Car idle control

Car idle control
Car idle control

The idle speed controller is an anchor type stepper motor that is equipped with a cone-shaped spring-loaded needle. It is located on the throttle pipe with two windings. The needle, when an impulse is applied to one of them, takes a step forward and backward - when applied to the other. The principle of operation is to control the engine at idle, due to a change in the cross section in the passage channel that supplies air. It is supplied bypassing the closed throttle valve, while the required amount of air is in the engine for stable operation. In turn, this volume is controlled by a flow sensor. The controller, depending on the amount of air, supplies the fuel mixture through the nozzles. Through the worm gear, the translational movement of the rod is converted into rotation of the stepper motor. The conical part is located in the air supply channel for idling control. Regulator stem retracts orextends, depending on the signal of the controller, which, when the engine is warm, maintains a constant idle speed, regardless of changes in load and engine condition.

idle speed controller
idle speed controller

Regulator and motor

Due to the crankshaft sensor, the engine speed is monitored in accordance with the operating mode, whether it is adding or reducing the amount of air supplied. The engine, warmed up to operating temperature, with the help of the controller maintains idle constant speed. If it is not warm enough, then the idle speed controller is able to increase speed and provide the required temperature. In this mode of engine operation, you can start driving the car without preheating the engine.

idle speed regulator vaz
idle speed regulator vaz

How to identify problems

The idle speed controller is an actuator that is not capable of self-diagnosing malfunctions in its work. The problems of the IAC are evidenced by:

- spontaneous decrease or increase in engine speed;

- unstable idle;

- the engine “stalls” when the gear is turned off;

- when adding an additional load in the form of a stove or headlights, a decrease in idle speed is observed.

unstable idle speed
unstable idle speed


It is necessary to turn off the ignition and disconnect the harness block from the regulator. Using a multimeter, check the resistance of the windings. In systemresistance between contacts should be 40-80 ohms. If the values are different, then the idle speed regulator must be replaced. If everything is correct, then it is worth checking the resistance of contacts A and D, B and C. An open circuit (infinity) should be displayed on the device.


To repair the regulator, you need to unscrew the two mounting bolts by disconnecting the four-pin connector with the ignition off. The idle speed regulator VAZ is installed in the reverse order, only before that you need to make sure that the distance between the flange and the point of the conical needle is 23 mm. It is also advisable to lubricate the O-rings with engine oil.
