How are cylinder heads repaired?

How are cylinder heads repaired?
How are cylinder heads repaired?

The cylinder head is one of the most important components in the design of an automobile engine. The importance of this detail is emphasized by the fact that the cylinder head endures up to half of all internal combustion engine loads. Accordingly, the block suffers enormous loads. Therefore, every self-respecting driver should regularly diagnose this mechanism for cracks and deformations. As a rule, repair of cylinder heads is required for a car with a mileage of 250-500 thousand kilometers. This mileage almost completely coincides with the frequency of engine overhaul, so the cylinder head is often repaired during it.

cylinder head repair cost
cylinder head repair cost

Why does the cylinder head fail before the specified time?

This happens only in rare cases and only when the engine boils. Few people know, but even after the first boil, the head of the block may become cracked, and if you pour water on it for the purpose of cooling, it will completely deform. That is why it is so undesirable to bring the internal combustion engineto a boil.

Repair of cylinder heads

Whatever it was, but the cylinder head is restored in both cases in the same way, and all work is done in a similar way. As a rule, the repair of cylinder heads takes from 2 to 5 days of free time. Of course, you can meet in 1 day, but for this you need to have special skills and knowledge. By the way, the whole technology requires high precision, so grinding and milling of the surface must be done on special machines.

cylinder head repair
cylinder head repair

Repair of cylinder heads can be divided into several stages. At the first stage, cracks are sealed (of course, before this, the cylinder head is removed from the engine). Next comes the repair of the guide bushings. If their condition is critical, they must be completely replaced. In the first case, with the help of special equipment, the radius of the hole for the valve stem is reduced. In this case, the device is gradually rolled out with a carbide roller and processed by a reamer (to restore its cylindricity). In the second case, a new set of bushings is purchased and, when heated, is installed in place of the old ones. Then the mating plane of the head is aligned. This is done only in cases where its surface has been deformed, for example, after overheating. After that, the valves and their seats are replaced or restored. At the final stage, the camshaft and pushers are changed, after which chips and various deposits are removed from the channels of the cooling and lubrication system.

repaircylinder head price
repaircylinder head price

Cylinder head repair: price

It is worth noting that the equipment for cylinder head restoration is several times more expensive than the car itself, so in the event of a block failure, motorists turn to service stations that overhaul engines. The cost of repairing the cylinder head is low. If this is a domestic car, this service will be provided to you for 3-6 thousand rubles. Repairing the cylinder head of an imported car, for example, a French Peugeot, will cost you 15-16 thousand rubles.
