How to start a diesel engine in cold weather? Diesel additives in cold weather

How to start a diesel engine in cold weather? Diesel additives in cold weather
How to start a diesel engine in cold weather? Diesel additives in cold weather

It's winter outside, and all motorists in our country are solving the problems that this beautiful time of the year presents them. For example, diesel does not start in cold weather. In addition, you need to choose and change tires, think about which wiper to fill in, where to wash the car, etc. In today's review, we will talk about diesel engines and discuss one of the most important questions: "How to start a diesel engine in cold weather?"

Source of problem

Practice shows that if the diesel engine is in a corrected form, then there should not be any special problems with its start. In winter, or rather, in severe frosts, you need to have a strong and reliable battery, high-quality and suitable fuel.

how to start a diesel engine in cold weather
how to start a diesel engine in cold weather

Worn out fuel pump, worn rings and cylinders, clogged fuel and air filters greatly complicate the normal operation of the car engine, as a result, the diesel does not start infrost.

Poor-quality fuel as the cause of problems

There are specific fuel standards for diesel engine:

  • Summer - used in the temperature range from +1 degrees Celsius and above.
  • Winter fuel - use at low temperatures, from -30 ˚С.
  • Arctic - used mainly in the north of the country, at extremely low temperatures (-65 ˚С).

Signs of freezing diesel fuel is its turbidity. Paraffin, which is contained in diesel fuel, crystallizes, diesel fuel becomes cloudy and takes on a jelly-like form. Paraffin crystals clog the fuel pump and filters, settle on the pipes and prevent the normal supply of fuel to the system.

Diesel won't start in cold weather
Diesel won't start in cold weather

Summer diesel fuel begins to crystallize at a temperature equal to -5 ˚С, and winter - at -30 ˚С. Many motorists will think: "What's the matter, you can fill in winter diesel fuel and then no problems!" This is a correct conclusion, but where to get this type of diesel fuel? Winter diesel fuel is no different from summer diesel fuel, as they have the same smell and color. No gas station employee can tell you with certainty what kind of fuel he pours into your tank.

Advice from experts and craftsmen

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation one fine winter morning and lose your vehicle, you need to know how to start a diesel engine in cold weather. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with what manufacturers of various chemical products advise and offer.additives.

If you have the funds, then experts advise you to install a fuel heating system on your car, however, it has a high price. This system guarantees a successful diesel start in cold weather.

starting a diesel engine in cold weather
starting a diesel engine in cold weather

There is another option, relatively cheaper than the first one. This is the use of various chemical additives. An additive is a chemical mixture added to diesel fuel and oil to optimize engine performance and other vehicle components.

Chemical ways to prevent freezing of diesel fuel

cold weather diesel additives
cold weather diesel additives
  • Today on the market you can find everything your heart desires, including additives for diesel in cold weather. For example, an anti-gel additive, which is poured into the fuel tank so that diesel fuel does not freeze at low temperatures. This type of additive is specially designed to optimize the properties and performance of diesel fuel. It is important to remember that anti-gel cannot be poured into already thickened fuel. Such an additive should prevent the freezing of diesel fuel. It is better to buy it in specialized stores of such companies as XADO, Castrol, Shell and others.
  • Some motorists advise adding kerosene to diesel fuel. This method works if you keep certain proportions. For example, at a temperature of -25 ˚С, you need to use a mixture that consists of 85% summer diesel fuel and 15% kerosene. Experts assure that such a mixture does not affect the operation of the engine and vehicle components.
  • There is another similar option: instead of kerosene, you needadd gasoline. But experts and craftsmen advise using such a mixture extremely rarely. Only in emergency cases, as gasoline can damage the engine, fuel system and prevent diesel from starting in cold weather.

Good advice is to keep the diesel level above half a tank. A large amount of fuel simply does not have time to freeze if the engine is running with an idle interval of 5-6 hours. This gives a guarantee that starting a diesel engine in cold weather will be successful. And you should also choose high-quality fuel at trusted gas stations.

Experienced advice: how to start a diesel engine in cold weather

If there are no experienced acquaintances who are seasoned motorists, and you simply have no one to ask how to solve this problem, then we advise you to register on numerous automotive forums where you will be given an answer to any question. Well, the best option would be to contact a specialist at a service station with a question about how to start a diesel engine in cold weather. We hope you also find the tips below helpful.

Do-it-yourself diesel engine start

Suppose that your car has stood all night on the street in winter and has completely cooled down. You don't have to try to just start it. You must follow the following instructions, which will tell you how to start a diesel engine in cold weather:

starting a diesel engine in cold weather
starting a diesel engine in cold weather
  • Open the hood, remove the insulation (most often a blanket or foil), as they did not help, unscrew the air filter.
  • Unscrewing a pre-purchased can of production etherXADO or Castrol.
  • Insert the key into the ignition, turn it to the penultimate position, thereby warming up the glow plugs. Then we return the key to its original position. We do the procedure three or four times.
  • Remove the choke (if it is an old diesel car).
  • We get out of the cabin, spray the previously prepared and open ether into the air intake.
  • We jump into the cab, press the clutch pedal all the way, turn the starter while simultaneously pressing the gas pedal. It is important to inject ether and quickly get behind the wheel while it is in atomized state.
  • Hurrah! In theory, the engine should start. The main thing is not to overdo it with the injection of ether, otherwise it may adversely affect the operation of the engine. Do not release the clutch for about a minute, while adding a little gas. Try not to stall the engine. Now we are waiting for the engine to warm up well.
  • If a diesel engine does not start well in cold weather, and the starter turns rather weakly, it means that you need to charge it well, or better, buy a new battery. For a diesel engine, it is very important that the battery is good and the starter turns quickly. If the latter turns weakly, then it’s better not to “kill” it and the battery.

In closing

In the end, I would like to say that the diesel engine loves to take care of it. If you miss a moment and allow one element to fail, you can get a serious problem. The fact is that the device of a diesel engine is quite simple, but everything is interconnected in it.

cold start diesel
cold start diesel

Ifall elements and components of a diesel car are maintained in good condition, then there should be no problems with starting, and the question of how to start a diesel engine in cold weather will not bother you. Good luck!
