Fuelfree Fuel Saver: Scam or True? Reviews

Fuelfree Fuel Saver: Scam or True? Reviews
Fuelfree Fuel Saver: Scam or True? Reviews

In the automotive technology market, new products regularly appear that make life easier for car enthusiasts. In order not to buy a useless product and not become a victim of advertising, you should carefully study the offers of manufacturers. Our article contains information about the new FuelFree technology, which reduces fuel consumption in the car.

General information

Due to rising gasoline prices, every car enthusiast wants to use less fuel with high engine power. The manufacturer of the FuelFree economizer claims that this is already possible.

Innovative device
Innovative device

The company claims that this technology can reduce fuel consumption by 20%. Advertising says that the device was created by the automobile concern General Motors. However, the auto giant does not install this technology on its cars. The invention would allow the automaker to raise prestige and increase sales. In this regard, motorists have a reasonable question about whether Fuelfree is a divorce oris it true? The feedback in this article will help you answer.

Device features

According to the manufacturer, the device brings to life the dream of drivers who can now not limit their movements and save on fuel. The enthusiasm of motorists is cooled by the initial investment, since the cost of the device is 3600 rubles. Car enthusiasts who are constantly faced with intrusive advertising doubt: is the Fuelfree fuel saver a scam or not? However, many users approach this issue from a rational point of view. A one-time investment will allow you to get more benefits in the future, since gasoline will be spent 20% less than usual.

Fuel saving accessory
Fuel saving accessory

The manufacturer promises that Fuelfree also protects the engine from the harmful effects of poor quality fuel. Given the quality of fuel at some gas stations, the enticing prospect has pleased many motorists. In addition, the device allows you to increase the resources of all mechanisms and reduce the frequency of car repairs.

Operation principle

FuelFree consists of paired neodymium magnets that form a powerful magnetic field. The effect disengages the links of hydrocarbon compounds, so the fuel burns quickly. Since the magnetic field causes the molecules to repel each other, the fuel burns without residue. The total number of magnets to be installed is calculated based on the make and model of the car. The more powerful the machine, the more magnets will be required. This statement is dubiouscharacter, because if you put 20 magnets on a small car, then it should not burn fuel at all. Is it worth it to buy something new? Is Fuelfree a scam or true? Real user reviews are skeptical about the effectiveness of this device.

How to install?

In order to use the functionality of the device, just install the accessory on the fuel supply tube. Fasteners are supplied with Fuelfree. The manufacturer claims that the device has an instant effect. To find out if Fuelfree is a scam or the truth, reviews from experts and real users can be found in our article.

fuel saver
fuel saver

The manufacturer claims that Fuelfree is very easy to install in a car. However, user reviews report problems that arose as a result of installing the device. Motorists note that testing the product did not lead to noticeable results. That is why many people have a question about whether the Fuelfree fuel saver is a scam or not? After calculating the mileage, not a single user noticed a decrease in the fuel consumption indicator.

Essence of technology

Common sense says that magnetic devices cannot break up links and molecules of substances. For these purposes, a hadron collider or a nuclear reactor is used. Any fuel is a substance that conducts electricity poorly, so a multi-meter magnet is needed to distill molecules.

A novelty in the market of car accessories
A novelty in the market of car accessories

To break the molecular chains will require a powerful power plant. It is logical that small magnets cannot physically affect the fuel molecules, and the magnetic field cannot affect the impurities that are part of any fuel. Reviews from real users report that the use of FuelFree does not lead to a decrease in fuel consumption. The manufacturer claims that the device is in high demand in America and Europe. Moreover, the device provides an increase in engine power, increases wear resistance and reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Fuelfree - scam or truth: user reviews

To form an objective opinion about this invention, you should study the experience of the owners of this device. Turning to the reviews of real users, you can answer the question: Is FreeFuel a scam or is it true? Some argue that breaking molecular bonds is impossible when exposed to an ordinary magnet. Other reviews report that the device can work effectively when used correctly.

User Reviews
User Reviews

Many comments point out that Fuelfree for fuel economy is a scam, because motorists did not get the effect promised by the manufacturer. There is speculation that frustrated drivers purchased a Chinese fake that uses a conventional magnet. Neodymium magnets are installed in the original device. Many say that the device is absolutely ineffective and is a scam of people for money. Dissatisfied users claim that Fuelfree is uselessthing, since the magnetic field cannot split hydrocarbon fuel molecules.

Public Opinion

Some reviews contain information that the device allows you to save fuel consumption by no more than 10%. In this case, the internal parts of the engine wear out at a lower rate.

Public opinion
Public opinion

Some users have tested the device on hills, on the highway, in the city, but studies have not shown savings. Fuelfree - scam or not? Reviews of experts say that the invention is designed for gullible motorists who want to save money. It is on this category of citizens that the manufacturer of the device profits. Be that as it may, the debate on the question of whether FuelFree is a scam still does not subside. User reviews plunge into the world of automotive discussions in which you can find a grain of truth.


To give an objective assessment of the Fuelfree economizer, we have presented reviews from professionals and ordinary motorists. Experts say that the declared capabilities of the device completely contradict the laws of physics. If the motorist is in doubt, he can purchase two neodymium magnets and fix them with electrical tape. In the event that the effect does not take long to wait, you can safely purchase this device. Otherwise, it is better not to risk your money. Do not chase every new product that appears on the automotive technology market. So, Fuelfree for fuel economy is a scam? Reviews of many motorists warn against the acquisitiondevices.
