IZH "Planet-5": tuning not only for speed, but also for the soul

IZH "Planet-5": tuning not only for speed, but also for the soul
IZH "Planet-5": tuning not only for speed, but also for the soul

Tuning the motorcycle IZH "Planet-5" is the dream of many boys, which they sometimes begin to realize only in adulthood, when they can afford to purchase the product of the Izhevsk Motor Plant. Then you can get down to business with Planet-5. Such "operations" are joined by their children and grandchildren, male, and sometimes female, joining the amazing and mysterious world of motorcycle making.

Motorcycle "Planet-5"

Motorcycle "Planet-5", whose production began in 1985 and completed in 2008, lends itself remarkably to tuning. More often they perform tuning of the exterior, some units or main components. To make the fifth "Planet" more frisky and passable (in fact, to convert IZH "Planet-5" into a motocross motorcycle), the excess is removed from the frame in order to reduce the 180-kilogram curb weight of the motorcycle. Then, for its best travel, long-stroke shock absorbers are placed on the rear wheel and the front fork is replaced. You can rearrange it from a motorcycle "Java" with a reinforced stroke. Naturally, the wings also change.

The engine does not undergo fundamental changes. To increase the resource of the crankshaft, they change their native bearings from the secondary shaft to "Java". The quality and increase in life compensate for the high cost of these bearings.

izh planet 5 tuning
izh planet 5 tuning

For the IZH "Planet-5" motorcycle, engine tuning also means an increase in cylinder volume. For this, its top is cut off, the sleeve is bored to 76 millimeters. Under this size, the piston from the "Planet-sport" will stand up freely. After these modifications, the prototype of the modernized Planet-5 will reach speeds of up to 160 kilometers instead of its 120 kilometers per hour. By the way, on the test bench, the motor developed a power of 42 hp. at 5950 rpm. But with any forcing of the motor, its resource is reduced. These changes should not be made on a motorcycle designed for everyday normal riding.

When boosting the engine, the rear standard tires, clutch and chain may not last long. We need to think about their modernization.

izh planet 5 engine tuning
izh planet 5 engine tuning

IZH "Planet-5" clutch tuning

The clutch is standard, it works reliably only under normal conditions. With aggressive driving and with an increase in loads that occurred after forcing the engine, the load on the disks increases significantly, which can cause them to fail. Specialists-experts advise changing one of the disks to a metal, thickened one. This will provide a significant compression of the springs, with it there will be no slippage, of course, the clutch will become harder to squeeze out.

To increase the power of the motor of the motorcycle IZH "Planet-5", the tuning of which is discussed in this article, by increasing the speed, cut the upper edge at the exhaust windowone and a half to two millimetres. A prerequisite is the equal weight of the pistons, and the windows must match in cylinders with purge windows, do not block them in any case. Piston rings must be chamfered from the edges. Piston pins should be lightened by turning the end into a cone. From the end of the fingers, also chamfer. You will need to bite off the “tails” of the locking pins so that the piston pin does not cut them. Cylinder heads must be tightened by cutting their ends on a lathe.

Tuning motorcycle IZH "Planet-5": refinement

For refinement, you need to find a crankshaft that has a needle bearing at the top. Such a shaft can be found on the "liquid" "Jupiter". It is interchangeable with other IL models. In the head, it is necessary to drill 2 holes with a diameter of 3-3.5 millimeters, as is done on the "Planet". Regular aluminum separators installed at the Izhevsk Motor Plant do not differ in reliability. After the alterations, AI-92 gasoline will have to be used.

motorcycle tuning izh planet 5
motorcycle tuning izh planet 5

The photo shows the motorcycle Izh "Planet-5", the tuning of which is really chic.
