GPS and GLONASS jammer for cars

GPS and GLONASS jammer for cars
GPS and GLONASS jammer for cars

Recently, a device called a GPS signal jammer (jammer) has been gaining popularity on the Internet. It is supposed to be used for shelter from GLONASS. What this device is and how the signal is suppressed - we will talk about this in the article.

Installing GLONASS

Recently, new domestic cars began to be produced with a built-in GLONASS system, which began operating in Russia in early 2015. Prior to this, only the GPS global positioning system was used. On the one hand, by installing GLONASS on a car, the driver is guaranteed to receive assistance in case of traffic accidents. The system will automatically detect the accident and notify all emergency response services to take urgent action to save people and fix the accident. On the other hand, the installation of GLONASS is seen as an infringement on the rights of the driver, and many do not want to use it.

jammer gps and glonass
jammer gps and glonass

At the same time, a wide variety of signal suppression methods are used, depending on the fantasydrivers.

  1. The antenna is being damaged.
  2. The antenna is wrapped in foil in an attempt to create a shielding effect.
  3. Shield the terminal itself.
  4. Destroy the terminal.
  5. Trying to plant a chip.
  6. They damage or remove the SIM card.

And, of course, so that the installation of GLONASS on a car does not detect it, they use sensational jammers. In addition to buying devices on the Internet, domestic craftsmen even try to build the appropriate structures themselves.

Do-it-yourself GPS and GLONASS jammer

Jammers of radio signals, 3G, cellular communications, Bluetooth and, of course, GLONASS, in principle, have the same design, differing only in the frequency range. For all the specified devices, it is different, therefore, depending on what it is configured for, it will neutralize.

The do-it-yourself GPS jammer consists of the following components:

  • GUN;
  • antenna, preferably SMA;
  • tuning scheme;
  • amplifier stage for RF signals.
installation of glonass
installation of glonass

The device circuit can be open-loop or closed-loop. Any radio amateur, having a circuit in his hands (and you can get it just by “google”), can easily assemble the device. But for this you need to understand something in radio engineering.

For those who do not understand these issues, it remains to purchase a finished device.

The struggle between the tracking system and drivers will escalate

Motorists rush to use the device for personal protection, privacy, tofor example, to hide from tracking tracking in car parks. But it is also quite possible to use it for criminal purposes, for example, to deactivate the anti-theft system.

glonass for car
glonass for car

Tracking all vehicles is very difficult. This is used by unscrupulous drivers, acquiring such funds. They become especially relevant in connection with the appearance along with GPS, GLONASS systems, Galilleo, eCall.

The GLONASS system has recently launched, and although it has not yet been extended to all cars, this process is rapidly gaining momentum. In the coming years, the European system, which is undergoing a standardization procedure, will also start working.

But the "people's struggle" to interfere with the signals comes into force. So, a GPS and GLONASS jammer for cars can not only destroy the radio signals available in a particular car, but also interfere with vehicles around it.

jammer gps and glonass for cars
jammer gps and glonass for cars

This situation cannot leave indifferent the developers of global positioning systems. Therefore, we can certainly expect the introduction of countermeasures on their part.

Laboratory research in Germany

To this end, a number of engineers began to study the structure of unwanted signals. Frequencies were studied with a spectrum analyzer, recording was made, controlled by programs and radio communications.

As a result, it was reported that most inexpensive jammers emit a chirp pulse, the rest generate harmonicfluctuations in the passband and have a resonating temperature-dependent frequency. Both types of jammers create concentrated interference, but the former cause more damage to GPS signals.

The chirp pulse is generated by a voltage controlled oscillator. It is linear with a positive two- or one-way sweep. The negative slope is too large, so it was neglected in the simulation. Time domain analysis was also performed to obtain timing information.

do-it-yourself gps and glonass jammer
do-it-yourself gps and glonass jammer


Various interference tests have been conducted to measure the impact of jammer signals on global positioning system signals in real-world conditions. This has been made possible at Gate Labs, where they have created a unique environment for this kind of testing. It has eight virtual satellites around the test area. There are different scenarios. Signals are transmitted on all frequencies. Satellites simulate the movement of real Galilleos. Two ground stations receive and process signals.

Also used a multi-frequency receiver capable of tracking signals from various global positioning systems. In this case, various modes were considered, depending on the required frequency ranges.

GPS jammer measurements

To analyze how a GPS jammer (and GLONASS, as well as Galileo and other global positioning systems) will affect the receiver, measurements were made. Distancewas set at 1.2 kilometers. In this case, different suppressors were used. The receiver antennas were mounted on the roof of the car. In order for the GPS jammer, both GLONASS and Galileo to be set correctly, a distance meter with a GPS receiver was used. Reception attenuation is measured by the input noise density ratio.

Multiple measurements were made with decreasing and increasing power. Their results showed that the jammer of GPS and GLONASS, as well as Galilleo and other systems, is capable of having a devastating effect on receivers located at a distance of up to a kilometer. The source of interference makes positioning impossible within a radius of two hundred meters.

jammer gps and glonass reviews
jammer gps and glonass reviews

Development of Jammer Detection Mechanisms

Thus, jammers pose a serious threat to present and future navigation systems. Their use is prohibited and punishable by law.

Developments are underway to obtain a mechanism for detecting jammers. For testing at special points, detectors were used, where noise was recorded. Highway junctions seem to be successful for installing the latter.

Multiple receivers used for recording. The device was tried to be detected by the signal-to-noise ratio of the jammer. Measurements have shown that it is possible to detect interfering intruders. Special receivers are also being created for monitoring, capable of detecting and reporting interference.


The practice of signal suppression craftsmen showed that barbaricways of damaging the structure, as a rule, end with the dismissal of an unscrupulous employee. Disconnecting from the on-board network will be a useless exercise, since the device is equipped with its own battery. Escaping won't work either.

The GPS and GLONASS jammer remains. Feedback from some drivers who have tried the device in practice, others give hope for a successful similar use.

gps signal jammer
gps signal jammer

However, on the other hand, active work is underway to develop a mechanism for detecting jammers.

So far, GPS and GLONASS jammers, including those made by hand, are being used with impunity (mostly truck drivers are interested in this). But it is not known how long this will last. After all, it is clear that ways to detect signal suppressors are being developed. And if the devices are found, then the drivers will have to be held responsible.
