Tire speed index: deciphering what it means and what it affects

Tire speed index: deciphering what it means and what it affects
Tire speed index: deciphering what it means and what it affects

When choosing new tires, many drivers do not think about their labeling or pay attention only to the size. However, the speed and load index of tires is no less important than diameter or width. You can read more about what the tire speed index means and how to choose the right new tires.

Tire markings

It will be useful for any motorist to know the information that is located on the side of the tire. Usually, buyers pay attention only to the diameter and width of the rubber, while many other parameters can be found on it: from indicating the maximum allowable weight to weather conditions (rain or dry road). What markings can be distinguished?

tire speed index interpretation
tire speed index interpretation
  • Tire size is the most important designation. It indicates the width of the profile, the bore diameter, the type of tire and the ratio of the height of the profile to its width. Here is an example of designation: 195/60R14. There are no uniform labeling standards, so tires made in America have differentcharacters.
  • Max load index - shows how many kilograms the tires on the car can withstand. This designation is usually indicated in the form of a cipher. The designation helps prevent tire damage due to incorrect operating conditions.
  • The following is usually an EU quality code. Each country has its own code.
  • Maximum pressure is essential for tire life. Experienced motorists know that under-inflated tires can lead to poor machine performance, and too much pressure can damage rims.
  • Season and coverage. With the help of these symbols, the type of tires is briefly indicated: all-season, summer or winter. Weather conditions (rain, dry road, mud) may also be indicated.
  • Year of manufacture to determine tire expiration date.
  • The wear indicator is a special groove that is located closer to the TWID lettering and has a bright color. If the groove is completely worn out and the color coating is not visible, then the tire needs to be replaced.
  • car tires
    car tires

In addition to the symbols listed above, you can also find the speed index on the side. Below you can find a breakdown of the Tire Speed Index.

What is speed index

On any tires, next to the tire size, you can find numbers indicating the maximum allowable speed when using the product. What does the tire speed index mean? It indicates the maximum allowableacceleration, more than which it is not recommended to go. Finding this indicator is quite easy, since it is located on the side of the tire next to the size designation. Marking is indicated by a letter or a combination of letters of the Latin alphabet. It is believed that truck drivers are most interested in the tire speed index, who often make long journeys and try to “squeeze” more out of the car in order to save time. But for car owners, this information may be relevant: following the operating recommendations significantly extends the life of the rubber.

Tire speed index
Tire speed index

What do speed index and load index affect?

In the production of tires, automakers follow generally accepted standards applicable to certain vehicles. The speed index indicates how fast the wheel can withstand under load. What does the tire speed index affect? First of all, choosing the right tires and adhering to the recommended speeds can significantly extend the life of your tires. By following the directions on the tire rim, you reduce the chance of them letting you down at the most inopportune moment. For example, if the speed limit on the tires is 130 km/h, then driving at 160 km/h for a long time can deform the tires. If you drive “with violations” for at least an hour a year, then, of course, this will not have a noticeable effect on the quality of rubber.

Speed markings

The maximum tire speed index is indicated byLatin numerals. For quick decoding, you can remember the most common designations - these are "N" and "P", they are most often indicated on wheels for passenger cars. Explanation of tire speed indices:

Tire markings
Tire markings
  • Letter "N" - 140 km/h;
  • Letter "P" - 149 km/h;
  • Letter "Q" - 159 km/h;
  • Letter "R" - 170 km/h;
  • Letter "S" - 180 km/h;
  • Letter "T" - 190 km/h;
  • Letter "U" - 200 km/h;
  • Letter "H" - 210 km/h;
  • Letter "V" - 240 km/h;
  • Letter "Z" - 241 km/h;
  • Letter "W" - 270 km/h;
  • Letter "Y" - 300 km/h.

As a rule, the standard signs for cars do not reach the mark of 150 km/h. This makes no sense, since the maximum speed of passenger cars ranges from 110 to 130 km/h. For fans of fast travel, special high-speed tires have been developed that can withstand long-term driving at speeds of 160 and above. Tires marked "Q" and "R" are useful for this. The rest of the tires are designed more for race car drivers who can accelerate their car to a speed of 210 or even 300 km / h. In these cases, when choosing the right wheels, you can not be afraid that they will let you down at such a speed.

Tire load index

Tires for automobiles
Tires for automobiles

The load index is strongly related to the speed index of passenger tires. It indicates how many kilograms one wheel can withstand. This parameter is especially relevant for truck owners, as they need to know exactly whathow much the machine can withstand without harm to its parts. For heavy vehicles that are designed to transport goods, special tires are produced with increased requirements for the material from which they were made. As a rule, such tires are much thicker than ordinary ones, and when driving they make a lot of noise. Wheels designed for a heavy load consume more fuel and affect the speed of the car's acceleration. Therefore, experts do not recommend buying them "just like that." Rubber with a lower load index, on the contrary, provides a smoother ride. Such tires are almost inaudible in the cabin, they reduce the load on the suspension and other car structures. In addition, they are much lighter, which means that the car accelerates more easily and consumes less gasoline. Therefore, before buying wheels, carefully study the tire load index and choose the ones that suit you best.

The tire load index is indicated by a number and the abbreviation "PR", which stands for the ply rating. For passenger cars, tires with an index of 4PR or 6PR are often produced. If you see such tires in the store - feel free to take them. If you have a minibus, then you should look at the wheels marked 6PR or 8PR. For heavy trucks, rubber with a special composition is produced, which is marked with the letter “C” (“commercial vehicles”).

Relationship between load index and tire speed

Tire Speed Index Table
Tire Speed Index Table

What is the relationship between load index and tire speed? The maximum speed directly depends on the permissible load. After allthe higher the speed, the more force is placed on the wheels. That is why this parameter must be carefully observed - it guarantees driving safety. Otherwise, the tire may burst sooner or later, and the car will be seriously damaged.

The higher the speed of the car - the less should be the load on the tires. For example, if there is a “U” marking on the wheel rim, which indicates a maximum speed of 200 km / h, then the car can be loaded “to the fullest” up to this figure. But if the driver is already driving at 210 km / h, then the load on the wheels should decrease by 4%.

How to choose the right tires

It is impossible to select wheels without taking into account the speed index of passenger cars and the load index. When choosing tires, you need to consider the size of the rubber, seasonality. If you are in doubt about whether these tires are suitable for you, then it is better to contact specialists. They know many of the nuances and characteristics of wheels that can make car trips more economical and enjoyable. If you are used to choosing the product yourself, then you can find out the recommended parameters for your particular machine if you look at the instruction manual or contact the manufacturer directly.

Expert Tips

In order to avoid tire damage, experts advise the following conditions:

what does the tire speed index affect
what does the tire speed index affect
  • Follow the recommended maximum speed limits.
  • Do not install wheels with a speed index lower than that recommended by the manufacturer.
  • NotFit racing tires to regular passenger cars.

By following these simple rules and choosing tires according to the recommendations, you will extend the life of your car and avoid costly repairs.


The parameters that indicate the load, as well as the speed index of truck and car tires, are extremely important when buying new tires. Ignoring the recommendations indicated on the tire rim, you may encounter not only a deterioration in the technical characteristics of the car, but also an expensive repair. That is why every driver needs to know what the load index and speed limit are, and follow the above recommendations.
