution as possible. This is done using a tool such as an enema pear. After the liquid is pumped out, its volume should be measured. Next, a new electrolyte must be placed in the battery. But that's not the whole process.

electrolyte density in the battery in winter
electrolyte density in the battery in winter

In order for the density of the electrolyte in the battery to rise to normal in winter, you need to mix both liquids well. To do this, shake or shake the battery well. Then, after bothelectrolytes have become one, we measure their density. In the case when the results showed an unsatisfactory mark, pour a few more milliliters of fresh electrolyte into the jar. This process is repeated until the meter reading is above 1.25. The remaining volume of the jars should be filled with distilled water. But in no case should you fill the entire container with it, because in this case the density of the electrolyte in the battery will drop even more, and this will not end in anything good.

electrolyte density in the battery
electrolyte density in the battery

Helpful advice

Before starting work, remember that the hydrometer should show unequal results during measurements. The optimal range should be between 1.25 and 1.29. If you are in the northern latitudes, these results should be slightly higher than the southern ones, but not more than 0.02.
