Abrasive body polishing

Abrasive body polishing
Abrasive body polishing

Abrasive body polishing is a kind of restorative polishing. Its purpose is to buff out scratches and restore the original gloss and color of the paintwork. Abrasive polishing of the body is used when there are a lot of defects and scratches on the coating, but they do not reach the level of the primer. Because of this, painting is not required. If obvious damage is visible on the coating, then before deep polishing of the body is carried out, you need to resort to professional painting of the damaged areas. Such work will give an excellent result.

Abrasive body polishing
Abrasive body polishing

During auto repair, polishing removes scuffs, scratches, and cloudiness. These defects occur due to abrasive factors such as dirt, sand and dust. Chemical factors also affect - inorganic and organic s alts, acids and alkalis. Ordinary sunlight also has an effect. Such defects quickly arise if the owner of the car does not give his vehicle regular protective polishing, due to which the risk of damage to the paint is reduced.

The first stage is the removal of the top layer of the coating. The thickness is several microns. In general, the whole process is as follows:

Auto polishing
Auto polishing

1) Actually abrasive polishing of the body. It is carried out with the help of special pastes. The first step, which was mentioned earlier, is needed to remove the topmost layer of the coating. At the same time, all irregularities are smoothed out, small scratches are removed. There are coarse, medium and fine-grained pastes - the choice depends on what the surface itself is. Quite often they are used sequentially. Thanks to coarse-grained scratches are well smoothed out. Medium-grained pastes smooth out small scratches and erase the boundaries of old and fresh paint. Well, fine-grained products are struggling with a matte surface. It is very good to apply this method on a dark surface. It is also an excellent tool for dealing with circular divorces.

2) Car wash

Deep body polishing
Deep body polishing

la. It is also produced before the first stage. Washing is necessary to remove all contaminants, among which there are specific ones, for example, bituminous stains. After the car is washed, the surface must be thoroughly dried.

3) Soft polished. It is also carried out with the help of pastes. This is a fine polishing, due to which the body acquires a mirror shine. The pastes used in this case, in addition to shine, also provide reliable protection for the car.

4) Protective polishing. After the third stage, the coating needs regular protection, which will provide the car with a good appearance. It is recommended to apply a Teflon coating - it is considered the bestfor guard. The second most popular silicone layer also provides the car body with effective protection.

In conclusion, I would like to say something that was not mentioned at the very beginning. If a car needs polishing, it means that it has been through and seen a lot. It's worth spending money on. Abrasive polishing of the body is a necessary waste. After all, the better the car is protected, the longer it will last.
