The engine temperature arrow does not rise: the main reasons, warm-up rules

The engine temperature arrow does not rise: the main reasons, warm-up rules
The engine temperature arrow does not rise: the main reasons, warm-up rules

In the winter period, the following problem is relevant: during operation, the engine temperature arrow does not rise. It is worth paying attention to this when operating the car and not delaying the solution of the problem, since a malfunction in the engine cooling system entails a lot of ensuing problems, up to its failure. This problem is especially relevant when the Starline alarm is automatically started. Starting the engine by temperature is one of the functions of the security system. This mode implies automatic start of the engine upon reaching a certain temperature of the coolant. The article discusses step-by-step identification and possible troubleshooting options associated with engine warm-up.

engine temperature gauge
engine temperature gauge

Expansion tank

So, if you find that the engine temperature arrow does not rise during prolonged operation, then the first thing you should pay attention to is the presence of coolant in the expansion tank.

launchengine temperature starline
launchengine temperature starline

If there is no liquid there, then it must be filled up to the middle mark and only then deal with the localization of the leak. The coolant level should be constantly monitored, especially during the cold season, when there are large temperature differences between a working and a cold engine. Also in winter, you must always monitor its level in the tank. The first sign of an insufficient level is the long warm-up of the car interior in winter and a sharp flow of heat from the stove air ducts when you press the gas pedal. The liquid should be topped up with exactly the brand that you have already filled. Otherwise, there may be problems with sedimentation, which can clog the radiator.

Coolant hoses

If there is not enough coolant in the expansion tank, look for a leak. Usually they occur at joints under clamps or at bends. Hoses are made of rubber and with frequent sharp fluctuations in temperature, it tends to harden and lose its elastic properties. Typically, rubber tans, swells and fails at the engine nozzles, since these are the places where the temperature changes the fastest.

This leads to the fact that during vibration from a running engine, cracks appear through which the coolant escapes and the system begins to take in air. With an air-filled cooling system, the coolant temperature sensor gives incorrect information and the engine temperature needle does not rise or rises, but not much.


car radiator
car radiator

If no problems were found during the inspection of the hoses and everything is dry, go ahead - the radiator. Radiators often have defects caused by engine overheating. There are such situations more often in the summer, but the consequences appear in the winter. In the heat, in a traffic jam, the engine starts to warm up and does not have time to be cooled by the flow of incoming air (it is not there), the temperature rises and the expansion tank may not have time to relieve excess pressure in the system through the plug, respectively, a microcrack (and not one) appears in the radiator, which is not visible, but coolant can escape through it.

Moreover, the property of the liquid is such that it strongly changes density with temperature changes and starts to flow through small holes only in a cold state, that is, in summer this problem may not manifest itself in any way. A problem with a faulty radiator can be diagnosed by the presence of ice under the front bumper, and localized and made a decision only on a lift or pit. Now a special additive is introduced into the coolant, which glows in ultraviolet light, and the place of its leakage can be easily and quickly detected due to this effect.


car thermostat
car thermostat

The main task of the thermostat is to direct the coolant through two cooling circuits, depending on its temperature. When the engine is cold, the thermostat is closed, but when it warms up, it opens, letting coolant flow through a large circuit.

If the thermostat is stuck open, the coolant is verywarms up slowly and the engine temperature gauge shows insufficient heating. It can jam as a result of a foreign object getting under the valve. It can be a piece of scale, sealant, scale. Also, the cause of its failure may be banal wear and tear. In any case, this part must be replaced.

Engine temperature sensor

engine temperature sensor
engine temperature sensor

Another important aspect. This sensor often fails and, as a result, the engine temperature arrow does not rise. This can happen during strong shaking, after an accident or off-road driving without preparation. As a result, the wire leading to the temperature sensor may be damaged and the engine temperature indicator will give incorrect information.

To understand this is quite simple, the arrow of the temperature gauge will not bow out when the engine is fully warmed up. It is quite easy to change. It is enough to unscrew the old one, put the new one in and connect the wire to it. The failure of the temperature sensor, if careless, can lead to serious engine damage. It can simply overheat, as a result of which deformation of the cylinder head will easily occur. This is an expensive and lengthy repair.


Starting and warming up the engine in winter should be accompanied by increased attention of the owner of the car. It is in winter that the most unpleasant malfunctions emerge that cannot be noticed in summer. The engine must be warmed up to operating temperature and only then start moving. Engine oilshould warm up to the initial operating temperature, as well as the coolant. So you get rid of premature wear of the cylinder-piston group at least. As a maximum, the car will last longer without major repairs and will not let you down on the road.

With the repair of any system or part of the car, you should not delay and it is better to immediately contact the service, where the collective mind of workers will calculate, detect a malfunction and suggest ways to fix it. On your own, without good knowledge, an equipped garage and experience, it is not recommended to start repairs on your knee.
