Ceramic brakes: description, specifications

Ceramic brakes: description, specifications
Ceramic brakes: description, specifications

Brakes must always be reliable. The safety of the driver and passengers depends on their condition. The mechanism must withstand maximum loads, braking must be effective in all conditions. However, even modern disk nodes cannot always boast of these qualities. Despite their high efficiency, sometimes they perform their functions and tasks poorly in critical situations. To compensate for the shortcomings, ceramic discs and pads are used in modern cars. Ceramic brakes are able to function reliably in all conditions, and most importantly - at high temperatures.

disc brakes
disc brakes

Reasons for appearance

These products began to appear on the market for two main reasons. The first reason is asbestos, from which products are made, and its harm to humans. The second is directly braking. Let's take a closer look at these points.

Hazardous asbestos

Very long lining didmaterial such as asbestos (he was an integral additive). Experts are well aware of the negative effects of substances on human he alth and not only. The main factor is that asbestos is a powerful carcinogen. Yes, and the braking performance of the material affects negatively. These pads are less effective.

For this reason, in the 80s in North America, as well as in Europe, an active campaign was carried out calling for the abandonment of asbestos. Automotive brake pads were among the first to be hit with anti-asbestos.

Perfect braking

The level of handling increased, the cars became more powerful. Drivers felt even slight vibrations and discomfort from the operation of the brake systems. Following the increase in driving comfort, the next step was to increase the demands on brake performance. This has led car manufacturers to start researching new pad compounds.

ceramic audi
ceramic audi

Main differences between ceramics

The brake mechanism consists of three elements. This is a disc, caliper, pads. In traditional disc brakes, the caliper and disc are metal. The pads are made from special metal-asbestos mixtures. When braking, friction occurs between the pads and the metal of the disc, resulting in heat generation. This heat heats up both the pads and the disc itself very much. Heat has a negative effect on braking performance. To reduce temperatures, manufacturers make ventilated discs. The use of asbestos also allows padswork under high temperatures.

But in really difficult conditions, all these measures are clearly not enough. If you need to urgently slow down, the temperature conditions will be much higher than is permissible. Manufacturers are introducing the latest materials that can equally withstand the temperature load, as well as providing the necessary friction. This is how ceramic brakes were born. These are linings for pads and ceramic discs.

Production technology

These products are made as follows. Under a certain pressure, a mixture of metal chips with a ceramic base is created. Next, the resulting mass is baked at high temperatures. The result is ceramic brake components with high temperature resistance and other useful characteristics.

disc ceramic
disc ceramic

Among the useful characteristics of ceramic brakes, one can single out a low level of noise and vibration compared to traditional metal counterparts. Another plus is the provision of a constant coefficient of friction in any temperature range. In addition, ceramic pads are gentle on the discs due to the absence of steel components. Instead of iron-containing alloys, manufacturers use a copper base.


Now various modifications of ceramic brake systems are produced. They differ in driving style - these are brakes for aggressive city driving, for sports, as well as for auto extreme. The first ones are ideal for city driving and for normal everyday driving. The second one is suitable forinstallations on powerful cars, others have a high price and are designed for sports cars. Ceramic brakes are not designed for use in commercial vehicles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Start with clear benefits. Reviews say that due to the new material, pads and discs can reduce unsprung weight and suspension load. The fact is that a ceramic brake disc is much lighter than a metal one. In the process of reducing speed with carbon-ceramic brakes, there is practically no dust emission, reviews say. Increases the coefficient of friction and efficiency when heated. Ceramic discs have a long service life, as there is no iron in the composition.

audi ceramic brakes
audi ceramic brakes

Not without cons. The main disadvantage noted by the reviews is the high price compared to traditional metal mechanisms and consumables. To get the most out of ceramic brakes, they need to be warmed up. A creak may appear during operation.

Myths and reality

There are many myths among motorists about these brakes. Let's try to dispel them. There is a strong belief that ceramic disc brakes can only do their best on sports cars, because they need to warm up. It is also believed that the pads are very aggressive towards the discs. This is not true. There is outdoor ceramics. It has excellent frictional properties even at low temperature braking. These pads can be used every day.

audi brakes
audi brakes

The next myth is that ceramics can only be installed in tandem with the same ceramic disc. And this is also fundamentally wrong. Ceramic brakes "Audi" in the form of pads appeared much earlier than discs. The pads work well with traditional metal pads, and the working efficiency is very high.

Next, some owners complain that the pads are killing the disc. Today it is difficult to trace where exactly these prejudices came from. But after thousands of tests, experts have found that BMW ceramic brakes wear the disc evenly.
