Iridium spark plugs

Iridium spark plugs
Iridium spark plugs

Spark plugs for gasoline engines are a rather conservative product that has not undergone any fundamental changes in the past few decades.

iridium spark plugs
iridium spark plugs

Manufacturers only experimented with the geometry and number of electrodes, which had very little effect on the final result - the quality of ignition of the working mixture. But now, finally, there has been a certain "breakthrough" - iridium spark plugs appeared.

The ignition of the mixture in the combustion chamber directly depends on the miniaturization of the spark plug electrodes. For the thinner the central electrode, the less voltage is required to breakdown the gap between it and the side electrode, and the narrower the side electrode, the less its presence affects the spread of flame in the combustion chamber. But the reckless reduction of the electrodes leads to their rapid burnout, the candle fails … The dilemma is solved by the introduction of the technology of spraying a layer of noble metal onto the electrodes. And iridium proved to meet all the requirements.

Iridium spark plugs have a central electrode diameter 4-5 times smaller than conventional ones, and a nickel alloy side electrode bevelled under the cone.

iridium spark plugs
iridium spark plugs

This provides a powerful arcwhite spectrum (the most stable and hottest). At the same time, the minimization of the linear dimensions of the electrodes not only did not lead to a reduction in the service life, but also significantly increased it. If ordinary candles (with nickel alloy electrodes) with an average car mileage need to be replaced every 2-3 years, then iridium candles serve almost the entire life of the car with one owner! Therefore, their high price is more than justified. The "set it and forget it" principle is one of the main competitive advantages of these products.

What other benefits do iridium candles give to their happy owner, in addition to service life:

- reduced fuel consumption (6-7% for injection engines and 2% for carburetor);

- increase engine power by 2-3%;

- "soft" start of the engine even in winter;

- more complete combustion of fuel, and, as a result, cleaner exhaust.

iridium candles
iridium candles

If we add to this the improved dynamics and "acceleration" of the engine when driving, there is no doubt: iridium candles must be installed immediately. The price of 2.5-3 thousand rubles per set against the background of 300 rubles for ordinary ones should not stop, the difference in gasoline savings alone will pay off in six months. Owners of "fancy" foreign cars, in which access to candles is difficult, especially should not be afraid of the price. After all, the cost of replacing candles in a service center is almost higher than the cost of the candles themselves.

So let's sum it up. Pros: engine starts and runs better in every way; exploitthe car became more comfortable; you can forget with a light heart that candles can fail at the most inopportune moment (which means that there is absolutely no need to carry a spare set in the trunk). Cons: none. We do not set a high price in the negative, because we pay today so that tomorrow we will not pay more. Conclusion: iridium candles - an unconditional "yes"!
