LKP in the car - what is it? Car paintwork thickness: table

LKP in the car - what is it? Car paintwork thickness: table
LKP in the car - what is it? Car paintwork thickness: table

Paint coating (LPC) is responsible for the external component of the car. It is the first impression that is most remembered, but it will not be positive if the car looks poorly painted, with many defects on the surface. How to prevent this and how to fix problems in an incorrectly painted car?

What is LCP?

When buying a vehicle, one of the recommendations of experts is to pay attention to the paintwork in the car. What is this?

paintwork in the car is that
paintwork in the car is that

LKP stands for paintwork. You need to pay special attention to it due to the fact that defects may not be immediately visible, but the paintwork of the car body is damaged very quickly, and even on a fairly new car, they can appear in a matter of days.

In addition, when buying a vehicle on the secondary market, very often cars come after a major overhaul. The fact that the car has been in an accident is always hidden by the seller, but it is not difficult to reveal this. For this, an examination of the LCP is carried, the data is obtained using a special device and checked with GOST. It is easy to find out the fate of the vehicle from them, since defects are very carefully hidden during the sale.

Paint thickness

The requirements of the standards primarily apply to the thickness of the coating layer. It is measured in microns. Below is a table of paintwork for cars of various brands. It is compiled more for manufacturers. Nevertheless, it is also useful for ordinary car owners, since it is easy to identify deviations during the examination.

car paintwork thickness table
car paintwork thickness table

The thickness of the paintwork of cars. Table

Car brand Model Paint spacing
"Nissan" X-Trail, Patrol, Juke, Qashqai, Murano, Tilda, Pathfinder 80 to 120
"Peugeot" 208, 308, 508, 3008 from 100 to 120
"Skoda" Octavia, Yeti, Superb, Fabia, Roomster from 100 to 145
"Suzuki" Grand Vitara, SX4, Swift, Splash 85 to 115
"Toyota" LC200, Camry, Highlander, Auris, Verso 95 to 130
Avensis, Corolla, Prado, Prius, RAV4 80 to 110
"Volkswagen" Polo, Golf 80 to 110
Tiguan, Passat, Caddy, Multivan, Amarok from 105 to 140
Touareg,Jetta from 140 to 180

While measuring before buying a car, more than 300 microns of paint can be a cause for concern. This means that it hides chips and minor defects. If the car was in serious repair, then the thickness can be more than 500 microns, this indicates an inept concealment of the traces of the accident. GOST requirements are mandatory for comparison, the thickness of the paintwork of cars, the table of values \u200b\u200bof which is presented above, can help car owners in this.

Other GOST requirements for paintwork

The choice of coverage for a new car must meet the following requirements:

  • body paint color - different types of cars have their own standard, so for large vehicles there should be warm or contrasting colors, for example, blue and yellow;
  • texture must also match the brand of the car, a car for personal use can be both glossy and matte, but large vehicles should mostly be smooth;
  • external case and large parts inside the car are covered with special care;
  • paint class should match vehicle class and depend on location of parts.

It is important to know not only about the concept of paintwork in a car, what it is and how to choose it, but also how to apply it in case of repair.

paintwork what is it in the car
paintwork what is it in the car

Before applying the coating, the surface must be properly treated. GOST for each type of material and staining method provides its own list of actions, each of which hassuch items:

  • fat is removed from the surface;
  • priming for good adhesion;
  • creating a protective anti-corrosion layer;
  • treatment with passivating solutions;
  • application of oxidizing agents to create a protective chemical and anode film;
  • grinding in progress.

Every car owner needs to know about the paintwork, what it is in the car, how it should look and be applied.

Main types of defects and their causes

Defects often occur due to the inexperience of the master, improper processing of the metal before coating, and due to many external factors.

The main reasons are incorrect external painting conditions, violation of the principles of working with materials and inept handling of them.

car paint table
car paint table

If repairs are planned, the car's paintwork should be given special attention, as the following defects may occur.

Fine cracks

This defect looks like thin long cracks, not connected with each other, they differ slightly, but create an overall somewhat repulsive appearance. On the surface, it looks like a cloudy spot or an area lacking luster. With increasing loads, cracks become larger, the defect area increases.

car paintwork repair
car paintwork repair


  • poor quality preparation for painting;
  • violation of material handling technology;
  • poor quality paint;
  • violation in primer treatment;
  • wrong mixingcolors;
  • too much material layer;
  • Paint didn't dry well.

