Honda DN-01 motorcycle: description, advantages and disadvantages

Honda DN-01 motorcycle: description, advantages and disadvantages
Honda DN-01 motorcycle: description, advantages and disadvantages

Honda DN-01 is a motorcycle that combines power, dynamism, smooth response to every movement of the rider, a comfortable fit and a complete lack of clutch and gearbox. What is actually the brainchild of Honda - a full-fledged motorcycle or another kind of scooter?

Motorcycle debut

At the Tokyo auto show in 2005, the Honda DN-01 was first demonstrated, which was immediately called an interesting kind of concept bike with the sad fate of being forgotten immediately after the appearance. The supposedly continuously variable transmission was supposed to guarantee excellent performance, which seemed like a pipe promise, standard on any concept.

honda dn 01 specs
honda dn 01 specs

However, sad assumptions did not materialize: many years of development and research were embodied in a model that inherited and combined all the technical and stylistic characteristics presented in the concept - Honda DN-01.


Unique design with low andelongated outlines, 17-inch wheels and a powerful two-cylinder engine literally scream that the Honda DN-01 belongs to motorcycles that guarantee perfect handling and enjoyment of the ride. For the first time in motorcycle history, the standard clutch has been replaced by a state-of-the-art automatic transmission designed specifically for two-wheelers. It delivers the same acceleration and power as traditional manual transmissions, leaving the driver free to focus on enjoying the ride.

honda dn 01 specifications
honda dn 01 specifications

Smooth and easy to handle, agile and technical Honda DN-01 should give pleasure to control a motorcycle. The motorcycle manufacturer achieved this goal by removing the traditional derailleur and clutch that have been installed on motorcycles for many decades. Such a move made it possible to finally eliminate errors when shifting gears, third-party noise and clanging appearing in the engine, to make driving the Honda DN-01 more comfortable and convenient, while reducing the load on the driver's wrists. Developed by Honda, the motorcycle adapts to the riding style, provides smooth and easy handling and quickly responds to speed changes even in an emergency.

Innovative transmission

Honda's engineers managed to achieve similar results thanks to the development of a new transmission. automatic boxgear shifting was designed to provide stepless power conversion, instant response to changing road conditions, confident response, optimized power flow to the drive wheel, and perfect steering control.

honda dn 01 air filter
honda dn 01 air filter

The innovative transmission was first installed on the Honda DN-01 in 2005 and was named "Friendly Transmission" or HFT. The development combines the ease of operation of a scooter with the precise performance of a classic motorcycle drivetrain. HFT delivers a smooth, light ride coupled with superb and dynamic acceleration, making the DN-01 a sporting concept that marks the beginning of a new generation of motorcycles.

Motorcycle Benefits

The main advantages of Honda DN-01 experts and motorcycle owners consider the following points:

  • Stylish and eye-catching design combined with high-gloss plastic and chrome finishes.
  • Easy and comfortable to drive with an automatic transmission that makes riding the Honda DN-01 much like riding a scooter.
  • Quality ABS system that controls the brake system and guarantees effective braking on any road surface.
  • Intuitive and easy to use electronic equipment, presented by the proprietary HISS ignition safety system.
  • Comfortable fit for short people is providedmaximum seat height of 69 centimeters.
honda dn 01
honda dn 01

Motorcycle Disadvantages

  • Insufficient engine power for such a vehicle.
  • Lack of adequate wind protection due to front fairing.
  • Small luggage space, requiring extra panniers for long journeys.
  • Riding on rough terrain is not particularly comfortable and convenient due to the small suspension travel.
  • Requires frequent replacement of the air filter.

Honda DN-01 is an innovative motorcycle that marked the beginning of a new generation of two-wheeled vehicles and combines the unique technologies and developments of the Honda concern. Despite initial skepticism, the DN-01 was able to gain love and popularity among motorists due to its convenient, simple and easy operation, power, dynamism and smooth ride - characteristics that not all analogues can boast of.
