Which is better: Velcro or spikes for modern winter?

Which is better: Velcro or spikes for modern winter?
Which is better: Velcro or spikes for modern winter?

The ban on spikes in Western Europe and Japan has led to the emergence of a new type of tires - friction rubber, which, thanks to the sharp tongue of our motorists, has become known as Velcro. Now, in addition to the traditional choice between studded and classic winter tires, the question has been added: "Which is better: Velcro or studs?"

what is better Velcro or spikes
what is better Velcro or spikes

To answer as accurately as possible the question of what to give priority to, spikes or Velcro, you need to know the features of both types of tires. Since there is nothing perfect in our world, each type of tire has its undeniable advantages and its weaknesses. To understand which is better, spikes or Velcro, we will try to analyze in detail both types of rubber. So, in order.

Studded tires

Spikes in many regions of Russia have become an integral part of winter equipment. However, thorns thorns strife. Ordinary metal elements are inserted into the cavity of the tire in such a way that severalmillimeters of spike. This is a kind of hooking element that provides the car with a stable movement on an icy road. The disadvantage of traditional studded tires is the loss of almost 15% of the studs by the middle of winter. Metal elements do not withstand traffic on asph alt. If we compare here what is better - Velcro or spikes, the advantage will clearly not be in the direction of the latter.

which is better spikes or velcro
which is better spikes or velcro

A newer invention is the bear claw studded holds. By their design, the hooking elements are similar to the claws of an animal. Claw spikes ensure the safety and stability of the machine during acceleration and braking. When driving on a clean, dry surface, the spikes-claws “retract” into the body of the tire, like cat claws. Here, in terms of quality (winter tires), studs and Velcro occupy the same position.

Friction rubber

At its core, friction tires are a modified and improved type of classic winter tires. The designers have improved the tread relief. On friction tires, the tread has a complex pattern in the form of deep sinuous sipes. Thanks to this pattern, the tread removes water from the point of contact between the tire and the roadway, and the tire seems to stick to the asph alt. Hence the name - Velcro.

winter tires studded or Velcro
winter tires studded or Velcro

If we evaluate what is better: Velcro or spikes, then in terms of acceleration and braking on wet and dry asph alt, friction tires are noticeably superior to spiked ones. Another advantage of Velcro is noiselessness.movement. Metal hooks, whatever their design, make quite a bit of noise when driving on clean asph alt.

However Velcro is inferior to spikes when moving on clear ice. No matter how much the tire “sticks” to a clean or wet roadway, it cannot provide an adequate level of safety on an icy road, especially if sections of the track are covered with rough ice.

Which is better: Velcro or spikes?

Summing up all of the above, we can say with confidence that if the car is supposed to be used only in urban conditions or if you have to travel abroad from the Russian Federation to the EU countries, then in this case friction rubber is undoubtedly preferable.

If you plan frequent trips out of town, where snowplows are not found throughout the winter period, then there is no alternative to studded tires. You will have to put up with both noise when driving and high wear on studded tires, but safety is more important in this case. Better not risk it.

Thus, it's up to you to decide - winter tires: spikes or Velcro, it's up to you.
