Renault Sandero car: timing belt replacement

Renault Sandero car: timing belt replacement
Renault Sandero car: timing belt replacement

GRM is a very important mechanism in the design of any engine. It is thanks to the gas distribution mechanism that the valves work correctly, ensuring the timely entry of the mixture into the chamber and its exit after combustion. This system has special requirements. The phases must not be shifted even a millimeter, otherwise the motor will run unstable. In addition, requirements are also placed on the belt, thanks to which the camshaft is driven. Belt replacement is a common procedure that should be performed every 60 thousand kilometers. Today we will look at how the timing belt is replaced on a Renault Sandero car.


First, we need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools. First of all, we need the belt itself. The original is expensive, so many people buy an analogue. Among good manufacturers, it is worth noting Bosch and Kontitech. Since onThere are many fakes on the market for the first company, it is better to take a belt from Kontitech. In addition, you will need a tension roller. It has approximately the same resource, so it changes in the kit.

Timing belt replacement Renault 16 valves
Timing belt replacement Renault 16 valves

Next, we need keys of the following sizes:

  • 8 millimeters.
  • 10 millimeters.
  • 13, 15 millimeters.
  • 16 and 18 millimeters.
  • Hexagon 16.

You will also need a 40 mm Torx (unscrew the plug on the block to further block the movement of the crankshaft), a jack and a wrench to remove the wheels. When replacing the timing belt on the Renault Sandero Stepway, it is necessary to lubricate the roller protection bolts with a sealant. So we protect the mechanism from moisture and eliminate corrosion processes. It is advisable to prepare a reliable stop that will hold the engine. It can be a block of wood, or a flat stump.

Getting Started

So, to begin with, we raise the car on a jack, having previously torn off the bolts of the right front wheel. We remove the latter and roll it back to any convenient place. Next, we will have access to plastic protection. It is fixed with a nut. We unscrew the last one and dismantle the protection. Then, with a 15 key, loosen the tension roller and remove the drive belt.

Renault Sandero timing belt replacement 16 valves
Renault Sandero timing belt replacement 16 valves

You need to find a drain hole in the engine crankcase. On engines 1, 4 and 1, 6, it is located closer to the front edge of the crankcase. We support the plug with a stump, lower the car a little on the jack. So we raise a littlemotor on a homemade support (later it will be removed). Next to the dipstick to check the oil, you need to unscrew the hexagon head bolts by 16. There will be three such bolts in total. But that's not all. You need to remove the timing cover. It is fixed on top with five bolts. You need to unscrew with two keys - 13 and 10 millimeters.

How is the timing belt replaced on the Renault Sandero 1.4? Lubricate the two bolts that are located below with sealant. A rod is installed in the camshaft pulley to stop its rotation. Then, with an 18 key, four bolts are unscrewed. You need to scroll the shaft until the white mark is parallel to the risk D, which is on the body of the motor. These marks must be combined, otherwise there will be a risk of bending the valves. There is no such mark near the crankshaft pulley, so it is better to apply it yourself with a pencil. The gear will return to its original position when the belt is installed. The belt itself can already be removed, making sure that the tension roller has been loosened. If the crankshaft gear is difficult to remove, you can pull it out as follows. To do this, bolts of the appropriate diameter are screwed into the grooves on the gear, and pliers are used as a lever.


The process of installing the belt is not difficult, but you need to carefully look at the marks. They must match not only on the pulleys, but also in the place where the belt is marked. The arrows on the belt must match the direction of its movement.

timing belt replacement renault sandero 16
timing belt replacement renault sandero 16

Sometimes when replacing the timing belt with"Renault-Sandero-Stepway" part is mounted backwards, which is why it does not last long. After installing the belt on the crankshaft pulley, you need to bring the part under the tension roller. Next, the element is pulled onto the camshaft pulley. Then he goes to the pump. We scroll the crankshaft clockwise two turns, removing the adjusting pin from the hole in the cylinder block. Scroll until the marks on the camshaft pulley match the marks on the cylinder block. Next, the mounting pin is screwed into the cylinder block. This will help us check the position of the pistons of the first and fourth cylinders at TDC. We unscrew the finger from the hole in the block and mount the cork in place. The remaining parts are assembled in reverse order.

replacement timing belt sandero 16 valves
replacement timing belt sandero 16 valves

How to tighten the belt

What is the difference between replacing a Renault Sandero timing belt with 16 valves from the same work with an 8-valve internal combustion engine is the ease of tension. On older 8-valve engines, this must be done manually. The roller screw is unscrewed with a key of 13, after which a hexagon is installed in the slot. Turn on one face is 6 millimeters. The hexagon is rotated until the rectangular marks coincide with each other. At the end of the work, the flag should be aligned with the right edge of the roller plate groove.

renault sandero 16 valve timing belt replacement
renault sandero 16 valve timing belt replacement

What if the timing belt is replaced on the Renault Sandero 1.6? This operation is also done thanks to the tension roller. But on a 16-valve motor, the tension is automatically adjusted.

Pro water pump

Some people install a new pump when replacing the timing belt on Renault-Sandero-Stepway 1.6. But I must say that its resource is at least three times more. Therefore, it is not advisable to change it every time. Usually, pump replacement is considered on runs over two hundred thousand kilometers.

What is the difference between belts

Before you replace the timing belt with a Renault Sandero, you need to decide which item to buy. If you have an old eight-valve engine, you need to purchase a 96-tooth belt from the store. Its width is 17.3 mm. It is better to take a set - a belt and a tension roller. As for the 16-valve models, here the element must have 132 teeth. Belt width - 27.4 mm.

timing belt renault sandero 16 valves
timing belt renault sandero 16 valves


After replacing the belt, the manufacturer recommends periodically inspecting the element (once every 15 thousand kilometers). Since the valves can bend during a break, it is better to prevent the problem. No one is immune from marriage, so if any tears, serious cracks, cords and detachments are found on a run of up to 60 thousand, such a belt must be urgently changed. You also need to prevent oil from getting on its surface, otherwise the element can easily move one or more teeth, while changing the valve timing.


So, we have examined how the timing belt is replaced on a Renault Sandero car. The operation requires high precision and accuracy. Therefore, for the first time, this work can take a very long time. The main thing is to correctly combinemarks on the pulleys and install the belt according to the arrows, and tighten if necessary.
