2025 Author: Erin Ralphs | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-22 21:14
Cars running on diesel fuel are very picky about its quality. Bad fuel can cause pump failure and injector clogging. Repair of these elements is very costly. To eliminate possible risks, a fuel filter is installed in the system. KAMAZ "Euro-2" is also equipped with it. The element absorbs all the existing blockage. Today we will look at how the fuel filter works on a KamAZ car, as well as how to replace it.
The process of cleaning diesel fuel is carried out in several stages. The first is pre-filtration in the tank itself. The second is a rough cleaning of the fuel. And the final step is fine filtration.

The main difference between diesel and gasoline filters is the high efficiency of the former in protecting the combustion chamber from water penetration. By the way, fuel filter heating is installed on some trucks. KamAZ is no exception. This element prevents the formation of paraffin deposits onwalls. As a result of temperature fluctuations, especially in the autumn-winter period, diesel fuel freezes, releasing condensate. Heating and the filter itself do not allow water and paraffin to penetrate further along the lines into the combustion chamber. The smallest particles of these components can damage the nozzles and the pump.
At the moment, diesel cars of the Kama Automobile Plant are equipped with two types of elements. This is a fine fuel filter (KamAZ-5411 is also equipped with it) and coarse. How is each element arranged and working? Let's take a look.
Coarse cleaning
On what cars is a coarse fuel filter installed? KamAZ is equipped with them from the beginning of production. The first samples were on models 5320. This element consists of a metal case. A sump glass with a drain neck is attached to it with the help of a flange and bolts. A rubber gasket is also used for sealing. The housing has a fuel distributor, a damper, as well as a mesh filter element. When the engine is running, fuel enters through the lines into the distributor through the fitting. Further, the fuel enters the sump, where it is cleaned from large paraffin impurities and water.

After that, the fuel rises through the grid and, passing through the fuel outlet fitting, enters the pump.
On cars with a YaMZ-236 engine, this filter consists of a cover with a housing. Inside there is a mesh metal frame with a cotton cord. Fuel enters throughbody into the fitting and, being cleaned of impurities, penetrates into the low-pressure pump. Also during this operation, the fuel passes between the turns of the cord. If there is an air lock in the system, it is removed by unscrewing the filter. And the sediment is removed through a special neck located at the bottom of the case.
Fine cleaning
The purpose of this filter is the final cleaning of the fuel before it enters the high pressure pump. The element is located above the rest in the system. Because of this, air accumulates in it. On KamAZ vehicles, the fine fuel filter provides for a jet valve. Through it, you can bleed the air accumulated in the system.

How is the KamAZ Cummins fuel filter arranged? Its design assumes the presence of two paper elements. They are made of special porous paper and are arranged parallel to each other. The filter element is fixed in the housing on the rod and is pressed by means of a spring. This body is connected to the glass with a bolt and a sealing washer. Rubber gaskets are provided to prevent leakage. The sludge drain plug is located in the element stem. By the way, the fuel filter automatically bleeds air on KamAZ vehicles if the pressure reaches 0.04 MPa. Airy fuel will be returned to the tank.
How is the cleaning procedure? The principle of operation here is the following. The fuel priming pump pushes the fuel into the filter housing, where it is directed to the glass. Passing through the pores of the paper elements, it is cleaned and fed further into the central rod. Then it is sent through the fittings to the high pressure pump, and then to the nozzles. This is how the fuel filter KamAZ "Cummins" works. It is believed that this design allows for the most complete cleaning of fuel from dirt and deposits.
Reviews of motorists say that, depending on operating conditions, these elements must be changed after 7-12 thousand kilometers. As for the coarse filters, they can simply be blown through with high air pressure and the sediment drained off. The washed element is ready for use again. By the way, the price for a KamAZ fuel filter is from 900 to 1200 rubles (meaning fine cleaning). But with a long service life, it is still necessary to replace the coarse cleaning element. Below we will tell you how to do it yourself.
When the resource of the element has come to an end, it is necessary to replace the fuel filter. This will require a 12 head and WD-40. Soak the filter mounting bolts last if they are rusty.

On KamAZ vehicles, the element is mounted on four bolts. Next, remove the cover and take out the coarse filter. As a rule, at its bottom there will be a residue of dirty fuel. We drain it using the drainage hole at the bottom. The glass itself must be thoroughly rinsed from solid particles, especially at the bottom. Next, you need to put a new filter and pour 100-200 milliliters to the bottomdiesel fuel.
If the fixing bolts are very rusty and difficult to unscrew, replace them with new ones. To make it easy to unscrew them in the future, treat the threads with Litol or graphite grease. Also, when replacing, pay attention to the condition of the fittings and pipes. If they are cracked, they must be replaced.
How to change the fine filter
If you want to replace it, you need to close the gas tank valve. This is necessary in order not to spill fuel during the dismantling of the element. Next, carefully wash the outer planes from accumulated dirt. Do not ignore this point, as when replacing there is a risk of contamination of the cavity of the elements, due to which the dirt will clog on the nozzles. Having thoroughly cleaned the filter and its contact elements from dust, we proceed to disassembly.
Preparing a small container. Unscrew the drain valve 1.5-2 turns. After that, a small amount of fuel will pour out. Next, the bolts for fastening the fine fuel filter are removed along with the sealing rubber bands and the spring. The inside is thoroughly washed to prevent dust from penetrating further along the highways.

By the way, this can be done with a piece of cloth soaked in the same diesel fuel. Then we install the new element in place and assemble in the reverse order. As in the previous case, we inspect all sealing and connecting elements. If they are cracked or stretched, they must be replaced with new ones.
How to determine wear?
Owner reviewsKamAZ vehicles say that clogging of the fuel filter is quite easy to determine. As the car becomes dirty, traction will disappear. The car jerks at speed. You may also experience increased fuel consumption.

Riding with a dirty element is highly discouraged. According to statistics, 40 percent of all breakdowns of diesel units are due to dirty filter elements. Remember that the reliability of the entire engine depends on the purity of these parts, including the injection pump, the cost of which starts at $ 200. Always keep new filters on hand to change them in time if necessary, especially if the truck travels long distances.
Maintenance of the fuel system of the KamAZ car
The fuel filter must not show signs of leakage at its connection points. Before leaving the park, all pipelines of the system are checked. In winter, it is necessary to top up the fuel to a full tank before parking (even for one night).

Otherwise, condensation will form on its walls, which will reduce the filtering ability of the element. Periodically, it is necessary to drain the sediment from the coarse and fine filters (at least once every 5 thousand kilometers).
This operation is performed on a warm engine. To do this, unscrew the drain plugs and substitute a container for sludge. Drain it until clean fuel flows out. After that, twist the cork and pumpsystem to avoid air pockets. The latter can be bled through the top valve. It is also recommended to flush the fuel tank from sediment accumulated in it once every 2 years. And for more thorough processing, motorists put an additional element.
So, we found out what the coarse and fine fuel filters installed on domestically produced KamAZ vehicles are.
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