Electric vehicles in Russia: pros and cons

Electric vehicles in Russia: pros and cons
Electric vehicles in Russia: pros and cons

Everything new is well forgotten old. So, it would seem, the modern concept of an electric car became known in the middle of the 19th century. Electric cars first appeared in Russia in 1899. They were designed by Ippolit Romanov, a well-known engineer at that time, and he borrowed the idea of how to make an electric car from the American manufacturers Morris-Salom.

So what is an electric car? This is a machine that is driven not by an internal combustion engine, but by an autonomous source of electrical energy.

electric cars in russia
electric cars in russia

Today, electric vehicles in Russia are represented on the car market by only three models: Mitsubishi i-MiEV, VAZ Ellada, Edison van or Ford Transit. Other well-known manufacturers are not yet in a hurry to export their electric cars to Russia. Therefore, the question of where to buy an electric car is largely difficult.

Electric vehicles in Russia – a question about charging?

The car is charged at special charging stations through an adapter. For a completecharging an electric car will take no more than half an hour.

It is possible to “refuel” an electric car at home using a special charger from a simple outlet. The only negative is that the process can take several hours, but the obvious plus is the ability to charge anywhere and not depend on the "gas station" in any way.

Trip time

where to buy an electric car
where to buy an electric car

Today, one of the weak links in the use of electric vehicles is the maximum amount of time available for travel from a single charge. According to the declared indicators of electric car manufacturers, the mileage on a full charge is: Renault Twizy - 100 km, Mitsubishi i-MiEV - 160 km, VAZ Ellada - 150 km, Nissan Leaf - 175 km.

At first glance, this is enough for a day trip around the city from home to work and back. But after all, a car is needed not only to move around the city, you also want to go to the country, visit friends in another city or go out into the countryside. And for these purposes, 150 km is a catastrophically meager figure. Isn't it?

In addition, a significant part of the energy (up to 40%) is lost to standing in traffic jams or traffic lights, air conditioning, heating, using an audio system, etc. All this makes you think about whether it is worth buying an expensive device, then to languish in traffic jams, thinking about how to get to the outlet or home.

Issue price

how to make an electric car
how to make an electric car

According to many electric car experts in terms of functionality andcharacteristics do not have much difference from the usual car. But prices, which on average fluctuate between 1.2-1.8 million rubles, can shock the layman. This is when you consider that for the same money you can buy two or even three modern non-electric cars that are not inferior in terms of options and safety. Although many believe that money is recouped in a short time on the difference in fuel. But all is not as rosy as it might seem.

Summing up

The benefits of these cars, such as environmental friendliness and fuel economy, can not cover the cost of maintenance and operation. In addition, the price of electric vehicles compared to other conventional fuel-powered vehicles is much higher, which is also not a big plus.

If you look from a different angle, although today electric cars in Russia may not be very popular, they are undoubtedly the future. Sooner or later, the price will drop, they will become fast and will be able to travel thousands of kilometers on a single charge.