To eliminate such troubles, you need not only to find out about the applied paintwork in the car (what it is - we found out at the beginning of the article), their reasons, but also to consult which coating is more suitable for the body. Most often, all paint that has such defects must be removed and repainted.

Presence of craters and craters on the surface

This defect occurs immediately after painting. It is caused mainly by the silicone particles found in polishing compounds.


  • bad cleaning before painting;
  • using soap products;
  • particles of dust, polishing material, the presence of fluff that remained on the surface;
  • Use of poor quality materials.

When a local repair of a car's paintwork is carried out, you need to remove the remnants of silicone from the surface, clean this place well and apply a new coat of paint.

Insufficient grip

The quality of painting greatly depends on adhesion to the surface. Sometimes the material simply separates in pieces from the metal or the old coating. The defect appears almost immediately after applying the paint and is especially noticeable in places of old blows.

To avoid this problem, you need to know about the quality of the paintwork in the car. What does it mean? What could have caused it to appear? It could be:

  • poorly prepared surface;
  • remains of rust, oils, wax;
  • unevenprimer application;
  • poorly mixed materials;
  • violation of the technological process of painting;
  • use of poor quality solvent;
  • exposure to too high temperatures when drying.

When dealing with these defects, it is necessary to remove the paint from a sufficiently large surface, much larger than the damaged area. The surface is cleaned with a sandblaster or grinder.

Bubble formation

Quality painting involves a perfectly flat surface. Bubbles appear on both old and new layers of paint, the main reason is a sharp temperature drop during drying.

Main causes of bubbles:

  • water or air getting under the paint;
  • poor surface preparation, residual dirt on it;
  • use of poor quality solvent;
  • undercoat paint not dry enough;
  • high viscosity of the paint, which caused the surface to boil;
  • too much primer or paint.

The defect can only be removed by completely repainting the car.

Paint separation

This defect occurs over time even after factory painting.

car body paintwork
car body paintwork

Main reasons:

  • remnants of pollution;
  • ambient temperature too high when working with materials;
  • very little primer;
  • poorly smoothed layers between paint;
  • bad interactionprimers, paints and its coatings.

To get rid of this defect, you need to remove all the paint down to the bottom layer, and often to the metal.

The presence of smudges and sagging

Usually occurs on sloping surfaces. The reasons are as follows:

  • spray intensity too high;
  • high atmospheric pressure;
  • paint too thick;
  • slow solvent evaporation;
  • poorly dried layers.

The area needs to be well polished and cleaned, and then repainted.

Muddy surface

The defect looks like a cloudy white poorly colored spot. It is unpleasant in that over time it leads to other defects, such as cracks and blistering.

Main reasons:

  • painting in high humidity conditions;
  • use of poor quality solvent;
  • more solvent is added than necessary;
  • Incorrect air circulation in the painting room.

You can get rid of it by polishing the surface.

A plaque that looks like dust

Appears as poorly colored drops of various diameters.


  • solvent having fast drying property;
  • careless application of paint and getting it on different surfaces without further cleaning;
  • Paint dried too fast.

The defect is quite easily eliminated by grinding the damaged area.

Matte finish

Quality painting involves obtaining a shiny surface.

examination of car paintwork
examination of car paintwork

Causes of haze can be:

  • uneven coverage;
  • insufficient material thickness;
  • presence of scratches before painting.

To eliminate, the surface is re-smoothed and another coat of paint is applied.

How to protect the coating of the car?

Protection of car paintwork involves the use of various drugs.

1. Application of polishes and waxes. These materials are able to add shine to the car, have a moisture-repellent base, and also protect against minor damage. In addition, they repel road dust and protect against organic attack. Service life - from one to three years, it depends on the price and quality of application.

2. The use of "liquid glass". This material is applied in a thick layer and creates a spectacular appearance. This glass film is able to protect the car for three years.

local car paintwork repair
local car paintwork repair

3. You need to know not only about the paintwork, what it is in the car, but also how to protect it. Another way to protect is the "liquid case", it is affordable, easy to apply and protects well from scratches, but its service life is quite short.

4. Protective film. It is applied to machine parts and adheres tightly to the previously cleaned surface. It has an aesthetic appearance, allows you to make the coating matte or more shiny.

5. Fabric cover. Fitted underspecific car. The disadvantage is the fact that small debris under the cover is difficult to trace, and it can significantly destroy the paintwork.

6. Plastic and acrylic deflectors that simply blow debris off the surface of the car.

Thus, it is important not only to properly prepare the surface for paint, choose the right material, but also to protect it from possible damage.