How does a car thermostat work? Operating principle

How does a car thermostat work? Operating principle
How does a car thermostat work? Operating principle

No modern car is complete without a cooling system. It is she who takes on all the heat emanating from the engine during the processing of the combustible mixture. The pistons move, the mixture burns, respectively, good heat transfer is needed. In today's article, we will pay attention to one of the main components of the cooling system - the thermostat. How the thermostat works in a car, its device and varieties - later in our article.

Design and layout

On most vehicles, this element is located at the top of the engine. Its specific location depends on the brand of the machine and the design of the SOD. For example, on GAZelle vehicles with a ZMZ-405 engine, this element is located near the top of the radiator - next to the valve cover. It connects the radiator pipes and hoses from the expansion tank.

how does a thermostat work
how does a thermostat work

Before we tell how the thermostat works in a car, let's look at its device. By its design, this element is a valve located inside an aluminum (but more often brass) structure. It also has small slots - they are necessary to bleed air pockets. A cylinder is placed inside the flask. The latter has a cooling element, which, when a certain temperature is reached, moves the piston up.

Working principle

How does the thermostat work in a VAZ-2114 car? The algorithm of action of this element is no different from the same “sixes”, “tens” and others. When the ignition is turned on, this element is in a non-working (closed) state. How does a thermostat work? The special liquid that is inside it begins to warm up. After the engine warms up to working 90 degrees, the piston (not to be confused with the one in the cylinders) will automatically switch to cooling mode.

how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2114 car
how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2114 car

There are two circuits in the system: a small and a large circle. When the car is cold, the thermostat prevents the freshly heated fluid from entering the large circle. If this happens, the machine will not warm up as quickly as it should. How does the thermostat work in a VAZ-2110 car? This element closes the circulation of antifreeze along a large circuit at temperatures up to 80-90 degrees. By the way, it can be different depending on the thermostat model. There are "summer" and "winter" options. In the first case, the supply to the second, main circle is carried out at a temperature of 70-72 degrees Celsius. The "winter" version will not let antifreeze through until it warms up to 80-85 degrees. Experienced motorists recommend changing thermostat models depending on the season of vehicle operation.


Besides seasonality, these items are accepteddivided into the following types:

  • Single valve.
  • Two-stage.
  • Two-valve.
  • Electronic controls.

How does the thermostat work in a VAZ-2106 car? The task of each of them is to block the flow of antifreeze into the radiator until the engine has warmed up to operating temperatures. Each of the varieties has its pros and cons, as well as differences in device and price.

how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2110 car
how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2110 car

The first type (single-valve) is very weak and is not able to provide antifreeze regulation in the contours of modern cars. The two-stage and two-valve mechanism is more practical. This element is installed on most domestic cars and old foreign cars. The fact is that the cooling system operates under high pressure. It is difficult to overcome it with one valve. It is for such cases that more powerful types of thermostats are installed. When operating temperature is reached, the small poppet opens first (because it needs less effort to overcome the pressure). Then she pulls a large, main part behind her. She, in turn, opens a full passage for the coolant in the system.


This is the most modern and advanced type of thermostat. Has great functionality. How does a thermostat work? It is equipped with an electronic control system, thanks to which a complete and unimpeded cooling cycle of the internal combustion engine is carried out. The system works automatically. However, it is not implemented on all modern cars. The fact,that for its functionality the machine must be equipped with an on-board computer. It is he who performs the work of reading and processing information about the temperature of the coolant in the system.

how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2108 car
how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2108 car

Some cars are equipped with two thermostats at once. This option is common on vehicles with a dual engine cooling system. The first thermostat performs the function of cooling the motor, and the second is responsible for heating a special chemical that raises the piston. Such a design appeared in mechanical engineering relatively recently. By the way, the thermostat itself was first used in 1922.

How to check if it works?

The thermostat is a very necessary thing in the car, and its malfunction can cause the engine to overheat. And this is already fraught with costly repairs, since when overheated, it immediately “leads” the head and block. There are two ways to find out if this item is working or not.

Checking "on the spot"

To do this, we do not need to remove the thermostat outside. Warm up the engine to operating temperature. Then turn it off and find the top radiator hose. In diameter, it is approximately 5-6 centimeters. Gently touch it with your hand.

how does a thermostat work in a car
how does a thermostat work in a car

If the engine temperature sensor on the panel shows that it has warmed up (90+ degrees), and this pipe is cold, then the element has become unusable. In this case, it should be replaced with a new one. The valve is not able to open and because of thisthe circulation of antifreeze in the radiator system has been stopped.

Folk way

It involves dismantling the part and checking it "directly".

how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2106 car
how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2106 car

To do this, take some container (an iron pan for 1 liter), fill it with water and throw an element there. Since the thermostat works by increasing the temperature, when the water boils, the valve should open. This can be seen visually. If the water boils, but the piston does not move, then the element is defective and needs to be changed immediately.

how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2108 car
how does the thermostat work in a vaz 2108 car

Remember that with a faulty thermostat, the system will always work in a small circle - the machine will quickly overheat. Also, when buying a new item, pay attention to the marking. The temperature at which the valve opens is stamped on each element. You should not buy a thermostat at 85 degrees instead of 70 - this will lead to frequent overheating. Buy exactly with the marking that was previously on your car.

So, we found out how the thermostat works in a VAZ-2108-2114 car.
