When an air conditioner radiator needs to be repaired

When an air conditioner radiator needs to be repaired
When an air conditioner radiator needs to be repaired

Repair of an air conditioner radiator is an important and responsible event, since this element is considered central to air conditioning in any vehicle.

Not every car enthusiast can cope with troubleshooting, maintenance, as well as replacing an old radiator, so many prefer to seek help from a service station.

air conditioner radiator repair
air conditioner radiator repair

Purpose of the system

Many modern cars are equipped with air conditioning. It is a set of devices that create and maintain a comfortable temperature in the cabin. If there is no air conditioner in the configuration offered for sale, you can order its installation as an additional option.

SC is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • cooling the air that circulates in the car interior to the desired temperature;
  • prevents fogging of side and windshields incar;
  • maintains optimal humidity;
  • prevents external odors from entering the cabin

It is important to keep your air conditioning system in good condition by performing periodic inspections and repairs.

specifics of the SC repair
specifics of the SC repair

Basic elements

There are several constituent elements in any SC:

  • condenser (radiator);
  • receiver dryer;
  • evaporator;
  • expansion valve;
  • pressure sensor;
  • compressor.

The radiator of the air conditioner has several ultra-thin channels that increase heat transfer, and also carry out the condensation of the refrigerant. Basically, aluminum or its alloys are used for its manufacture.

Freon passes into liquid (condensation) in the radiator. To increase the airflow, the air conditioner is often additionally equipped with a fan. It is the radiator that is exposed to corrosion and mechanical damage, and therefore, periodic repair of air conditioners is necessary.

How is SC repaired?
How is SC repaired?

Main malfunctions

To keep the SC in working condition, it is necessary:

  • carry out timely maintenance of all system components;
  • check the tightness of the air conditioner;
  • refill RK with freon

As the operation progresses, a problem such as leakage appearsgas. It is permissible to reduce its quantity by 15% per year. If the norm is exceeded, in this case, repair the air conditioner radiator. Professionals recommend refueling the air conditioner once every three years. If the vehicle has significant mileage, refueling should be done much more frequently.

Among the reasons that lead to a gas leak are:

  • lack of tightness of connections in the air conditioning line;
  • damage to SC tubes;
  • mechanical damage or corrosion of the radiator


How is such an air conditioner radiator repaired? Refueling can be done on your own. Before starting work, it is important to assess the condition of the system (the presence of a gas leak), get rid of the identified malfunctions in the pipelines, radiator.

There are several types of refrigerants used for car air conditioners. Since the end of the twentieth century, manufacturers of such systems have abandoned the R-12 grade, as it has a negative impact on the state of the ozone layer. Currently, the grade R-134a is used for SC.

The amount of freon required for refueling is indicated on the sticker located on the inside of the hood.

If it is not available, you can get the required information from an authorized dealer. As a rule, domestically produced cars need 750-1000 g of freon.

air conditioner radiator repair
air conditioner radiator repair

What you need for work

To repair the air conditioner radiatorwith your own hands, you will need tools and equipment:

  • metrological station;
  • freon;
  • hose set;
  • adapter from taps to connect the cylinder

There are ready-made kits for sale that can be used for work. In this case, the motorist can easily perform such repairs of the air conditioner radiator.

Sequence of actions:

  1. According to the instructions, the pressure meter is calibrated.
  2. The ambient temperature is set on the calibrator.
  3. An adapter is connected to the freon bottle.
  4. A refueling device is being assembled.
  5. The place where the low-pressure pipe is fixed is cleaned with a brush or a vacuum cleaner.
  6. The protective cap is removed from the low pressure fitting, the rubber hose is attached.
  7. Engine starts.
  8. The gas pedal is fixed at 1500 rpm.
  9. The air circulation mode is set to the maximum.
  10. The low pressure circuit valve opens.
  11. The freon cylinder is located with the valve down.
  12. After opening the tap, the pressure value (285 kPa) is controlled by the meter.
  13. The process continues until the minimum temperature is reached.
do-it-yourself air conditioner radiator repair
do-it-yourself air conditioner radiator repair

Important details

If the car owner does not know how to remove the car air conditioner radiator, it is better to seek help from professionals. The main reasons for the failure of this element of the carare the leakage of freon, as well as mechanical damage.

Repair of air conditioners in this case involves fixing the problem by soldering or welding. Such troubles often occur with poor-quality or untimely flushing, lack of proper maintenance of the SC.

It is necessary to repair the radiator of the car air conditioner and corrosion. If its scale is large, you will have to change a new radiator, since the old one cannot be restored. To find the problem, you can use a special device - a leak detector that can detect even minimal amounts of freon in the air.
