Do-it-yourself heated wipers quickly and easily

Do-it-yourself heated wipers quickly and easily
Do-it-yourself heated wipers quickly and easily

In winter, every motorist is familiar with the problem associated with sticking wipers to the windshield. Such a nuisance can even cause a serious accident, because during a trip in bad weather you simply cannot see the road. However, there is a way out of this situation. Heated car wipers are the solution.

heated wipers
heated wipers

Heating installation: option 1

Of course, the easiest option in this case is to buy such a device in a store. But it’s much more interesting and economical to make heated wipers with your own hands in a few evenings. There are several ways to make such devices at home.

Let's consider the first option based on frameless brushes. The following materials will be needed in the work:

  • wire - 20 meters;
  • board the same length as the brushes themselves;
  • pair of nails;
  • scotch.

Drive a couple of nails into the prepared board at a distance of 62 centimeters (lengthbrushes), wind the wire around them in turns so that it does not twist. Take the tape and connect the wires with it like flat noodles. You need to do this every five centimeters. The result is a heater tape.

The next step will need to stock up:

  • copper wire - 40 centimeters;
  • soldering iron;
  • shrink tubing;
  • foil.

Solder 2 wires of 20 centimeters. We isolate the bonding points with heat shrink tubing. We wrap a homemade heating element with foil.

Remove rubber bands and plastic from the brushes. We insert the heating element inside and assemble the janitor. Solder the terminals to the wires. We put a corrugated tube on the heated wipers for insulation.

Rules for connecting brushes

Do-it-yourself heated wipers should be connected through a relay rated for a current of ten to fifteen amperes. The control wire must be connected to the contact in which electricity is supplied after the ignition is turned on. The switch must be installed on the dashboard. A fuse must be installed on the wire from the battery to the device enable relay.

Option 2

In this case, wipers with a silicone band with a hole inside will be used.

The heating element will be a nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm. To determine how much it will take to work, you should measure the length of both brushes and add another 20 centimeters to this value. Paste immediatelywire in the wipers is not needed, first it must be pulled with pliers over the fire and allowed to cool.

hand heated wipers
hand heated wipers

We proceed directly to the manufacture of the device. We thread the nichrome thread into the hole in the silicone surface of the wipers. In the place where the limiter is located, we will make a puncture with a thick needle at an angle. We insert one end of the wire into it and put on the insulation. In the middle of the profile of the brushes, we make a pair of holes for the output of contacts. We insert the nichrome thread and put the silicone tape in place. We solder two pieces of wire ten centimeters each to the wire. We close the attachment points with a piece of profile using dichloroethane. After that, we solder 1.5 meters of wire to the brushes and insulate with heat shrink. Heated wipers, handmade, ready!

Pros and cons

Heated wipers have both pros and cons. The advantages of this device include:

  • no problem of brushes freezing to the windshield;
  • no liquid freezing problem;
  • increase the life of the wipers.
how to make heated wipers
how to make heated wipers

However, this device also has disadvantages:

  • high cost compared to conventional models (no heating);
  • installation work.

Wipers from the store

Do-it-yourself heated wipers can be made by any man. If you do not want what is called, from scratch to dothese brushes, you can easily purchase them at any automotive store. The most important task in this case will be to properly install and connect them to the electrical circuit. You can install the brushes through the button and through the cigarette lighter. The last option is perhaps the simpler and faster, but less aesthetic.

heated car wipers
heated car wipers

To complete the work, you will need a maximum of fifteen minutes, no more. For people who do not understand anything about electricity, it may seem that the process is laborious. Be sure that there are no special difficulties in this work. It is only important to strictly follow the instructions attached to the device. With such a connection, there will be a lot of wires in the car, which, of course, is not entirely good. In addition, such a connection can lead to a quick failure of the device.

Special heaters

The fastest way to install the heater is to stick heaters made of flexible polyester film with a current-carrying path to the windshield of the car. This is done in a matter of minutes. The glass surface is degreased, then the heaters are glued. They are connected in parallel with the rear window heating circuit. This is the easiest way to make heated wipers quickly and cheaply.
